123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570 |
- <?php
- namespace app\commands;
- use app\models\Linkmenu;
- use app\modules\car\models\FCarInfo;
- use app\modules\car\models\FCarsDetailData;
- use app\modules\car\models\FOneCarOneTable;
- use yii\console\Controller;
- use Yii;
- class ValueController extends Controller
- {
- public $carTypes;
- public $cityOptions;
- public $carUseTypes;
- public $carSourceTypes;
- public $carCity;
- public $carYears;
- public $province = '河北';//默认省份
- public $provinceOptions;
- public function init()
- {
- $this->cityOptions = ['石家庄','机动局','保定','唐山','廊坊','张家口','承德','沧州','秦皇岛','衡水','邢台','邯郸','雄安','省本部'];
- //北十省份
- $provinceResult = Yii::$app->db->createCommand("select distinct(province) from wz_f_ten_northern_provinces_stat")->queryAll();
- foreach($provinceResult as $uprovince)
- {
- $this->provinceOptions[] = $uprovince['province'];
- }
- $carUseTypesResult = FCarInfo::find()->select('distinct(using_tag)')->orderBy(['using_tag'=>SORT_ASC])->all();
- foreach($carUseTypesResult as $unit)
- {
- $this->carUseTypes[] = $unit['using_tag'];
- }
- $carSourceTypesResult = FCarInfo::find()->select('distinct(self_rent)')->orderBy(['self_rent'=>SORT_ASC])->all();
- foreach($carSourceTypesResult as $unit)
- {
- $this->carSourceTypes[] = $unit['self_rent'];
- }
- }
- public function actionIndex()
- {
- $this->_doreport();
- $this->_dowave();
- }
- //车辆专题报告
- private function _doreport()
- {
- $url = $this->createRealUrl('car/default/report');
- https_request($url);
- }
- //波动分析缓存
- private function _dowave()
- {
- $url = $this->createRealUrl('car/wave/index');
- for($i=1;$i<=9;$i++)
- {
- for($j=1;$j<=2;$j++)
- {
- $params[] = "type=$i";
- $params[] = "start_month=1";
- $params[] = "end_month=".intval(date('m'));
- $params[] = "datatype=".$j;
- $params[] = "year=".date('Y');
- $cacheurl = $url.'&'.join('&',$params);
- https_request($cacheurl);
- }
- }
- }
- //生成含入口脚本的URL地址
- public function createRealUrl($params)
- {
- $url = WEB_URL.'index.html' ;
- return $url.'?r='.$params.'&docache=1';
- }
- public function getWhere($query, $params=[], $isnull = [])
- {
- $where = [];
- $tables = [];
- $tablefrom = $query->getTablesUsedInFrom();
- foreach ($tablefrom as $v){
- $tables[] = str_replace(array('{{%','}}'),"",$v);
- }
- foreach ((array)$query->join as $v){
- $tables[] = str_replace(array('{{%','}}'),"",$v[1]);
- }
- $yeartables = [
- 'f_car_condition'=>'year',
- 'f_cars_detail_data'=>'year',
- 'f_deta_illegal_using_car'=>'year',
- 'f_fluc_cost_hkm'=>'year',
- 'f_fluc_fuel_hkm'=>'year',
- 'f_fluc_illegal_using_car'=>'year',
- 'f_fluc_inefficient_car'=>'year',
- 'f_fuel_hkm'=>'year',
- 'f_mileage_attend'=>'year',
- 'f_one_car_cost'=>'year',
- 'f_one_car_one_table'=>'year_info',
- 'f_operating_cost_monitor'=>'year',
- 'f_rent_car_cost'=>'year',
- 'f_stats_cost_avg'=>'year',
- 'f_stats_cost_hkm'=>'year',
- 'f_stats_fuel_hkm'=>'year',
- 'f_stats_illegal_using_car'=>'year',
- 'f_stats_inefficient_car'=>'year',
- 'f_t_car_status'=>'year',
- 'f_t_car_status_fuel'=>'year',
- 'f_t_one_car_avg'=>'year',
- 'f_violating_order'=>'year',
- 'f_year_car_cost'=>'year',
- ];
- $citytables = [
- 'f_car_info'=>'city',
- 'f_cars_detail_data'=>'city',
