<?php /* * Copyright (c) 2014 Baidu.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * Http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ include 'BaiduBce.phar'; require 'CdnSampleConf.php'; use BaiduBce\Services\Cdn\CdnClient; use BaiduBce\BceClientConfigOptions; use BaiduBce\Log\LogFactory; class CdnClientTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function __construct() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; parent::__construct(); $this->client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $this->logger = LogFactory::getLogger(get_class($this)); } /** * test create domain */ public static function setUpBeforeClass() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $origins = array( array("peer" => "test.origin.domain.com"), ); $client->createDomain($domain, $origins); } /** * test delete domain */ public static function tearDownAfterClass() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $client->deleteDomain($domain); } /** * test list domain */ public function testListDomain() { $resp = $this->client->listDomains(); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test valid domain */ public function testValidDomain() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->validDomain($domain); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test list user domains */ public function testListUserDomains() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $status = "RUNNING"; $rule = "www"; $param = array( 'status' => $status, 'rule' => $rule ); $resp = $client->listUserDomains($param); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test valid domain * @expectedException Exception * @throws \BaiduBce\Exception\BceClientException */ public function testValidDomainThrow() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = ""; $resp = $client->validDomain($domain); } /** * test start domain */ public function testEnableDomain() { $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $this->client->enableDomain($domain); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test stop domain */ public function testDisableDomain() { $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $this->client->disableDomain($domain); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test update domain origin address */ public function testSetDomainOrigin() { $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $origins = array( array( "peer" => "test.origin-new.domain.com", 'host' => 'www.origin-host.com' ), ); $resp = $this->client->setDomainOrigin($domain, $origins); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain config */ public function testGetDomainConfig() { $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $this->client->getDomainConfig($domain); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain cacheFullUrl */ public function testGetDomainCacheFullUrl() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->getDomainCacheFullUrl($domain); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain cacheFullUrl * @expectedException Exception * @throws \BaiduBce\Exception\BceClientException */ public function testGetDomainCacheFullUrlThrow() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = ""; $resp = $client->getDomainCacheFullUrl($domain); } /** * test set domain errorPage */ public function testSetDomainErrorPage() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $errorPage = array( 'errorPage' => array( array( 'code' => 404, "redirectCode" => 302, "url" => "customer_404.html" ), array( 'code' => 403, "url" => "customer_403.html" ) ) ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainErrorPage($domain, $errorPage); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain errorPage * @expectedException Exception * @throws \BaiduBce\Exception\BceClientException */ public function testSetDomainErrorPageThrow() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = ""; $errorPage = array(); $resp = $client->setDomainErrorPage($domain, $errorPage); } /** * test get domain errorPage */ public function testGetDomainErrorPage() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->getDomainErrorPage($domain); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain errorPage * @expectedException Exception * @throws \BaiduBce\Exception\BceClientException */ public function testGetDomainErrorPageThrow() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = ""; $resp = $client->getDomainErrorPage($domain); } /** * test set domain requestAuth */ public function testSetDomainRequestAuth() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $requestAuth = array( 'requestAuth' => array( "type" => "c", "key1" => "secretekey1", "key2" => "secretekey2", "timeout" => 300, "whiteList" => array("/crossdomain.xml"), "signArg" => "sign", "timeArg" => "t" ) ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainRequestAuth($domain, $requestAuth); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain requestAuth * @expectedException Exception * @throws \BaiduBce\Exception\BceClientException */ public function testSetDomainRequestAuthThrow() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = ""; $requestAuth = array(); $client->setDomainRequestAuth($domain, $requestAuth); } /** * test set domain cors */ public function testSetDomainCors() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $cors = array( 'cors' => array( "allow" => "on", 'originList' => array( "www.baidu.com", ) ) ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainCors($domain, $cors); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain cors * @expectedException Exception * @throws \BaiduBce\Exception\BceClientException */ public function testSetDomainCorsThrow() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = ""; $cors = array(); $client->setDomainCors($domain, $cors); } /** * test get domain cors */ public function testGetDomainCors() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->getDomainCors($domain); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain