CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION app_screen.a_pm_4g_ct_share_day(vi_date character varying) RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ DECLARE v_date timestamp; v_next_day timestamp; v_begin_time timestamp; v_sql text; BEGIN v_date := vi_date::timestamp; v_next_day := vi_date::timestamp + '1 day'::interval; v_begin_time := clock_timestamp(); --������Ź��� v_sql := 'drop table if exists a_pm_info'; execute v_sql; v_sql := 'create temporary table a_pm_info ( city varchar ,county varchar ,vendor varchar ,eci varchar ,cell_name varchar )'; execute v_sql; v_sql := 'insert into a_pm_info ( city ,county ,vendor ,eci ,cell_name ) select city ,county ,vendor ,''127.''||enbid||''.''||cellid ,cell_name from pm_parse.pm_ct_cell_info_4g'; execute v_sql; -- ȡ��æʱ v_sql := 'drop table if exists a_pm_4g_ct_share_day_tmp00'; execute v_sql; v_sql := 'create temporary table a_pm_4g_ct_share_day_tmp00 ( eci varchar ,total_tra_mb numeric )'; execute v_sql; v_sql := 'insert into a_pm_4g_ct_share_day_tmp00 select eci,max(total_tra_mb) from pm_parse.pm_4g_hour_'|| vi_date ||' group by eci'; execute v_sql; v_sql := 'drop table if exists a_pm_4g_ct_share_day_tmp01'; execute v_sql; v_sql := 'create temporary table a_pm_4g_ct_share_day_tmp01 ( eci varchar ,dl_prb_utilization numeric )'; execute v_sql; v_sql := 'insert into a_pm_4g_ct_share_day_tmp01 select a.eci,max(dl_prb_utilization) from pm_parse.pm_4g_hour_'|| vi_date ||' a join a_pm_4g_ct_share_day_tmp00 b on a.eci = b.eci and a.total_tra_mb = b.total_tra_mb where a.isp = ''����'' group by a.eci'; execute v_sql; v_sql := 'drop table if exists a_pm_4g_ct_share_day_tmp02'; execute v_sql; v_sql := 'create temporary table a_pm_4g_ct_share_day_tmp02 ( eci varchar ,total_tra_mb numeric ,rrc_max numeric ,erab_suc numeric ,erab_req numeric ,rrc_suc numeric ,rrc_req numeric ,erab_abnormal_release numeric ,lte_drop numeric ,x2_ho_out_suc numeric ,s1_ho_out_suc numeric ,x2_ho_out_req numeric ,s1_ho_out_req numeric ,dl_speed_mbps numeric ,erab_suc_qci1 numeric ,erab_req_qci1 numeric ,erab_abnormal_qci1 numeric ,erab_normal_qci1 numeric ,ul_pdcp_package_drop numeric ,ul_pdcp_package_total numeric ,dl_pdcp_package_drop numeric ,dl_pdcp_package_total numeric )'; execute v_sql; v_sql := 'insert into a_pm_4g_ct_share_day_tmp02 select eci ,PDCP_SDU_VOL_UL_plmn2 + PDCP_SDU_VOL_DL_plmn2 total_tra_mb ,effectiveconnmean_plmn2 rrc_max ,erab_suc ,erab_req ,rrc_suc ,rrc_req ,erab_abnormal_release ,lte_drop ,x2_ho_out_suc ,s1_ho_out_suc ,x2_ho_out_req ,s1_ho_out_req ,dl_speed_mbps ,erab_suc_qci1 ,erab_req_qci1 ,erab_abnormal_qci1 ,erab_normal_qci1 ,ul_pdcp_package_drop ,ul_pdcp_package_total ,dl_pdcp_package_drop ,dl_pdcp_package_total from pm_parse.pm_4g_day_'|| vi_date ||' where isp = ''����'' and share = ''��'''; execute v_sql; -- ɾ����ǰʱ������ v_sql := 'delete from app_screen.a_pm_4g_ct_share_day