- 'f_cost_abn_order'=>'city',
- 'f_fluc_cost_hkm'=>'city',
- 'f_fluc_fuel_hkm'=>'city',
- 'f_fluc_illegal_using_car'=>'city',
- 'f_fluc_inefficient_car'=>'city',
- 'f_stats_cost_avg'=>'city',
- 'f_stats_cost_hkm'=>'city',
- 'f_stats_fuel_hkm'=>'city',
- 'f_stats_illegal_using_car'=>'city',
- 'f_stats_inefficient_car'=>'city',
- 'f_t_car_status'=>'city',
- 'f_t_one_car_avg'=>'city',
- 'f_year_car_cost'=>'city',
- ];
- //序列化查询语句
- $_where = [];
- foreach ($tables as $v){
- if($this->carCity && in_array($v,array_keys($citytables))){
- $_where[$citytables[$v]] = $this->carCity;
- }
- if($this->carYears && in_array($v,array_keys($yeartables))){
- $_where[$yeartables[$v]] = $this->carYears;
- }
- }
- foreach ($_where as $k=>$v){
- $where[] = $k . (is_array($v) ? ( count($v)>1 ? " in ('".implode("','",$v)."')" : " = '".current($v)."'") : " = '".$v."'");
- }
- //日期选择
- $yearField = 'year';
- $monthField = 'month';
- foreach ($tables as $v){
- if($v=='f_one_car_one_table') {
- $yearField = 'year_info';
- $monthField = 'month_info';
- }
- }
- if(!empty($params['start_date'])&&!empty($params['end_date']))
- {
- $startdateInfo = explode('-',$params['start_date']);
- $start_year = $startdateInfo[0];
- $start_month = intval($startdateInfo[1]);
- $enddateInfo = explode('-',$params['end_date']);
- $end_year = $enddateInfo[0];
- $end_month = intval($enddateInfo[1]);
- if(!empty($start_year)&&!empty($end_year))$where[] = " ($yearField>=$start_year and $yearField<=$end_year) ";
- if(!empty($start_month)&&!empty($end_month))$where[] = " ($monthField>=$start_month and $monthField<=$end_month) ";
- }
- if(!empty($params['date'])) {
- $dateInfo = explode('-', $params['date']);
- $year = $dateInfo[0];
- $month = intval($dateInfo[1]);
- if(!empty($year))$where[] = " $yearField = $year ";
- if(!empty($month))$where[] = " $monthField = $month ";
- }
- //地市选择
- if(!empty($params['city'])||!empty($params['city_1'])||!empty($params['city_2'])||!empty($params['city_3']))
- {
- if($params['city_3'])
- {
- $cityInfo = Linkmenu::getMenuNameRs($params['city_3']);
- }
- else if($params['city_2'])
- {
- $cityInfo = Linkmenu::getMenuNameRs($params['city_2']);
- }
- else if($params['city_1'])
- {
- $cityInfo = Linkmenu::getMenuNameRs($params['city_1']);
- }
- if(!empty($cityInfo[0]))$where[] = " city = '".$cityInfo[0]."' ";
- if(!empty($cityInfo[1])){
- $where[] = " dpt_sec = '".$cityInfo[1]."' ";
- }elseif(in_array('dpt_sec',$isnull)){
- $where[] = !empty($cityInfo[0]) ? " dpt_sec is not null " : " dpt_sec is null ";
- }
- if(!empty($cityInfo[2])){
- $where[] = " grid = '".$cityInfo[2]."' ";
- }elseif(in_array('grid',$isnull)){
- $where[] = !empty($cityInfo[1]) ? " grid is not null " : " grid is null ";
- }
- }
- if(!empty($params['card_num']))$where[] = " card_num = '".$params['card_num']."' ";
- if(!empty($params['car_type'])){
- $where[] = " car_type = '".$params['car_type']."' ";
- }elseif(in_array('car_type',$isnull)){
- $where[] = " car_type is null ";
- }
- if(!empty($params['using_tag'])){
- $where[] = " using_tag = '".$params['using_tag']."' ";
- }elseif(in_array('using_tag',$isnull)){
- $where[] = " using_tag is null ";
- }
- if(!empty($params['self_rent'])){
