@@ -1,836 +1,836 @@
-package com.nokia.hb.utils;
-import com.nokia.hb.Pojo.Col;
-import com.nokia.hb.Pojo.RetData;
-import com.nokia.hb.Pojo.TreeNode;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
-import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
-import java.sql.*;
-import java.util.*;
-public class DbUtil {
- private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DbUtil.class);
- private static Connection conn = null;
- // private final static String url =
- // "jdbc:postgresql://";
- // private final static String user = "postgres";
- // private final static String password = "ava1234";
- private final static String url = "jdbc:postgresql://";
- private final static String user = "pmparse";
- private final static String password = "abc123!";
- static {
- try {
- conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- public static Map<String, String> initZnEnMap() {
- String sql = "select distinct indicator_en,indicator_cn from pm_parse.per_cfg_indicator;";
- Map<String, String> m = new HashMap<>();
- m.put("cellname", "小区中文名");
- m.put("city", "地市");
- m.put("quxian", "区县");
- m.put("vendor", "厂家");
- try {
- PreparedStatement psmt = null;
- psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
- psmt.setQueryTimeout(600);
- ResultSet rs = psmt.executeQuery();
- while (rs.next()) {
- m.put(rs.getString("indicator_en"), rs.getString("indicator_cn"));
- }
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- return m;
- }
- public static RetData conditionRenderTable(String condition, String searchType, String indicators, String ttype,
- String sdate) {
- Map<String, String> ezMap = initZnEnMap();
- String[] timeArray = sdate.split(" - ");
- String startTime = timeArray[0];
- String endTime = timeArray[1];
- String sql = "select a.cellname,a.city,a.quxian,a.vendor,b.* from \n(select eci,cellname,city,quxian,vendor from pm_parse.per_cfg_cell where "
- + searchType + " in (" + condition + ")) a\ninner join \n(select " + indicators
- + " from pm_parse.pm_4g_" + ttype + " where sdate>='" + startTime + "' and sdate <= '" + endTime
- + "') b\n" + "on a.eci=b.eci";
- // 全网
- if ("all".equals(searchType)) {
- sql = "select a.cellname,a.city,a.quxian,a.vendor,b.* from pm_parse.per_cfg_cell a\ninner join \n(select "
- + indicators + " from pm_parse.pm_4g_" + ttype + " where sdate>='" + startTime + "' and sdate <= '"
- + endTime + "') b\n" + "on a.eci=b.eci";
- }
- List<Map<String, String>> datas = new ArrayList<>();
- List<Col> cols = new ArrayList<>();
- try {
- PreparedStatement psmt = null;
- psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
- psmt.setQueryTimeout(600);
- ResultSet rs = psmt.executeQuery();
- ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
- List<String> heads = new ArrayList<>();
- String columnName;
- for (int i = 1; i <= rsmd.getColumnCount(); i++) {
- columnName = rsmd.getColumnName(i);
- heads.add(columnName);
- cols.add(new Col(columnName, (String) ezMap.get(columnName)));
- }
- while (rs.next()) {
- Map<String, String> m = new HashMap<>();
- for (String head : heads) {
- String string = rs.getString(head);
- m.put(head, string);
- }
- datas.add(m);
- }
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- return new RetData(cols, datas);
- }
- public static RetData renderTable(String citys, String quxians, String indicators, String ttype, String sdate,
- HttpSession session) {
- log.debug("indicators: {}", indicators);
- log.debug("citys: {}", citys);
- log.debug("quxians: {}", quxians);
- log.debug("ttype: {}", ttype);
- log.debug("sdate: {}", sdate);
- // 获取城市数组
- String[] cityArray = StringUtils.delete(citys, "'").split(",");
- // 获取拥有的城市权限
- Map<String, String> areas = (Map<String, String>) session.getAttribute("areas");
- log.debug("{} areas: {}", areas.keySet().size(), areas.keySet());
- log.debug("{} cityArray: {}", cityArray.length, Arrays.toString(cityArray));
- // 地区权限校验
- for (String t : cityArray) {
- if (!areas.containsKey(t)) {
- log.debug("没有权限的city: {}", t);
- return new RetData(null, null, "没有" + t + "的权限");
- }
- }
- String[] timeArray = sdate.split(" - ");
- String startTime = timeArray[0];
- String endTime = timeArray[1];
- String sql = "select b.* from \n" +
- "(select eci from pm_parse.per_cfg_cell where quxian in (" + quxians + ")) a\n" +
- "inner join \n" +
- "(select eci," + indicators + " from pm_parse.pm_4g_" + ttype +
- " where sdate>='" + startTime +
- "' and sdate <= '" + endTime + "') b\n" +
- "on a.eci=b.eci";
- if (indicators.contains("eci")) {
- sql = "select b.* from \n" +
- "(select eci from pm_parse.per_cfg_cell where quxian in (" + quxians + ")) a\n" +
- "inner join \n" +
- "(select " + indicators + " from pm_parse.pm_4g_" + ttype +
- " where sdate>='" + startTime +
- "' and sdate <= '" + endTime + "') b\n" +
- "on a.eci=b.eci";
- }
- List<Map<String, String>> datas = new ArrayList<>();
- List<Col> cols = new ArrayList<>();
- try {
- PreparedStatement psmt = null;
- psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
- psmt.setQueryTimeout(60 * 10);
- ResultSet rs = psmt.executeQuery();
- ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
- List<String> heads = new ArrayList<>();
- for (int i = 1; i <= rsmd.getColumnCount(); i++) {
- String columnName = rsmd.getColumnName(i);
- heads.add(columnName);
- cols.add(new Col(columnName, columnName));
- }
- while (rs.next()) {
- Map<String, String> m = new HashMap<>();
- for (String head : heads) {
- String string = rs.getString(head);
- m.put(head, string);
- }
- datas.add(m);
- }
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- return new RetData(cols, datas);
- }
- public static List<TreeNode> initTreeCitys() {
- String sql = "select distinct * from pm_parse.per_cfg_area order by city,quxian";
- PreparedStatement psmt = null;
- TreeNode allTree = new TreeNode("地市选择", "地市选择", new ArrayList<>());
- // int i = 0;
- try {
- psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
- psmt.setQueryTimeout(60 * 10);
- ResultSet rs = psmt.executeQuery();
- Map<String, List<TreeNode>> m = new HashMap<>();
- while (rs.next()) {
- String city = rs.getString("city");
- String quxian = rs.getString("quxian");
- String id = city + quxian;
- TreeNode t = new TreeNode(quxian, id, null);
- if (m.keySet().contains(city)) {
- m.get(city).add(t);
- } else {
- List<TreeNode> l = new ArrayList<>();
- l.add(t);
- m.put(city, l);
- }
- }
- for (String s : m.keySet()) {
- allTree.getChildren().add(new TreeNode(s, s, m.get(s)));
- }
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- List<TreeNode> res = new ArrayList<>();
- allTree.setSpread(true);
- res.add(allTree);
- log.debug("initTreeCitys: {}", res);
- return res;
- }
- public static List<TreeNode> initTreeIndicator() {
- // String sql = "select distinct * from pm_parse.per_cfg_indicator order by
- // indicator_type,indicator_cn,indicator_en";
- String sql = "select distinct * from pm_parse.per_cfg_indicator order by indicator_id,indicator_type,indicator_cn,indicator_en";
- PreparedStatement psmt = null;
- TreeNode allTree = new TreeNode("指标选择", "指标选择", new ArrayList<>());
- try {
- psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
- psmt.setQueryTimeout(60 * 10);
- ResultSet rs = psmt.executeQuery();
- Map<String, List<TreeNode>> m = new HashMap<>();
- while (rs.next()) {
- String indicator_type = rs.getString("indicator_type");
- String indicator_cn = rs.getString("indicator_cn");
- String indicator_id = rs.getString("indicator_id");
- TreeNode t = new TreeNode(indicator_cn, indicator_id, null);
- if (m.keySet().contains(indicator_type)) {
- m.get(indicator_type).add(t);
- } else {
- List<TreeNode> l = new ArrayList<>();
- l.add(t);
- m.put(indicator_type, l);
- }
- }
- // int i = 0;
- for (String s : m.keySet()) {
- allTree.getChildren().add(new TreeNode(s, s, m.get(s)));
- }
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- List<TreeNode> res = new ArrayList<>();
- allTree.setSpread(true);
- res.add(allTree);
- log.debug("initTreeIndicator: {}", res);
- return res;
- }
- // public static Map<String, List<Object>> searchRate(String from, String t1,
- // String t2, String ttype, String provinces, String citys) {
- //
- //
- // HashMap<String, List<Object>> res = new HashMap<>();
- // PreparedStatement psmt = null;
- // String pn = "province_name";
- // String cn = "city_name";
- // if ("roaming".equals(from)) {
- // pn = "roaming_province_name";
- // cn = "roaming_city_name";
- // }
- // String sql = "select a.sdate as dt,round(a.openusers/b.users,4) as num from
- // \n" +
- // "(select sdate,sum(user_count) as openusers from
- // sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_abstract where sdate between ? and ? and
- // stype='打开5G开关用户数' and size_type='" + ttype + "天' and " + pn + " in (" +
- // provinces + ") and " + cn + " in (" + citys + ") group by sdate ) a\n" +
- // "inner join\n" +
- // "(select sdate,sum(user_count) as users from
- // sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_abstract where sdate between ? and ? and
- // stype='5G终端用户数' and size_type='" + ttype + "天' and " + pn + " in (" +
- // provinces + ") and " + cn + " in (" + citys + ") group by sdate) b\n" +
- // "on a.sdate=b.sdate\n" +
- // "order by a.sdate";
- // if ("".equals(citys)) {
- // sql = "select a.sdate as dt,round(a.openusers/b.users,4) as num from \n" +
- // "(select sdate,sum(user_count) as openusers from
- // sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_abstract where sdate between ? and ? and
- // stype='打开5G开关用户数' and size_type='" + ttype + "天' and " + pn + " in (" +
- // provinces + ") group by sdate ) a\n" +
- // "inner join\n" +
- // "(select sdate,sum(user_count) as users from
- // sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_abstract where sdate between ? and ? and
- // stype='5G终端用户数' and size_type='" + ttype + "天' and " + pn + " in (" +
- // provinces + ") group by sdate) b\n" +
- // "on a.sdate=b.sdate\n" +
- // "order by a.sdate";
- // }
- //
- // List<Object> dtList = new ArrayList<>();
- // List<Object> numList = new ArrayList<>();
- // try {
- // psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