cors * @expectedException Exception * @throws \BaiduBce\Exception\BceClientException */ public function testGetDomainCorsThrow() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = ""; $client->getDomainCors($domain); } /** * test set domain accessLimit */ public function testSetDomainAccessLimit() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $accessLimit = array( 'accessLimit' => array( "enabled" => true, "limit" => 200 ) ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainAccessLimit($domain, $accessLimit); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain accessLimit * @expectedException Exception * @throws \BaiduBce\Exception\BceClientException */ public function testSetDomainAccessLimitThrow() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = ""; $accessLimit = array(); $client->setDomainAccessLimit($domain, $accessLimit); } /** * test get domain accessLimit */ public function testGetDomainAccessLimit() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->getDomainAccessLimit($domain); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain accessLimit * @expectedException Exception * @throws \BaiduBce\Exception\BceClientException */ public function testGetDomainAccessLimitThrow() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = ""; $client->getDomainAccessLimit($domain); } /** * test set domain clientIp */ public function testSetDomainClientIp() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $clientIp = array( 'clientIp' => array( "enabled" => true, "name" => "X-Real-IP" ) ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainClientIp($domain, $clientIp); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain clientIp * @expectedException Exception * @throws \BaiduBce\Exception\BceClientException */ public function testSetDomainClientIpThrow() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = ""; $clientIp = array(); $client->setDomainClientIp($domain, $clientIp); } /** * test get domain clientIp */ public function testGetDomainClientIp() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->getDomainClientIp($domain); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain clientIp * @expectedException Exception * @throws \BaiduBce\Exception\BceClientException */ public function testGetDomainClientIpThrow() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = ""; $client->getDomainClientIp($domain); } /** * test set domain followProtocol */ public function testSetDomainFollowProtocol() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $followProtocol = array( 'followProtocol' => true ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainFollowProtocol($domain, $followProtocol); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain followProtocol * @expectedException Exception * @throws \BaiduBce\Exception\BceClientException */ public function testSetDomainFollowProtocolThrow() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = ""; $followProtocol = array(); $client->setDomainFollowProtocol($domain, $followProtocol); } /** * test set domain rangeSwitch */ public function testSetDomainRangeSwitch() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $rangeSwitch = array( 'rangeSwitch' => true ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainRangeSwitch($domain, $rangeSwitch); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain rangeSwitch * @expectedException Exception * @throws \BaiduBce\Exception\BceClientException */ public function testSetDomainRangeSwitchThrow() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = ""; $rangeSwitch = array(); $client->setDomainRangeSwitch($domain, $rangeSwitch); } /** * test get domain rangeSwitch */ public function testGetDomainRangeSwitch() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->getDomainRangeSwitch($domain); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain rangeSwitch * @expectedException Exception * @throws \BaiduBce\Exception\BceClientException */ public function testGetDomainRangeSwitchThrow() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = ""; $client->getDomainRangeSwitch($domain); } /** * test set domain cacheShare off */ public function testSetDomainCacheShareOff() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $cacheShare = array( 'cacheShare' => array( "enabled" => false, ) ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainCacheShare($domain, $cacheShare); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain cacheShare on */ public function testSetDomainCacheShareOn() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $cacheShare = array( 'cacheShare' => array( "enabled" => true, "domain" => "duanhuiyan.top" ) ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainCacheShare($domain, $cacheShare); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain cacheShare */ public function testGetDomainCacheShare() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->getDomainCacheShare($domain); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain trafficLimit off */ public function testSetDomainTrafficLimitOff() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $trafficLimit = array( 'trafficLimit' => array( "enable" => false, ) ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainTrafficLimit($domain, $trafficLimit); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain trafficLimit on */ public function testSetDomainTrafficLimitOn() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $trafficLimit = array( 'trafficLimit' => array( "enable" => true, "limitRate" => 10485760, "limitStartHour" => 10, "limitEndHour" => 19, "limitRateAfter" => 0, "trafficLimitArg" => "rate", "trafficLimitUnit" => "m" ) ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainTrafficLimit($domain, $trafficLimit); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain trafficLimit */ public function testGetDomainTrafficLimit() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->getDomainTrafficLimit($domain); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain ua whiteList */ public function testSetDomainUaWhiteList() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $flag = "white"; $aclList = array( "MQQBrowser/5.3/Mozilla/5.0", "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0" ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainUaAcl($domain, $flag, $aclList); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test delete domain ua whiteList */ public function testDeleteDomainUaWhiteList() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $flag = "white"; $aclList = array(); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainUaAcl($domain, $flag, $aclList); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain ua blackList */ public function testSetDomainUaBlackList() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $flag = "black"; $aclList = array( "MQQBrowser/5.3/Mozilla/5.0", "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0" ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainUaAcl($domain, $flag, $aclList); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test delete domain ua blackList */ public function testDeleteDomainUaBlackList() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $flag = "black"; $aclList = array(); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainUaAcl($domain, $flag, $aclList); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain uaAcl */ public function testGetDomainUaAcl() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->getDomainUaACL($domain); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain originProtocol https, you need to turn on HTTPS first */ public function testSetDomainOriginProtocolHttps() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $this->testSetDomainHttpsOn(); $originProtocol = array( "originProtocol" => array( "value" => "https" ) ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainOriginProtocol($domain, $originProtocol); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain originProtocol http */ public function testSetDomainOriginProtocolHttp() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $originProtocol = array( "originProtocol" => array( "value" => "http" ) ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainOriginProtocol($domain, $originProtocol); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain originProtocol follow */ public function testSetDomainOriginProtocolFollow() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $originProtocol = array( "originProtocol" => array( "value" => "*" ) ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainOriginProtocol($domain, $originProtocol); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain retryOrigin */ public function testSetDomainRetryOrigin() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $retryOrigin = array( "retryOrigin" => array( "codes" => array( 500, 502, 503 ) ) ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainRetryOrigin($domain, $retryOrigin); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain retryOrigin off */ public function testSetDomainRetryOriginOff() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $retryOrigin = array( "retryOrigin" => array( "codes" => array() ) ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainRetryOrigin($domain, $retryOrigin); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain retryOrigin */ public function testGetDomainRetryOrigin() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->getDomainRetryOrigin($domain); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain ipv6Dispatch off */ public function testSetDomainIpv6DispatchOff() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $ipv6Dispatch = array( "ipv6Dispatch" => array( "enable" => false ) ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainIpv6Dispatch($domain, $ipv6Dispatch); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain ipv6Dispatch */ public function testGetDomainIpv6Dispatch() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->getDomainIpv6Dispatch($domain); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain quic on */ public function testSetDomainQuicOn() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $this->testSetDomainHttpsOn(); $quic = array( "quic" => true ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainQuic($domain, $quic); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain quic off */ public function testSetDomainQuicOff() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $quic = array( "quic" => false ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainQuic($domain, $quic); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain quic */ public function testGetDomainQuic() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->getDomainQuic($domain); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain offlineMode on */ public function testSetDomainOfflineModeOn() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $offlineMode = array( "offlineMode" => true ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainOfflineMode($domain, $offlineMode); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain offlineMode off */ public function testSetDomainOfflineModeOff() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $offlineMode = array( "offlineMode" => false ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainOfflineMode($domain, $offlineMode); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain offlineMode */ public function testGetDomainOfflineMode() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->getDomainOfflineMode($domain); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain ocsp on */ public function testSetDomainOcspOn() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $this->testSetDomainHttpsOn(); $ocsp = array( "ocsp" => true ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainOcsp($domain, $ocsp); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain ocsp off */ public function testSetDomainOcspOff() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $ocsp = array( "ocsp" => false ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainOcsp($domain, $ocsp); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain ocsp */ public function testGetDomainOcsp() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->getDomainOcsp($domain); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get nodes list */ public function testGetNodesList() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $resp = $client->getNodesList(); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain mobileAccess */ public function testSetDomainMobileAccess() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $mobileAccess = array( 'mobileAccess' => array( "distinguishClient" => true ) ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainMobileAccess($domain, $mobileAccess); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain mobileAccess * @expectedException Exception * @throws \BaiduBce\Exception\BceClientException */ public function testSetDomainMobileAccessThrow() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = ""; $mobileAccess = array(); $client->setDomainMobileAccess($domain, $mobileAccess); } /** * test get domain mobileAccess */ public function testGetDomainMobileAccess() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->getDomainMobileAccess($domain); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain mobileAccess * @expectedException Exception * @throws \BaiduBce\Exception\BceClientException */ public function testGetDomainMobileAccessThrow() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = ""; $client->getDomainMobileAccess($domain); } /** * test set domain httpHeader */ public function testSetDomainHttpHeader() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $httpHeader = array( 'httpHeader' => array( array( "type" => "origin", "header" => "x-auth-cn", "value" => "xxxxxxxxx", "action" => "add" ) ) ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainHttpHeader($domain, $httpHeader); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain httpHeader * @expectedException Exception * @throws \BaiduBce\Exception\BceClientException */ public function testSetDomainHttpHeaderThrow() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = ""; $httpHeader = array(); $client->setDomainHttpHeader($domain, $httpHeader); } /** * test get domain httpHeader */ public function testGetDomainHttpHeader() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->getDomainHttpHeader($domain); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain httpHeader * @expectedException Exception * @throws \BaiduBce\Exception\BceClientException */ public function testGetDomainHttpHeaderThrow() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = ""; $client->getDomainHttpHeader($domain); } /** * test set domain seoSwitch */ public function testSetDomainSeoSwitch() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $seoSwitch = array( 'seoSwitch' => array( "diretlyOrigin" => "ON", "pushRecord" => "OFF" ) ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainSeoSwitch($domain, $seoSwitch); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain seoSwitch * @expectedException Exception * @throws \BaiduBce\Exception\BceClientException */ public function testSetDomainSeoSwitchThrow() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = ""; $seoSwitch = array(); $client->setDomainSeoSwitch($domain, $seoSwitch); } /** * test get domain seoSwitch */ public function testGetDomainSeoSwitch() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->getDomainSeoSwitch($domain); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain seoSwitch * @expectedException Exception * @throws \BaiduBce\Exception\BceClientException */ public function testGetDomainSeoSwitchThrow() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = ""; $client->getDomainSeoSwitch($domain); } /** * test set domain fileTrim */ public function testSetDomainFileTrim() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $fileTrim = array( 'fileTrim' => true ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainFileTrim($domain, $fileTrim); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain fileTrim * @expectedException Exception * @throws \BaiduBce\Exception\BceClientException */ public function testSetDomainFileTrimThrow() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = ""; $fileTrim = array(); $client->setDomainFileTrim($domain, $fileTrim); } /** * test get domain fileTrim */ public function testGetDomainFileTrim() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->getDomainFileTrim($domain); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain fileTrim * @expectedException Exception * @throws \BaiduBce\Exception\BceClientException */ public function testGetDomainFileTrimThrow() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = ""; $client->getDomainFileTrim($domain); } /** * test set domain mediaDrag */ public function testSetDomainMediaDrag() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $mediaDrag = array( 'mediaDragConf' => array( 'mp4' => array( 'fileSuffix' => array('mp4'), 'startArgName' => 'startIndex', 'dragMode' => 'second', 'endArgName' => 'end' ) ) ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainMediaDrag($domain, $mediaDrag); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain mediaDrag * @expectedException Exception * @throws \BaiduBce\Exception\BceClientException */ public function testSetDomainMediaDragThrow() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = ""; $mediaDrag = array(); $client->setDomainMediaDrag($domain, $mediaDrag); } /** * test get domain mediaDrag */ public function testGetDomainMediaDrag() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->getDomainMediaDrag($domain); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain mediaDrag * @expectedException Exception * @throws \BaiduBce\Exception\BceClientException */ public function testGetDomainMediaDragThrow() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = ""; $client->getDomainMediaDrag($domain); } /** * test set domain compress */ public function testSetDomainCompress() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $compress = array( 'compress' => array( "allow" => true, "type" => "br" ) ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainCompress($domain, $compress); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain compress * @expectedException Exception * @throws \BaiduBce\Exception\BceClientException */ public function testSetDomainCompressThrow() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = ""; $compress = array(); $client->setDomainCompress($domain, $compress); } /** * test get domain compress */ public function testGetDomainCompress() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->getDomainCompress($domain); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain compress * @expectedException Exception * @throws \BaiduBce\Exception\BceClientException */ public function testGetDomainCompressThrow() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = ""; $client->getDomainCompress($domain); } /** * test set domain https off */ public function testSetDomainHttpsOff() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $https = array( 'https' => array( "enabled" => false, "certId" => "----"//当enabled为true时该参数要为有效当证书id ) ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainHttps($domain, $https); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain https on */ public function testSetDomainHttpsOn() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $https = array( 'https' => array( "enabled" => true, "certId" => "cert-qtah8qqwki6w" ) ); $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->setDomainHttps($domain, $https); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain https * @expectedException Exception * @throws \BaiduBce\Exception\BceClientException */ public function testSetDomainHttpsThrow() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = ""; $https = array(); $client->setDomainHttps($domain, $https); } /** * test cache records */ public function testGetRecords() { $resp = $this->client->getRecords(); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain cache ttl */ public function testGetDomainCacheTTL() { $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $this->client->getDomainCacheTTL($domain); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain cache ttl */ public function testSetDomainCacheTTL() { $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $rules = array( array( "type" => "suffix", "value" => ".jpg", "ttl" => 36000, "weight" => 30, ), ); $resp = $this->client->setDomainCacheTTL($domain, $rules); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain cache full url */ public function testSetDomainCacheFullUrl() { $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $flag = true; $resp = $this->client->setDomainCacheFullUrl($domain, $flag); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain ip acl */ public function testSetDomainIpAcl() { $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $aclList = array( "", "", ); $flag = "white"; $resp = $this->client->setDomainIpAcl($domain, $flag, $aclList); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain ip acl */ public function testGetDomainIpACL() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->getDomainIpACL($domain); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain refererAcl */ public function testSetDomainRefererAcl() { $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $aclList = array( "your.black.list1", "your.black.list2", ); $flag = "black"; $allowEmpty=true; $resp = $this->client->setDomainRefererAcl($domain, $flag, $allowEmpty, $aclList); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain refererAcl */ public function testGetDomainRefererACL() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $client->getDomainRefererAcl($domain); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test set domain limit rate */ public function testSetDomainLimitRate() { $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $rate = 1024; $resp = $this->client->setDomainLimitRate($domain, $rate); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain pv stat */ public function testGetDomainPvStat() { $domain = 'test-sdk.sys-qa.com'; $period = 300; $withRegion = 'true'; $endTime = time(); $startTime = $endTime - $period * 10; $endTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $endTime); $startTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $startTime); $resp = $this->client->getDomainPvStat($domain, $startTime, $endTime, $period, $withRegion); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain uv stat */ public function testGetDomainUvStat() { $domain = 'test-sdk.sys-qa.com'; $period = 3600; $withRegion = 'true'; $endTime = time(); $startTime = $endTime - $period * 10; $endTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $endTime); $startTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $startTime); $resp = $this->client->getDomainUvStat($domain, $startTime, $endTime, $period); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain avg speed stat */ public function testGetDomainAvgSpeedStat() { $domain = 'test-sdk.sys-qa.com'; $period = 300; $endTime = time(); $startTime = $endTime - $period * 10; $endTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $endTime); $startTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $startTime); $resp = $this->client->getDomainAvgSpeedStat($domain, $startTime, $endTime, $period); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain flow stat */ public function testGetDomainFlowStat() { $domain = 'test-sdk.sys-qa.com'; $period = 300; $withRegion = 'true'; $endTime = time(); $startTime = $endTime - $period * 