- $where[] = " self_rent = '".$params['self_rent']."' ";
- }elseif(in_array('self_rent',$isnull)){
- $where[] = " self_rent is null ";
- }
- if(!empty($params['car_src'])){
- $where[] = " car_src = '".$params['car_src']."' ";
- }elseif(in_array('car_src',$isnull)){
- $where[] = " car_src is null ";
- }
- return $where;
- }
- /*
- * 取得一车一表SQL语句或数据
- */
- public function getOneCarOneTable($params=[],$field = '*',$setYears=true,$ressql = true)
- {
- $params = $params ? $params : Yii::$app->request->get();
- $tableschema = FOneCarOneTable::getTableSchema();
- $columns = array_keys($tableschema->columns);
- $query = FOneCarOneTable::find();
- $where = [];
- //限定年份数据
- if($setYears && $this->carYears && $this->role_id>1 && in_array('year_info',$columns)){
- $where[] = 'year_info' . (is_array($this->carYears) ? ( count($this->carYears)>1 ? " in ('".implode("','",$this->carYears)."')" : " = '".current($this->carYears)."'") : " = '".$this->carYears."'");
- }
- //没有设定年份,取当年
- if(!empty($params['start_date'])&&!empty($params['end_date']))
- {
- $startdateInfo = explode('-',$params['start_date']);
- $start_year = $startdateInfo[0];
- $start_month = intval($startdateInfo[1]);
- $enddateInfo = explode('-',$params['end_date']);
- $end_year = $enddateInfo[0];
- $end_month = intval($enddateInfo[1]);
- if(!empty($start_year)&&!empty($end_year))$where[] = " (year_info>=$start_year and year_info<=$end_year) ";
- if(!empty($start_month)&&!empty($end_month))$where[] = " (month_info>=$start_month and month_info<=$end_month) ";
- }
- if(!empty($params['date'])) {
- $dateInfo = explode('-', $params['date']);
- $year = $dateInfo[0];
- $month = intval($dateInfo[1]);
- if(!empty($year))$where[] = " year_info = $year ";
- if(!empty($month))$where[] = " month_info = $month ";
- }
- foreach ($params as $k=>$v){
- if(in_array($k,$columns) && trim($v)!==''&&$k!='city'){
- if ($tableschema->columns[$k]->phpType=='string'){
- $where[] = $k . " = '".$v."'";
- }else{
- $where[] = $k . " = ".$v;
- }
- }
- }
- if(!empty($where)){
- $sql = join(" and ",$where);
- $query->where($sql);
- }
- $query->select($field);
- if($ressql){
- return $query->createCommand()->getRawSql();
- }else{
- return $query->asArray()->all();
- }
- }
- /*
- * 取得车辆基础表SQL或数据
- */
- public function getCarInfo($params=[],$field = '*',$setCity=true,$ressql = true)
- {
- $params = $params ? $params : Yii::$app->request->get();
- $tableschema = FCarInfo::getTableSchema();
- $columns = array_keys($tableschema->columns);
- $query = FCarInfo::find();
- $where = [];
- if($setCity && $this->carCity && $this->role_id>1 && in_array('city',$columns)){
- $where[] = 'city' . (is_array($this->carCity) ? ( count($this->carCity)>1 ? " in ('".implode("','",$this->carCity)."')" : " = '".current($this->carCity)."'") : " = '".$this->carCity."'");
- }
- foreach ($params as $k=>$v){
- if(in_array($k,$columns) && trim($v)!==''&&$k!='city'){
- if($k=='card_num'){
- $where[] = $k . " LIKE '%".$v."%'";
- }elseif ($tableschema->columns[$k]->phpType=='string'){
- $where[] = $k . " = '".$v."'";
- }else{
- $where[] = $k . " = ".$v;
- }
- }
- }
- //地市选择
- if(!empty($params['city'])||!empty($params['city_1'])||!empty($params['city_2'])||!empty($params['city_3']))
- {
- if($params['city_3'])