- //
- // psmt.setQueryTimeout(60 * 10);
- // psmt.setLong(1, Integer.valueOf(t1));
- // psmt.setLong(2, Integer.valueOf(t2));
- // psmt.setLong(3, Integer.valueOf(t1));
- // psmt.setLong(4, Integer.valueOf(t2));
- //
- //// psmt.setString(5,provinces);
- //// psmt.setString(6,citys);
- // ResultSet rs = psmt.executeQuery();
- // while (rs.next()) {
- // String dt = rs.getString("dt");
- // Long num = rs.getLong("num");
- // dtList.add(dt);
- // numList.add(num);
- // }
- // res.put("dt", dtList);
- // res.put("num", numList);
- // } catch (SQLException e) {
- // e.printStackTrace();
- // }
- // return res;
- // }
- // public static HashMap<String, List<Object>> search(String from, String t1,
- // String t2, String stype, String ttype, String provinces, String citys) {
- // HashMap<String, List<Object>> res = new HashMap<>();
- // PreparedStatement psmt = null;
- // String pn = "province_name";
- // String cn = "city_name";
- // if ("roaming".equals(from)) {
- // pn = "roaming_province_name";
- // cn = "roaming_city_name";
- // }
- //// String sql = "select sdate,sum(user_count) from
- // sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_abstract where sdate between '20210720' and
- // '20210727' and stype='5G终端用户数' and size_type='7天' and province_name in ('河北')
- // and city_name in ('石家庄','唐山') group by sdate;";
- // String sql = "select sdate as dt ,sum(user_count) as num from
- // sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_abstract where sdate between ? and ? and
- // stype=? and size_type=? and " + pn + " in (" + provinces + ") and " + cn + "
- // in (" + citys + ") group by sdate order by sdate;";
- // if ("".equals(citys)) {
- // sql = "select sdate as dt ,sum(user_count) as num from
- // sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_abstract where sdate between ? and ? and
- // stype=? and size_type=? and " + pn + " in (" + provinces + ") group by sdate
- // order by sdate;";
- // }
- //
- // List<Object> dtList = new ArrayList<>();
- // List<Object> numList = new ArrayList<>();
- // try {
- // psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
- //
- // psmt.setQueryTimeout(60 * 10);
- // psmt.setLong(1, Integer.valueOf(t1));
- // psmt.setLong(2, Integer.valueOf(t2));
- // psmt.setString(3, stype);
- // psmt.setString(4, ttype + "天");
- //// psmt.setString(5,provinces);
- //// psmt.setString(6,citys);
- // ResultSet rs = psmt.executeQuery();
- // while (rs.next()) {
- // String dt = rs.getString("dt");
- // Long num = rs.getLong("num");
- // dtList.add(dt);
- // numList.add(num);
- // }
- // res.put("dt", dtList);
- // res.put("num", numList);
- // } catch (SQLException e) {
- // e.printStackTrace();
- // }
- // return res;
- // }
- // public static String typeExport(String from, String provinces, String citys,
- // String ttype, String t1, String t2) {
- // String res = "";
- // String pn = "province_name";
- // String cn = "city_name";
- // String guishu = "归属地";
- // String area = citys;
- // if ("roaming".equals(from)) {
- // pn = "roaming_province_name";
- // cn = "roaming_city_name";
- // guishu = "拜访地";
- // }
- // String sql = "with tab as (\n" +
- // "select distinct\n" +
- // "stype,\n" +
- // "'" + guishu + "' as 维度, \n" +
- // "size_type as 粒度,\n" +
- // "'" + area + "' as 区域, \n" +
- // "sdate as 日期,\n" +
- // "sum(user_count) over(partition by stype,sdate,size_type) as user_count\n" +
- // "from sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_abstract\n" +
- // "where sdate between ? and ? \n" +
- // "and " + pn + " in ('" + provinces + "') and " + cn + " in ('" + citys + "')
- // \n" +
- // "and size_type = '" + ttype + "天'\n" +
- // ") \n" +
- // "\n" +
- // "select \n" +
- // "a.维度,\n" +
- // "a.粒度,\n" +
- // "a.区域,\n" +
- // "a.日期,\n" +
- // "sum(a.user_count) as 终端用户数,\n" +
- // "sum(b.user_count) as 打开5G开关用户数,\n" +
- // "sum(c.user_count) as 关闭5G开关用户数,\n" +
- // "round(sum(b.user_count)/sum(a.user_count),4) as 开关打开率\n" +
- // "from tab a\n" +
- // "join tab b on b.日期=a.日期 and b.stype = '打开5G开关用户数'\n" +
- // "join tab c on c.日期=a.日期 and c.stype = '关闭5G开关用户数'\n" +
- // "where a.stype = '5G终端用户数'\n" +
- // "group by \n" +
- // "a.维度,\n" +
- // "a.粒度,\n" +
- // "a.区域,\n" +
- // "a.日期\n" +
- // "order by 日期";
- //
- // if ("".equals(citys)) {
- // area = provinces;
- // sql = "with tab as (\n" +
- // "select distinct\n" +
- // "stype,\n" +
- // "'" + guishu + "' as 维度, \n" +
- // "size_type as 粒度,\n" +
- // "'" + area + "' as 区域, \n" +
- // "sdate as 日期,\n" +
- // "sum(user_count) over(partition by stype,sdate,size_type) as user_count\n" +
- // "from sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_abstract\n" +
- // "where sdate between ? and ? \n" +
- // "and " + pn + " in ('" + provinces + "') \n" +
- // "and size_type = '" + ttype + "天'\n" +
- // ") \n" +
- // "\n" +
- // "select \n" +
- // "a.维度,\n" +
- // "a.粒度,\n" +
- // "a.区域,\n" +
- // "a.日期,\n" +
- // "sum(a.user_count) as 终端用户数,\n" +
- // "sum(b.user_count) as 打开5G开关用户数,\n" +
- // "sum(c.user_count) as 关闭5G开关用户数,\n" +
