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  5. <title>Issue 369: Indian Currency Not Showing In Pdf Export</title>
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  42. function doDocCreated(doc) {
  43. // In the next line replace <base64> with a base64 encoded font,
  44. // e.g Hind-Regular.ttf from Google Fonts family "Hind".
  45. // To do this, you need to upload your Indian font to a Base64 file encoder
  46. // and use its output in place of <base64> while preserving the apostrophes
  47. // so it would look similar like this:
  48. // const _fonts = "AAEAAAARAQAABAAQR0RFRkN6Q0gAAAMAAAAAxEdQT1Mmhse6AA ... kUBu/5FAbtAAAA=";
  49. const _fonts = "<base64>";
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  75. <table id="issue369" class="">
  76. <caption>Issue 369: Indian Currency Not Showing In Pdf Export</caption>
  77. <thead>
  78. <tr>
  79. <th>नमस्ते</th>
  80. <th>नमस्ते</th>
  81. <th>नमस्ते</th>
  82. </thead>
  83. <tbody>
  84. <tr>
  85. <td>नमस्ते</td><td>नमस्ते</td><td>₹500</td>
  86. </tr>
  87. <tr>
  88. <td>नमस्ते</td><td>नमस्ते</td><td>₹600</td>
  89. </tr>
  90. <tr>
  91. <td>नमस्ते</td><td>नमस्ते</td><td>₹8000</td>
  92. </tr>
  93. </tbody>
  94. </table>
  95. </body>
  96. </html>