10; $endTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $endTime); $startTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $startTime); $resp = $this->client->getDomainFlowStat($domain, $startTime, $endTime, $period, $withRegion); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain src flow stat */ public function testGetDomainSrcFlowStat() { $domain = 'test-sdk.sys-qa.com'; $period = 300; $endTime = time(); $startTime = $endTime - $period * 10; $endTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $endTime); $startTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $startTime); $resp = $this->client->getDomainSrcFlowStat($domain, $startTime, $endTime, $period); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain hit rate stat */ public function testGetDomainHitRateStat() { $domain = 'test-sdk.sys-qa.com'; $period = 300; $endTime = time(); $startTime = $endTime - $period * 10; $endTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $endTime); $startTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $startTime); $resp = $this->client->getDomainHitRateStat($domain, $startTime, $endTime, $period); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain http code stat */ public function testGetDomainHttpCodeStat() { $domain = 'test-sdk.sys-qa.com'; $period = 300; $withRegion = 'true'; $endTime = time(); $startTime = $endTime - $period * 10; $endTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $endTime); $startTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $startTime); $resp = $this->client->getDomainHttpCodeStat($domain, $startTime, $endTime, $period, $withRegion); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain top url stat */ public function testGetDomainTopUrlStat() { $domain = 'test-sdk.sys-qa.com'; $period = 300; $endTime = time(); $startTime = $endTime - $period * 10; $endTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $endTime); $startTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $startTime); $resp = $this->client->getDomainTopUrlStat($domain, $startTime, $endTime, $period); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain top referer stat */ public function testGetDomainTopRefererStat() { $domain = 'test-sdk.sys-qa.com'; $period = 300; $endTime = time(); $startTime = $endTime - $period * 10; $endTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $endTime); $startTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $startTime); $resp = $this->client->getDomainTopRefererStat($domain, $startTime, $endTime, $period); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain stats avg speed, new version */ public function testGetDomainStatsAvgSpeed() { $period = 300; $endTime = time(); $startTime = $endTime - $period * 10; $endTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $endTime); $startTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $startTime); $statParam = array( 'startTime' => $startTime, 'endTime' => $endTime, 'period' => $period, 'key_type' => 0, 'key' => array('test-sdk.sys-qa.com'), 'groupBy' => '', 'metric' => 'avg_speed', ); $resp = $this->client->getDomainStats($statParam); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain stats avg speed by region, new version */ public function testGetDomainStatsAvgSpeedRegion() { $period = 300; $endTime = time(); $startTime = $endTime - $period * 10; $endTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $endTime); $startTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $startTime); $statParam = array( 'startTime' => $startTime, 'endTime' => $endTime, 'period' => $period, 'key_type' => 0, 'key' => array('test-sdk.sys-qa.com'), 'groupBy' => '', 'prov' => 'beijing', 'isp' => 'ct', 'metric' => 'avg_speed_region', ); $resp = $this->client->getDomainStats($statParam); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain stats pv, new version */ public function testGetDomainStatsPv() { $period = 300; $endTime = time(); $startTime = $endTime - $period * 10; $endTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $endTime); $startTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $startTime); $statParam = array( 'startTime' => $startTime, 'endTime' => $endTime, 'period' => $period, 'key_type' => 0, 'key' => array('test-sdk.sys-qa.com'), 'groupBy' => '', 'level' => 'edge', 'metric' => 'pv', ); $resp = $this->client->getDomainStats($statParam); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain stats pv by region, new version */ public function testGetDomainStatsPvRegion() { $period = 300; $endTime = time(); $startTime = $endTime - $period * 10; $endTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $endTime); $startTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $startTime); $statParam = array( 'startTime' => $startTime, 'endTime' => $endTime, 'period' => $period, 'key_type' => 0, 'key' => array('test-sdk.sys-qa.com'), 'groupBy' => '', 'prov' => 'beijing', 'isp' => 'ct', 'metric' => 'pv_region', ); $resp = $this->client->getDomainStats($statParam); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain stats pv src, new version */ public function testGetDomainStatsPvSrc() { $period = 300; $endTime = time(); $startTime = $endTime - $period * 10; $endTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $endTime); $startTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $startTime); $statParam = array( 'startTime' => $startTime, 'endTime' => $endTime, 'period' => $period, 'key_type' => 0, 'key' => array('test-sdk.sys-qa.com'), 'groupBy' => '', 'metric' => 'pv_src', ); $resp = $this->client->getDomainStats($statParam); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain stats uv, new version */ public function testGetDomainStatsUv() { $period = 300; $endTime = time(); $startTime = $endTime - $period * 10; $endTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $endTime); $startTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $startTime); $statParam = array( 'startTime' => $startTime, 'endTime' => $endTime, 'period' => $period, 'key_type' => 0, 