- // "round(sum(b.user_count)/sum(a.user_count),4) as 开关打开率\n" +
- // "from tab a\n" +
- // "join tab b on b.日期=a.日期 and b.stype = '打开5G开关用户数'\n" +
- // "join tab c on c.日期=a.日期 and c.stype = '关闭5G开关用户数'\n" +
- // "where a.stype = '5G终端用户数'\n" +
- // "group by \n" +
- // "a.维度,\n" +
- // "a.粒度,\n" +
- // "a.区域,\n" +
- // "a.日期\n" +
- // "order by 日期";
- // }
- //
- //
- // PreparedStatement psmt = null;
- //
- //
- // try {
- // psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
- // psmt.setQueryTimeout(60 * 10);
- //
- // psmt.setLong(1, Integer.valueOf(t1));
- // psmt.setLong(2, Integer.valueOf(t2));
- // ResultSet rs = psmt.executeQuery();
- // res = rsprocess(rs);
- // } catch (SQLException e) {
- // e.printStackTrace();
- // }
- // return res;
- // }
- // public static String exportAll(String ttype, String sts, String ets, String
- // smts, String emts) {
- // String res = "";
- // String range = smts + "-" + ets;
- // PreparedStatement psmt = null;
- // String sql = "select '" + ttype + "天' as \"粒度\",\n" +
- // "'" + range + "' as \"开始(结束)时间\",\n" +
- // "msisdn as \"号码\",\n" +
- // "province_name as \"归属省\",\n" +
- // "city_name as \"归属地市\",\n" +
- // "roaming_province_name as \"拜访省\",\n" +
- // "roaming_city_name as \"拜访地市\",\n" +
- // "tml_brand as \"终端品牌\",\n" +
- // "tml_name as \"终端型号\",\n" +
- // "case when last_open_date >= ? then 1 else 0 end as \"开关是否打开\" \n" +
- // "from sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_agg\n" +
- // "where sdate=? \n" +
- // "and last_chg_date >= ? ";
- //
- // try {
- // psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
- // psmt.setQueryTimeout(60 * 10);
- //
- // psmt.setLong(1, Integer.valueOf(emts));
- // psmt.setLong(2, Integer.valueOf(ets));
- // psmt.setLong(3, Integer.valueOf(emts));
- //
- // ResultSet rs = psmt.executeQuery();
- // res = rsprocess(rs);
- // } catch (SQLException e) {
- // e.printStackTrace();
- // }
- // return res;
- // }
- // public static String exportClose(String ttype, String sts, String ets, String
- // smts, String emts) {
- // String res = "";
- // String range = smts + "-" + ets;
- // PreparedStatement psmt = null;
- // String sql = "select '" + ttype + "天' as \"粒度\",\n" +
- // "'" + range + "' as \"开始(结束)时间\",\n" +
- // "msisdn as \"号码\",\n" +
- // "province_name as \"归属省\",\n" +
- // "city_name as \"归属地市\",\n" +
- // "roaming_province_name as \"拜访省\",\n" +
- // "roaming_city_name as \"拜访地市\",\n" +
- // "tml_brand as \"终端品牌\",\n" +
- // "tml_name as \"终端型号\",\n" +
- // "0 as \"开关是否打开\"\n" +
- // "from sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_agg\n" +
- // "where sdate=? \n" +
- // "and last_chg_date >= ? \n" +
- // "and (last_open_date < ? or last_open_date is null) ";
- //
- // try {
- // psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
- // psmt.setQueryTimeout(60 * 10);
- //
- // psmt.setLong(1, Integer.valueOf(ets));
- // psmt.setLong(2, Integer.valueOf(emts));
- // psmt.setLong(3, Integer.valueOf(emts));
- //
- // ResultSet rs = psmt.executeQuery();
- // res = rsprocess(rs);
- // } catch (SQLException e) {
- // e.printStackTrace();
- // }
- // return res;
- // }
- // public static String rsprocess(ResultSet rs) {
- // List<String> heads = new ArrayList<>();
- // String headStr = "";
- // StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
- // try {
- // ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
- // for (int i = 1; i <= rsmd.getColumnCount(); i++) {
- // String columnName = rsmd.getColumnName(i);
- // heads.add(columnName);
- // headStr += columnName + ",";
- //
- // }
- //
- // headStr = headStr.substring(0, headStr.length() - 1);
- // sb.append(headStr + "\n");
- // while (rs.next()) {
- // String line = "";
- // for (String head : heads) {
- // line += rs.getString(head) + ",";
- //
- // }
- // line = line.substring(0, line.length() - 1);
- // sb.append(line + "\n");
- // }
- //
- // } catch (SQLException throwables) {
- // throwables.printStackTrace();
- // }
- // return sb.toString();
- // }
- public static Object userLogin(String username, String password, HttpSession session) {
- log.debug("username: {}, password: {}", username, password);
- // 查询用户信息
- String sql = "select * from pm_parse.user where username='" + username + "'";
- PreparedStatement psmt;
- try {
- psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
- psmt.setQueryTimeout(60 * 10);
- ResultSet rs = psmt.executeQuery();
- // 没有查到数据
- if (!rs.next()) {
- return "用户名或密码错误!";
- }
- String passwordStore = rs.getString("password");
- log.debug("passwordStore: {}", passwordStore);
- // 密码错误
- if (!password.equals(passwordStore)) {
- return "用户名或密码错误!";
- }
- // 查询地区权限
- sql = "select area from pm_parse.user_area where username='" + username + "'";
- psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
- psmt.setQueryTimeout(60 * 10);
- rs = psmt.executeQuery();
- Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
- while (rs.next()) {
- String area = rs.getString("area");
- map.put(area, "");
- }
- log.debug("areas: {}", map.keySet());
- // 保存session