where sdate = '''|| v_date ||''''; execute v_sql; -- ����Ŀ������ v_sql := 'insert into app_screen.a_pm_4g_ct_share_day ( sdate ,city ,county ,cell_number ,dl_prb_utilization ,busy_avg_dl_prb_utilization ,total_tra_mb ,rrc_max ,radio_conn_suc_r ,lte_drop_r ,ho_out_suc_r ,dl_speed_mbps_avg_d ,erab_suc_r_qci1 ,lte_drop_r_qci1 ,ul_pdcp_package_drop_ratio_qci1 ,dl_pdcp_package_drop_ratio_qci1 ) select '''|| v_date ||''' ,COALESCE(,''�ϼ�'') city ,COALESCE(a.county,''�ϼ�'') county ,count(distinct d.eci) cell_number ,avg(c.dl_prb_utilization)*100 dl_prb_utilization ,case when count(distinct d.eci) = 0 then 0 else sum(case when c.dl_prb_utilization*100 > 65 then 1 else 0 end)*1.0/count(distinct d.eci)*100 end busy_avg_dl_prb_utilization ,sum(d.total_tra_mb) total_tra_mb ,round(avg(d.rrc_max),0) rrc_max ,round((case when sum(d.erab_req)=0 then 0 else (sum(d.erab_suc)/sum(d.erab_req)) end) *100,2) radio_conn_suc_r ,round((case when sum(d.lte_drop) = 0 then 0 else sum(d.erab_abnormal_release)/sum(d.lte_drop) end) *100,2) lte_drop_r ,round((case when sum(d.x2_ho_out_req+d.s1_ho_out_req) = 0 then 0 else sum(d.x2_ho_out_suc+d.s1_ho_out_suc)/sum(d.x2_ho_out_req+d.s1_ho_out_req) end) *100,2) ho_out_suc_r ,round(avg(d.dl_speed_mbps),2) dl_speed_mbps_avg_d ,round((case when sum(d.erab_req_qci1) = 0 then 0 else sum(d.erab_suc_qci1)/sum(d.erab_req_qci1) end) *100,2) erab_suc_r_qci1 ,round((case when sum(d.erab_abnormal_qci1+d.erab_normal_qci1) = 0 then 0 else sum(d.erab_abnormal_qci1)/sum(d.erab_abnormal_qci1+d.erab_normal_qci1) end) *100,2) lte_drop_r_qci1 ,round((case when sum(d.ul_pdcp_package_total) = 0 then 0 else sum(d.ul_pdcp_package_drop)/sum(d.ul_pdcp_package_total) end)*100,2) ul_pdcp_package_drop_ratio_qci1 ,round((case when sum(d.dl_pdcp_package_total) = 0 then 0 else sum(d.dl_pdcp_package_drop)/sum(d.dl_pdcp_package_total) end)*100,2) dl_pdcp_package_drop_ratio_qci1 from a_pm_info a left join a_pm_4g_ct_share_day_tmp01 c on a.eci = c.eci left join a_pm_4g_ct_share_day_tmp02 d on a.eci = d.eci group by grouping sets((),(,(,a.county))'; execute v_sql; -- �����ʲ�С��������ռ�� v_sql := 'update app_screen.a_pm_4g_ct_share_day a set poor_cell_num = b.poor_cell_num,poor_cell_ratio = b.poor_cell_ratio from( select city ,county ,poor_cell_num ,poor_cell_ratio from app_screen.a_pm_4g_poor_cell_day where sdate = '''|| v_date ||''' and operators = ''����'' ) b where a.sdate = '''|| v_date ||''' and = and a.county = b.county'; execute v_sql; -- ����mr v_sql := 'update app_screen.a_pm_4g_ct_share_day a set poor_samples_110 = b.poor_samples_110,rsrp_samples = b.rsrp_samples,cove_rage = b.cove_rage from app_screen.a_pm_4g_mr_ct_share_day b where a.county = ''�ϼ�'' and a.sdate = '''|| v_date ||''' and b.sdate = (select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_4g_mr_ct_share_day) and ='; execute v_sql; return '0'; END; $function$ ;