'key' => array('test-sdk.sys-qa.com'), 'groupBy' => '', 'metric' => 'uv', ); $resp = $this->client->getDomainStats($statParam); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain stats flow, new version */ public function testGetDomainStatsFlow() { $period = 300; $endTime = time(); $startTime = $endTime - $period * 10; $endTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $endTime); $startTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $startTime); $statParam = array( 'startTime' => $startTime, 'endTime' => $endTime, 'period' => $period, 'key_type' => 0, 'key' => array('test-sdk.sys-qa.com'), 'groupBy' => '', 'level' => 'edge', 'metric' => 'flow', ); $resp = $this->client->getDomainStats($statParam); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain stats flow by protocol, new version */ public function testGetDomainStatsFlowProtocol() { $period = 300; $endTime = time(); $startTime = $endTime - $period * 10; $endTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $endTime); $startTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $startTime); $statParam = array( 'startTime' => $startTime, 'endTime' => $endTime, 'period' => $period, 'key_type' => 0, 'key' => array('test-sdk.sys-qa.com'), 'groupBy' => '', 'protocol' => 'https', 'metric' => 'flow_protocol', ); $resp = $this->client->getDomainStats($statParam); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain stats flow by region, new version */ public function testGetDomainStatsFLowRegion() { $period = 300; $endTime = time(); $startTime = $endTime - $period * 10; $endTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $endTime); $startTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $startTime); $statParam = array( 'startTime' => $startTime, 'endTime' => $endTime, 'period' => $period, 'key_type' => 0, 'key' => array('test-sdk.sys-qa.com'), 'groupBy' => '', 'prov' => 'beijing', 'isp' => 'ct', 'metric' => 'flow_region', ); $resp = $this->client->getDomainStats($statParam); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain stats flow src, new version */ public function testGetDomainStatsFlowSrc() { $period = 300; $endTime = time(); $startTime = $endTime - $period * 10; $endTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $endTime); $startTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $startTime); $statParam = array( 'startTime' => $startTime, 'endTime' => $endTime, 'period' => $period, 'key_type' => 0, 'key' => array('test-sdk.sys-qa.com'), 'groupBy' => '', 'metric' => 'src_flow', ); $resp = $this->client->getDomainStats($statParam); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain stats hit rate, new version */ public function testGetDomainStatsHit() { $period = 300; $endTime = time(); $startTime = $endTime - $period * 10; $endTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $endTime); $startTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $startTime); $statParam = array( 'startTime' => $startTime, 'endTime' => $endTime, 'period' => $period, 'key_type' => 0, 'key' => array('test-sdk.sys-qa.com'), 'groupBy' => '', 'metric' => 'real_hit', ); $resp = $this->client->getDomainStats($statParam); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain stats hit by pv, new version */ public function testGetDomainStatsHitPv() { $period = 300; $endTime = time(); $startTime = $endTime - $period * 10; $endTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $endTime); $startTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $startTime); $statParam = array( 'startTime' => $startTime, 'endTime' => $endTime, 'period' => $period, 'key_type' => 0, 'key' => array('test-sdk.sys-qa.com'), 'groupBy' => '', 'metric' => 'pv_hit', ); $resp = $this->client->getDomainStats($statParam); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain stats http code, new version */ public function testGetDomainStatsHttpCode() { $period = 300; $endTime = time(); $startTime = $endTime - $period * 10; $endTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $endTime); $startTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $startTime); $statParam = array( 'startTime' => $startTime, 'endTime' => $endTime, 'period' => $period, 'key_type' => 0, 'key' => array('test-sdk.sys-qa.com'), 'groupBy' => '', 'metric' => 'httpcode', ); $resp = $this->client->getDomainStats($statParam); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain stats http code by region, new version */ public function testGetDomainStatsHttpCodeRegion() { $period = 300; $endTime = time(); $startTime = $endTime - $period * 10; $endTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $endTime); $startTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $startTime); $statParam = array( 'startTime' => $startTime, 'endTime' => $startTime, 'period' => $period, 'key_type' => 0, 'key' => array('test-sdk.sys-qa.com'), 'groupBy' => '', 'prov' => 'beijing', 'isp' => 'ct', 'metric' => 'httpcode_region', ); $resp = $this->client->getDomainStats($statParam); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain stats http code src, new version */ public function testGetDomainStatsHttpCodeSrc() { $period = 300; $endTime = time(); $startTime = $endTime - $period * 10; $endTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $endTime); $startTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $startTime); $statParam = array( 'startTime' => $startTime, 'endTime' => $endTime, 'period' => $period, 'key_type' => 0, 'key' => array('test-sdk.sys-qa.com'), 'groupBy' => '', 'metric' => 'src_httpcode', ); $resp = $this->client->getDomainStats($statParam); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain stats top urls, new version */ public function testGetDomainStatsTopUrls() { $period = 300; $endTime = time(); $startTime = $endTime - $period * 10; $endTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $endTime); $startTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $startTime); $statParam = array( 'startTime' => $startTime, 'endTime' => $endTime, 