- session.setMaxInactiveInterval(30 * 60);
- session.setAttribute("username", username);
- session.setAttribute("areas", map);
- return null;
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- return "数据库异常!";
- }
- }
- public static Object addTemplate(String templateName, String indicators, HttpSession session) {
- log.debug("templateName: {}", templateName);
- log.debug("indicators: {}", indicators);
- String username = (String) session.getAttribute("username");
- long id = System.currentTimeMillis();
- String sql = "insert into pm_parse.indicator_template (id, template_name, username) values (?, ?, ?)";
- PreparedStatement psmt;
- try {
- conn.setAutoCommit(false);
- psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
- psmt.setObject(1, id);
- psmt.setObject(2, templateName);
- psmt.setObject(3, username);
- int rs = psmt.executeUpdate();
- if (rs < 1) {
- conn.rollback();
- return "添加失败";
- }
- String[] indicatorArray = StringUtils.delete(indicators, "'").split(",");
- sql = "insert into pm_parse.indicator_template_item (template_id, indicator_id) values (?, ?)";
- psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
- for (String s : indicatorArray) {
- psmt.setObject(1, id);
- psmt.setObject(2, Integer.valueOf(s));
- rs = psmt.executeUpdate();
- if (rs < 1) {
- conn.rollback();
- return "添加失败";
- }
- }
- conn.commit();
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- try {
- conn.rollback();
- } catch (SQLException ex) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- return "添加失败";
- }
- return "添加失败";
- }
- return null;
- }
- public static List<TreeNode> initTreeIndicatorTemplate(HttpSession session) {
- // 查询用户指标模板
- String username = (String) session.getAttribute("username");
- String sql = "select id, template_name from pm_parse.indicator_template where username = ?";
- PreparedStatement psmt = null;
- TreeNode allTree = new TreeNode("指标模板选择", "指标模板选择", true, new ArrayList<>());
- try {
- psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
- psmt.setQueryTimeout(60 * 10);
- psmt.setObject(1, username);
- ResultSet rs = psmt.executeQuery();
- while (rs.next()) {
- String id = rs.getString("id");
- String templateName = rs.getString("template_name");
- TreeNode t = new TreeNode(templateName, id, new ArrayList<>());
- allTree.getChildren().add(t);
- // 查询模板下的指标
- sql = "select x.indicator_cn, x.indicator_en from pm_parse.per_cfg_indicator x where x.indicator_id " +
- "in (select indicator_id from pm_parse.indicator_template_item where template_id = ?)";
- psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
- psmt.setQueryTimeout(60 * 10);
- psmt.setObject(1, Long.valueOf(id));
- ResultSet r = psmt.executeQuery();
- while (r.next()) {
- String indicatorCn = r.getString("indicator_cn");
- String indicatorEn = r.getString("indicator_en");
- t.getChildren().add(new TreeNode(indicatorCn, indicatorEn));
- }
- }
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- List<TreeNode> res = new ArrayList<>();
- res.add(allTree);
- log.debug("initTreeIndicatorTemplate: {}", res);
- return res;
- }
- public static Object deleteTemplate(String ids) {
- log.debug("ids: {}", ids);
- String sql = "delete from pm_parse.indicator_template where id in (" + ids + ")";
- PreparedStatement psmt;
- try {
- conn.setAutoCommit(false);
- psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
- int rs = psmt.executeUpdate();
- if (rs < 1) {
- conn.rollback();
- return "删除失败";
- }
- sql = "delete from pm_parse.indicator_template_item where template_id in (" + ids + ")";
- psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
- rs = psmt.executeUpdate();
- if (rs < 1) {
- conn.rollback();
- return "删除失败";
- }
- conn.commit();
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- try {
- conn.rollback();
- } catch (SQLException ex) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- return "删除失败";
- }
- return "删除失败";
- }
- return null;
- }
- // public static List<String> initCitys(String type, String province) {
- // PreparedStatement psmt = null;
- // if (type == null) {
- // type = "roaming";
- // }
- //
- // String sql = "select distinct roaming_city_name as city from
- // sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_abstract where roaming_province_name=? and
- // roaming_city_name!='null' order by roaming_city_name";
- //// Map<String,List<String>>res = new HashMap<>();
- // List<String> res = new ArrayList<>();
- // if ("roaming".equals(type)) {
- // sql = "select distinct roaming_city_name as city from
- // sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_abstract where roaming_province_name=? and
- // roaming_city_name!='null' order by roaming_city_name";
- //// sql = "select distinct city from sqmdb_5g.roaming_area where province = ?
- // order by city";
- //
- // } else {
- // sql = "select distinct city_name as city from
- // sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_abstract where province_name=? and
- // roaming_city_name!='null' order by city_name";
- //// sql = "select distinct city from sqmdb_5g.local_area where province = ?