- {
- $cityInfo = Linkmenu::getMenuNameRs($params['city_3']);
- }
- else if($params['city_2'])
- {
- $cityInfo = Linkmenu::getMenuNameRs($params['city_2']);
- }
- else if($params['city_1'])
- {
- $cityInfo = Linkmenu::getMenuNameRs($params['city_1']);
- }
- if(!empty($cityInfo[0]))$where[] = " city = '".$cityInfo[0]."' ";
- if(!empty($cityInfo[1])) $where[] = " dpt_sec = '".$cityInfo[1]."' ";
- if(!empty($cityInfo[2]))$where[] = " grid = '".$cityInfo[2]."' ";
- }
- //附加的地市条件
- if(!empty($params['city_name_1'])||!empty($params['city_name_2'])||!empty($params['city_name_3']))
- {
- if(!empty($params['city_name_1']))$where[] = " city = '".$params['city_name_1']."' ";
- if(!empty($params['city_name_2'])) $where[] = " dpt_sec = '".$params['city_name_2']."' ";
- if(!empty($params['city_name_3']))$where[] = " grid = '".$params['city_name_3']."' ";
- }
- if(!empty($where)){
- $sql = join(" and ",$where);
- $query->where($sql);
- }
- $query->select($field);
- if($ressql){
- return $query->createCommand()->getRawSql();
- }else{
- return $query->asArray()->all();;
- }
- }
- /*
- * 拼接评价报表SQL及取得分页数据
- */
- public function getPingjiaData($table,$field='*',$params=[],$all=0)
- {
- $params = $params ? $params : Yii::$app->request->get();
- if(!empty($params['city_1'])||!empty($params['city_2'])||!empty($params['city_3']))
- {
- if($params['city_3'])
- {
- $cityInfo = Linkmenu::getMenuNameRs($params['city_3']);
- }
- else if($params['city_2'])
- {
- $cityInfo = Linkmenu::getMenuNameRs($params['city_2']);
- }
- else if($params['city_1'])
- {
- $cityInfo = Linkmenu::getMenuNameRs($params['city_1']);
- }
- $params['city'] = $cityInfo[0];
- $params['dpt_sec'] = $cityInfo[1];
- $params['grid'] = $cityInfo[2];
- }
- $groupby = 'ci.city';
- if(!empty($params['city'])){
- $groupby = 'ci.dpt_sec';
- $field .= ',ci.dpt_sec';
- }
- if(!empty($params['dpt_sec'])){
- $groupby = 'ci.grid';
- $field .= ',ci.grid';
- }
- if(!empty($params['card_num'])){
- $groupby = 'ci.card_num';
- $field .= ',ci.card_num,ci.self_rent,ci.car_type,ci.using_tag';
- }
- if(!empty($params['grid']) && stripos($table,'card_num')!==false){
- $groupby = 'ci.card_num';
- $field .= ',ci.card_num,ci.self_rent,ci.car_type,ci.using_tag';
- }
- if(!empty($params['car_type'])){
- $field .= ',ci.car_type';
- }
- if(!empty($params['using_tag'])){
- $field .= ',ci.using_tag';
- }
- if(!empty($params['self_rent'])){
- $field .= ',ci.self_rent';
- }
- if($all==0)
- {
- $count_sql = 'SELECT `city` FROM '.$table. ' GROUP BY ' . $groupby;
- $connection = Yii::$app->db;
- $count = count($connection->createCommand($count_sql)->queryAll());
- $sql = 'SELECT '. $field .' FROM '.$table. ' GROUP BY ' . $groupby;
- }
- else
- {
- $count_sql = 'SELECT `city` FROM '.$table;
- $connection = Yii::$app->db;
- $count = count($connection->createCommand($count_sql)->queryAll());
- $sql = 'SELECT '. $field .' FROM '.$table;
- }
- //没有设定年份,取当年
- if(!empty($params['start_date'])&&!empty($params['end_date']))
- {
- $startdateInfo = explode('-',$params['start_date']);
- $start_year = $startdateInfo[0];
- $start_month = intval($startdateInfo[1]);
- $enddateInfo = explode('-',$params['end_date']);
- $end_year = $enddateInfo[0];
- $end_month = intval($enddateInfo[1]);
