function dselectUpdate(button, classElement, classToggler) { const value = button.dataset.dselectValue; const target = button.closest(`.${classElement}`).previousElementSibling; const toggler = target.nextElementSibling.getElementsByClassName(classToggler)[0]; const input = target.nextElementSibling.querySelector("input"); if (target.multiple) { Array.from(target.options).filter((option) => option.value === value)[0].selected = true; } else { target.value = value; } if (target.multiple) {; } target.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); toggler.focus(); if (input) { input.value = ""; } } function dselectRemoveTag(button, classElement, classToggler) { const value = button.parentNode.dataset.dselectValue; const target = button.closest(`.${classElement}`).previousElementSibling; const toggler = target.nextElementSibling.getElementsByClassName(classToggler)[0]; const input = target.nextElementSibling.querySelector("input"); Array.from(target.options).filter((option) => option.value === value)[0].selected = false; target.dispatchEvent(new Event("change"));; if (input) { input.value = ""; } } function dselectSearch(event, input, classElement, classToggler, creatable) { const filterValue = input.value.toLowerCase().trim(); const itemsContainer = input.nextElementSibling; const headers = itemsContainer.querySelectorAll(".dropdown-header"); const items = itemsContainer.querySelectorAll(".dropdown-item"); const noResults = itemsContainer.nextElementSibling; headers.forEach((i) => i.classList.add("d-none")); for (const item of items) { const filterText = item.textContent; if (filterText.toLowerCase().indexOf(filterValue) > -1) { item.classList.remove("d-none"); let header = item; while (header = header.previousElementSibling) { if (header.classList.contains("dropdown-header")) { header.classList.remove("d-none"); break; } } } else { item.classList.add("d-none"); } } const found = Array.from(items).filter((i) => !i.classList.contains("d-none") && !i.hasAttribute("hidden")); if (found.length < 1) { noResults.classList.remove("d-none"); itemsContainer.classList.add("d-none"); if (creatable) { noResults.innerHTML = `Press Enter to add "${input.value}"`; if (event.key === "Enter") { const target = input.closest(`.${classElement}`).previousElementSibling; const toggler = target.nextElementSibling.getElementsByClassName(classToggler)[0]; target.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", ``); target.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); input.value = ""; input.dispatchEvent(new Event("keyup"));; toggler.focus(); } } } else { noResults.classList.add("d-none"); itemsContainer.classList.remove("d-none"); } } function dselectClear(button, classElement) { const target = button.closest(`.${classElement}`).previousElementSibling; Array.from(target.options).forEach((option) => option.selected = false); target.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); } function dselect(el, option = {}) { = "none"; const classElement = "dselect-wrapper"; const classNoResults = "dselect-no-results"; const classTag = "dselect-tag"; const classTagRemove = "dselect-tag-remove"; const classPlaceholder = "dselect-placeholder"; const classClearBtn = "dselect-clear"; const classTogglerClearable = "dselect-clearable"; const defaultSearch = false; const defaultCreatable = false; const defaultClearable = false; const defaultMaxHeight = "360px"; const defaultSize = ""; const search = attrBool("search") || || defaultSearch; const creatable = attrBool("creatable") || option.creatable || defaultCreatable; const clearable = attrBool("clearable") || option.clearable || defaultClearable; const maxHeight = el.dataset.dselectMaxHeight || option.maxHeight || defaultMaxHeight; let size = el.dataset.dselectSize || option.size || defaultSize; size = size !== "" ? ` form-select-${size}` : ""; const classToggler = `form-select${size}`; const searchInput = search ? `` : ""; function attrBool(attr) { const attribute = `data-dselect-${attr}`; if (!el.hasAttribute(attribute)) return null; const value = el.getAttribute(attribute); return value.toLowerCase() === "true"; } function removePrev() { if (el.nextElementSibling && el.nextElementSibling.classList && el.nextElementSibling.classList.contains(classElement)) { el.nextElementSibling.remove(); } } function isPlaceholder(option2) { return option2.getAttribute("value") === ""; } function selectedTag(options, multiple) { if (multiple) { const selectedOptions = Array.from(options).filter((option2) => option2.selected && !isPlaceholder(option2)); const placeholderOption = Array.from(options).filter((option2) => isPlaceholder(option2)); let tag = []; if (selectedOptions.length === 0) { const text = placeholderOption.length ? placeholderOption[0].textContent : " "; tag.push(`${text}`); } else { for (const option2 of selectedOptions) { tag.push(`