- // order by city";
- // }
- // try {
- // psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
- // psmt.setQueryTimeout(60 * 10);
- // psmt.setString(1, province);
- //
- // ResultSet rs = psmt.executeQuery();
- // while (rs.next()) {
- // String city = rs.getString("city");
- // res.add(city);
- //// if(res.keySet().contains(province)){
- //// List<String> ls = res.get(province);
- //// ls.add(city);
- //// }else {
- //// List<String>as = new ArrayList<>();
- //// as.add(city);
- //// res.put(province,as);
- //// }
- // }
- // } catch (SQLException e) {
- // e.printStackTrace();
- // }
- // return res;
- // }
- // public static List<String> initProvince(String type) {
- // PreparedStatement psmt = null;
- // if (type == null) {
- // type = "roaming";
- // }
- // String sql = "";
- //// String sql = "select distinct roaming_province_name as province from
- // sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_abstract order by roaming_province_name";
- ////// Map<String,List<String>>res = new HashMap<>();
- // List<String> res = new ArrayList<>();
- // if ("roaming".equals(type)) {
- // sql = "select distinct roaming_province_name as province from
- // sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_abstract order by roaming_province_name";
- //// sql = "select distinct province from sqmdb_5g.roaming_area order by
- // province";
- //
- // } else {
- // sql = "select distinct province_name as province from
- // sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_abstract order by province_name";
- //// sql = "select distinct province from sqmdb_5g.local_area order by
- // province";
- // }
- // try {
- // psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
- // psmt.setQueryTimeout(60 * 10);
- //
- // ResultSet rs = psmt.executeQuery();
- // while (rs.next()) {
- // String province = rs.getString("province");
- // res.add(province);
- //// if(res.keySet().contains(province)){
- //// List<String> ls = res.get(province);
- //// ls.add(city);
- //// }else {
- //// List<String>as = new ArrayList<>();
- //// as.add(city);
- //// res.put(province,as);
- //// }
- // }
- // } catch (SQLException e) {
- // e.printStackTrace();
- // }
- // return res;
- // }
+package com.nokia.hb.utils;
+import com.nokia.hb.Pojo.Col;
+import com.nokia.hb.Pojo.RetData;
+import com.nokia.hb.Pojo.TreeNode;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
+import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
+import java.sql.*;
+import java.util.*;
+public class DbUtil {
+ private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DbUtil.class);
+ private static Connection conn = null;
+ // private final static String url =
+ // "jdbc:postgresql://";
+ // private final static String user = "postgres";
+ // private final static String password = "ava1234";
+ private final static String url = "jdbc:postgresql://";
+ private final static String user = "pmparse";
+ private final static String password = "abc123!";
+ static {
+ try {
+ conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);
+ } catch (SQLException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ public static Map<String, String> initZnEnMap() {
+ String sql = "select distinct indicator_en,indicator_cn from pm_parse.per_cfg_indicator;";
+ Map<String, String> m = new HashMap<>();
+ m.put("cellname", "小区中文名");
+ m.put("city", "地市");
+ m.put("quxian", "区县");
+ m.put("vendor", "厂家");
+ try {
+ PreparedStatement psmt = null;
+ psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
+ psmt.setQueryTimeout(600);
+ ResultSet rs = psmt.executeQuery();
+ while (rs.next()) {
+ m.put(rs.getString("indicator_en"), rs.getString("indicator_cn"));
+ }
+ } catch (SQLException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ return m;
+ }
+ public static RetData conditionRenderTable(String condition, String searchType, String indicators, String ttype,
+ String sdate) {
+ Map<String, String> ezMap = initZnEnMap();
+ String[] timeArray = sdate.split(" - ");
+ String startTime = timeArray[0];
+ String endTime = timeArray[1];
+ String sql = "select a.cellname,a.city,a.quxian,a.vendor,b.* from \n(select eci,cellname,city,quxian,vendor from pm_parse.per_cfg_cell where "
+ + searchType + " in (" + condition + ")) a\ninner join \n(select " + indicators
+ + " from pm_parse.pm_4g_" + ttype + " where sdate>='" + startTime + "' and sdate <= '" + endTime
+ + "') b\n" + "on a.eci=b.eci";
+ // 全网
+ if ("all".equals(searchType)) {
+ sql = "select a.cellname,a.city,a.quxian,a.vendor,b.* from pm_parse.per_cfg_cell a\ninner join \n(select "
+ + indicators + " from pm_parse.pm_4g_" + ttype + " where sdate>='" + startTime + "' and sdate <= '"
+ + endTime + "') b\n" + "on a.eci=b.eci";
+ }
+ List<Map<String, String>> datas = new ArrayList<>();
+ List<Col> cols = new ArrayList<>();
+ try {
+ PreparedStatement psmt = null;
+ psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
+ psmt.setQueryTimeout(600);
+ ResultSet rs = psmt.executeQuery();
+ ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