- $year = !empty($end_year) ? $end_year : date('Y');
- }
- else
- {
- $year = !empty($params['year']) ? $params['year'] : date('Y');
- $start_month = intval($params['start_month'])?intval($params['start_month']):1;
- $end_month = intval($params['end_month'])?intval($params['end_month']):12;
- }
- $sql = str_replace(['年份','起始月份','终止月份'],[$year,$start_month,$end_month],$sql);
- //排序
- if(isset($params['sort']))
- {
- $sql .= ' ORDER BY ' .$params['sort'].' '.(isset($params['sortOrder']) && $params['sortOrder']=='asc'?'ASC':'DESC');
- }
- //分页
- if(isset($params['limit'])){
- $sql .= ' LIMIT ';
- if(isset($params['offset'])){
- $sql .= $params['offset']. ',';
- }
- $sql .= $params['limit'];
- }
- $data = $connection->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
- if(!empty($data[0]['city']))
- {
- $data = $this->arrayByArraySort($data,$this->cityOptions,'city');
- }
- return ["total"=>$count,"totalNotFiltered"=>$count,"rows"=>$data];
- }
- function arrayByArraySort($data,$sort,$column=null){
- $temp = [];
- if (!is_null($column)){
- foreach ($data as $item){
- $temp[$item[$column]][] = $item;
- }
- }else{
- foreach ($data as $key => $item){
- $temp[$key] = [$item];
- }
- }
- $ret = [];
- foreach ($sort as $sortum){
- if (isset($temp[$sortum])){
- $ret = array_merge($ret,$temp[$sortum]);
- }
- }
- $ret = array_values($ret);
- return $ret;
- }
- /*
- * 取得车辆详情表SQL或数据
- */
- public function getCarsDetailData($params=[],$field = '*',$setYears=true,$ressql = true)
- {
- $params = $params ? $params : Yii::$app->request->get();
- $tableschema = FCarsDetailData::getTableSchema();
- $columns = array_keys($tableschema->columns);
- $query = FCarsDetailData::find();
- $where = [];
- if($setYears && $this->carYears && $this->role_id>1 && in_array('year',$columns)){
- $where[] = 'year' . (is_array($this->carYears) ? ( count($this->carYears)>1 ? " in ('".implode("','",$this->carYears)."')" : " = '".current($this->carYears)."'") : " = '".$this->carYears."'");
- }
- foreach ($params as $k=>$v){
- if(in_array($k,$columns) && trim($v)!==''){
- if ($tableschema->columns[$k]->phpType=='string'){
- $where[] = $k . " = '".$v."'";
- }else{
- $where[] = $k . " = ".$v;
- }
- }
- }
- //没有设定年份,取当年
- if(!empty($params['start_date'])&&!empty($params['end_date']))
- {
- $startdateInfo = explode('-',$params['start_date']);
- $start_year = $startdateInfo[0];
- $start_month = intval($startdateInfo[1]);
- $enddateInfo = explode('-',$params['end_date']);
- $end_year = $enddateInfo[0];
- $end_month = intval($enddateInfo[1]);
- if(!empty($start_year)&&!empty($end_year))$where[] = " (year>=$start_year and year<=$end_year) ";
- if(!empty($start_month)&&!empty($end_month))$where[] = " (month>=$start_month and month<=$end_month) ";
- }
- if(!empty($params['date'])) {
- $dateInfo = explode('-', $params['date']);
- $year = $dateInfo[0];
- $month = intval($dateInfo[1]);
- if(!empty($year))$where[] = " year = $year ";
- if(!empty($month))$where[] = " month = $month ";
- }
- if(!empty($where)){
- $sql = join(" and ",$where);
- $query->where($sql);
- }
- $query->select($field);
- if($ressql){
- return $query->createCommand()->getRawSql();
- }else{
- return $query->asArray()->all();
- }
- }
- }