'period' => $period, 'key_type' => 0, 'key' => array('test-sdk.sys-qa.com'), 'groupBy' => '', 'extra' => 200, 'metric' => 'top_urls', ); $resp = $this->client->getDomainStats($statParam); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain stats top referers, new version */ public function testGetDomainStatsTopReferers() { $period = 300; $endTime = time(); $startTime = $endTime - $period * 10; $endTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $endTime); $startTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $startTime); $statParam = array( 'startTime' => $startTime, 'endTime' => $endTime, 'period' => $period, 'key_type' => 0, 'key' => array('test-sdk.sys-qa.com'), 'groupBy' => '', 'extra' => 200, 'metric' => 'top_referers', ); $resp = $this->client->getDomainStats($statParam); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain stats top domains, new version */ public function testGetDomainStatsTopDomains() { $period = 300; $endTime = time(); $startTime = $endTime - $period * 10; $endTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $endTime); $startTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $startTime); $statParam = array( 'startTime' => $startTime, 'endTime' => $endTime, 'period' => $period, 'groupBy' => '', 'extra' => 200, 'metric' => 'top_domains', ); $resp = $this->client->getDomainStats($statParam); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain stats 4xx/5xx error reason, new version */ public function testGetDomainStatsError() { $period = 300; $endTime = time(); $startTime = $endTime - $period * 10; $endTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $endTime); $startTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $startTime); $statParam = array( 'startTime' => $startTime, 'endTime' => $endTime, 'period' => $period, 'key_type' => 0, 'key' => array('test-sdk.sys-qa.com'), 'groupBy' => '', 'metric' => 'error', ); $resp = $this->client->getDomainStats($statParam); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test prefetch */ public function testPrefetch() { $this->markTestSkipped( 'skip' ); $tasks = array( array( 'url' => 'http://test-sdk.sys-qa.com/path/to/file', ), ); $resp = $this->client->prefetch($tasks); $this->assertNotNull($resp); $this->assertNotNull($resp->id); $resp = $this->client->listPrefetchStatus($resp->id); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get prefetch status */ public function testListPrefetchStatus() { $url = 'http://test-sdk.sys-qa.com/1.jpg'; $endTime = time(); $startTime = $endTime - 1000; $endTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $endTime); $startTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $startTime); $resp = $this->client->listPrefetchStatus('', $url, $startTime, $endTime); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test purge */ public function testPurge() { $this->markTestSkipped( 'skip' ); $tasks = array( array( 'url' => 'http://test-sdk.sys-qa.com/path/to/file', ), array( 'url' => 'http://test-sdk.sys-qa.com/path/to/directory/', 'type' => 'directory', ), ); $resp = $this->client->purge($tasks); $this->assertNotNull($resp); $this->assertNotNull($resp->id); $resp = $this->client->listPurgeStatus($resp->id); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test purge status */ public function testListPurgeStatus() { $url = 'http://test-sdk.sys-qa.com/1.jpg'; $endTime = time(); $startTime = $endTime - 1000; $endTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $endTime); $startTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $startTime); $resp = $this->client->listPurgeStatus('', $url, $startTime, $endTime); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test list purge/prefetch quota */ public function testListQuota() { $resp = $this->client->listQuota(); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domain log */ public function testGetDomainLog() { $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $startTime = "2017-12-07T16:00:00Z"; $endTime = "2017-12-07T18:00:00Z"; $resp = $this->client->getDomainLog($domain, $startTime, $endTime); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domains log */ public function testGetDomainsLog() { $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $startTime = "2017-12-07T16:00:00Z"; $endTime = "2017-12-07T18:00:00Z"; $options = array( 'startTime' => $startTime, 'endTime' => $endTime, 'domains' => array( $domain ) ); $resp = $this->client->getDomainsLog($options); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test get domains log * @expectedException Exception * @throws \BaiduBce\Exception\BceClientException */ public function testGetDomainsLogThrow() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $options = array(); $client->getDomainsLog($options); } /** * test query ip */ public function testIpQuery() { $ip = ''; $action = 'describeIp'; $resp = $this->client->ipQuery($action, $ip); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test cache set das */ public function testSetDsa() { $this->markTestSkipped( 'skip' ); $action = array( "action" => "enable" ); $resp = $this->client->setDsa($action); $this->assertEquals($resp, ''); } /** * test set domain dsa config */ public function testSetDomainDsa() { $dsa = array( 'dsa' => array( 'enabled' => true, 'rules' => array( array( 'type' => 'suffix', 'value' => '.mp4;.jpg;.php' ) ) ) ); $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $this->client->setDomainDsa($domain, $dsa); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } /** * test cache set domain dsa config * @expectedException Exception * @throws \BaiduBce\Exception\BceClientException */ public function testSetDomainDsaThrow() { global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG); $domain = ""; $dsa = array(); $client->setDomainDsa($domain, $dsa); } /** * test get dsa domain list */ public function testGetDomainDsa() { $domain = "test-sdk.sys-qa.com"; $resp = $this->client->getDomainDsa(); $this->assertNotNull($resp); } }