+ List<String> heads = new ArrayList<>();
+ String columnName;
+ for (int i = 1; i <= rsmd.getColumnCount(); i++) {
+ columnName = rsmd.getColumnName(i);
+ heads.add(columnName);
+ cols.add(new Col(columnName, (String) ezMap.get(columnName)));
+ }
+ while (rs.next()) {
+ Map<String, String> m = new HashMap<>();
+ for (String head : heads) {
+ String string = rs.getString(head);
+ m.put(head, string);
+ }
+ datas.add(m);
+ }
+ } catch (SQLException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ return new RetData(cols, datas);
+ }
+ public static RetData renderTable(String citys, String quxians, String indicators, String ttype, String sdate,
+ HttpSession session) {
+ log.debug("indicators: {}", indicators);
+ log.debug("citys: {}", citys);
+ log.debug("quxians: {}", quxians);
+ log.debug("ttype: {}", ttype);
+ log.debug("sdate: {}", sdate);
+ // 获取城市数组
+ String[] cityArray = StringUtils.delete(citys, "'").split(",");
+ // 获取拥有的城市权限
+ Map<String, String> areas = (Map<String, String>) session.getAttribute("areas");
+ log.debug("{} areas: {}", areas.keySet().size(), areas.keySet());
+ log.debug("{} cityArray: {}", cityArray.length, Arrays.toString(cityArray));
+ // 地区权限校验
+ for (String t : cityArray) {
+ if (!areas.containsKey(t)) {
+ log.debug("没有权限的city: {}", t);
+ return new RetData(null, null, "没有" + t + "的权限");
+ }
+ }
+ String[] timeArray = sdate.split(" - ");
+ String startTime = timeArray[0];
+ String endTime = timeArray[1];
+ String sql = "select b.* from \n" +
+ "(select eci from pm_parse.per_cfg_cell where quxian in (" + quxians + ")) a\n" +
+ "inner join \n" +
+ "(select eci," + indicators + " from pm_parse.pm_4g_" + ttype +
+ " where sdate>='" + startTime +
+ "' and sdate <= '" + endTime + "') b\n" +
+ "on a.eci=b.eci";
+ if (indicators.contains("eci")) {
+ sql = "select b.* from \n" +
+ "(select eci from pm_parse.per_cfg_cell where quxian in (" + quxians + ")) a\n" +
+ "inner join \n" +
+ "(select " + indicators + " from pm_parse.pm_4g_" + ttype +
+ " where sdate>='" + startTime +
+ "' and sdate <= '" + endTime + "') b\n" +
+ "on a.eci=b.eci";
+ }
+ List<Map<String, String>> datas = new ArrayList<>();
+ List<Col> cols = new ArrayList<>();
+ try {
+ PreparedStatement psmt = null;
+ psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
+ psmt.setQueryTimeout(60 * 10);
+ ResultSet rs = psmt.executeQuery();
+ ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
+ List<String> heads = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (int i = 1; i <= rsmd.getColumnCount(); i++) {
+ String columnName = rsmd.getColumnName(i);
+ heads.add(columnName);
+ cols.add(new Col(columnName, columnName));
+ }
+ while (rs.next()) {
+ Map<String, String> m = new HashMap<>();
+ for (String head : heads) {
+ String string = rs.getString(head);
+ m.put(head, string);
+ }
+ datas.add(m);
+ }
+ } catch (SQLException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ return new RetData(cols, datas);
+ }
+ public static List<TreeNode> initTreeCitys() {
+ String sql = "select distinct * from pm_parse.per_cfg_area order by city,quxian";
+ PreparedStatement psmt = null;
+ TreeNode allTree = new TreeNode("地市选择", "地市选择", new ArrayList<>());
+ // int i = 0;
+ try {
+ psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
+ psmt.setQueryTimeout(60 * 10);
+ ResultSet rs = psmt.executeQuery();
+ Map<String, List<TreeNode>> m = new HashMap<>();
+ while (rs.next()) {
+ String city = rs.getString("city");
+ String quxian = rs.getString("quxian");
+ String id = city + quxian;
+ TreeNode t = new TreeNode(quxian, id, null);
+ if (m.keySet().contains(city)) {
+ m.get(city).add(t);
+ } else {
+ List<TreeNode> l = new ArrayList<>();
+ l.add(t);
+ m.put(city, l);
+ }
+ }
+ for (String s : m.keySet()) {
+ allTree.getChildren().add(new TreeNode(s, s, m.get(s)));
+ }
+ } catch (SQLException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ List<TreeNode> res = new ArrayList<>();
+ allTree.setSpread(true);
+ res.add(allTree);
+ log.debug("initTreeCitys: {}", res);
+ return res;
+ }
+ public static List<TreeNode> initTreeIndicator() {
+ // String sql = "select distinct * from pm_parse.per_cfg_indicator order by
+ // indicator_type,indicator_cn,indicator_en";
+ String sql = "select distinct * from pm_parse.per_cfg_indicator order by indicator_id,indicator_type,indicator_cn,indicator_en";
+ PreparedStatement psmt = null;
+ TreeNode allTree = new TreeNode("指标选择", "指标选择", new ArrayList<>());
+ try {
+ psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
+ psmt.setQueryTimeout(60 * 10);
+ ResultSet rs = psmt.executeQuery();
+ Map<String, List<TreeNode>> m = new HashMap<>();
+ while (rs.next()) {
+ String indicator_type = rs.getString("indicator_type");
+ String indicator_cn = rs.getString("indicator_cn");
+ String indicator_id = rs.getString("indicator_id");
+ TreeNode t = new TreeNode(indicator_cn, indicator_id, null);
+ if (m.keySet().contains(indicator_type)) {
+ m.get(indicator_type).add(t);
+ } else {
+ List<TreeNode> l = new ArrayList<>();
+ l.add(t);
+ m.put(indicator_type, l);
+ }
+ }
+ // int i = 0;
+ for (String s : m.keySet()) {
+ allTree.getChildren().add(new TreeNode(s, s, m.get(s)));
+ }
+ } catch (SQLException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ List<TreeNode> res = new ArrayList<>();
+ allTree.setSpread(true);
+ res.add(allTree);
+ log.debug("initTreeIndicator: {}", res);
+ return res;
+ }
+ // public static Map<String, List<Object>> searchRate(String from, String t1,
+ // String t2, String ttype, String provinces, String citys) {
+ //
+ //
+ // HashMap<String, List<Object>> res = new HashMap<>();
+ // PreparedStatement psmt = null;
+ // String pn = "province_name";
+ // String cn = "city_name";
+ // if ("roaming".equals(from)) {
+ // pn = "roaming_province_name";
+ // cn = "roaming_city_name";
+ // }
+ // String sql = "select a.sdate as dt,round(a.openusers/b.users,4) as num from
+ // \n" +
+ // "(select sdate,sum(user_count) as openusers from
+ // sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_abstract where sdate between ? and ? and
+ // stype='打开5G开关用户数' and size_type='" + ttype + "天' and " + pn + " in (" +
+ // provinces + ") and " + cn + " in (" + citys + ") group by sdate ) a\n" +
+ // "inner join\n" +
+ // "(select sdate,sum(user_count) as users from
+ // sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_abstract where sdate between ? and ? and
+ // stype='5G终端用户数' and size_type='" + ttype + "天' and " + pn + " in (" +
+ // provinces + ") and " + cn + " in (" + citys + ") group by sdate) b\n" +
+ // "on a.sdate=b.sdate\n" +
+ // "order by a.sdate";
+ // if ("".equals(citys)) {
+ // sql = "select a.sdate as dt,round(a.openusers/b.users,4) as num from \n" +
+ // "(select sdate,sum(user_count) as openusers from
+ // sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_abstract where sdate between ? and ? and
+ // stype='打开5G开关用户数' and size_type='" + ttype + "天' and " + pn + " in (" +
+ // provinces + ") group by sdate ) a\n" +
+ // "inner join\n" +
+ // "(select sdate,sum(user_count) as users from
+ // sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_abstract where sdate between ? and ? and
+ // stype='5G终端用户数' and size_type='" + ttype + "天' and " + pn + " in (" +
+ // provinces + ") group by sdate) b\n" +
+ // "on a.sdate=b.sdate\n" +
+ // "order by a.sdate";
+ // }
+ //
+ // List<Object> dtList = new ArrayList<>();
+ // List<Object> numList = new ArrayList<>();
+ // try {
+ // psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
+ //
+ // psmt.setQueryTimeout(60 * 10);
+ // psmt.setLong(1, Integer.valueOf(t1));
+ // psmt.setLong(2, Integer.valueOf(t2));
+ // psmt.setLong(3, Integer.valueOf(t1));
+ // psmt.setLong(4, Integer.valueOf(t2));
+ //
+ //// psmt.setString(5,provinces);
+ //// psmt.setString(6,citys);
+ // ResultSet rs = psmt.executeQuery();
+ // while (rs.next()) {
+ // String dt = rs.getString("dt");
+ // Long num = rs.getLong("num");
+ // dtList.add(dt);
+ // numList.add(num);
+ // }
+ // res.put("dt", dtList);
+ // res.put("num", numList);
+ // } catch (SQLException e) {
+ // e.printStackTrace();
+ // }
+ // return res;
+ // }
+ // public static HashMap<String, List<Object>> search(String from, String t1,
+ // String t2, String stype, String ttype, String provinces, String citys) {
+ // HashMap<String, List<Object>> res = new HashMap<>();
+ // PreparedStatement psmt = null;
+ // String pn = "province_name";
+ // String cn = "city_name";
+ // if ("roaming".equals(from)) {
+ // pn = "roaming_province_name";
+ // cn = "roaming_city_name";
+ // }
+ //// String sql = "select sdate,sum(user_count) from
+ // sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_abstract where sdate between '20210720' and
+ // '20210727' and stype='5G终端用户数' and size_type='7天' and province_name in ('河北')
+ // and city_name in ('石家庄','唐山') group by sdate;";
+ // String sql = "select sdate as dt ,sum(user_count) as num from
+ // sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_abstract where sdate between ? and ? and
+ // stype=? and size_type=? and " + pn + " in (" + provinces + ") and " + cn + "
+ // in (" + citys + ") group by sdate order by sdate;";
+ // if ("".equals(citys)) {
+ // sql = "select sdate as dt ,sum(user_count) as num from
+ // sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_abstract where sdate between ? and ? and
+ // stype=? and size_type=? and " + pn + " in (" + provinces + ") group by sdate
+ // order by sdate;";
+ // }
+ //
+ // List<Object> dtList = new ArrayList<>();
+ // List<Object> numList = new ArrayList<>();
+ // try {
+ // psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
+ //
+ // psmt.setQueryTimeout(60 * 10);
+ // psmt.setLong(1, Integer.valueOf(t1));
+ // psmt.setLong(2, Integer.valueOf(t2));
+ // psmt.setString(3, stype);
+ // psmt.setString(4, ttype + "天");
+ //// psmt.setString(5,provinces);
+ //// psmt.setString(6,citys);
+ // ResultSet rs = psmt.executeQuery();
+ // while (rs.next()) {
+ // String dt = rs.getString("dt");
+ // Long num = rs.getLong("num");
+ // dtList.add(dt);
+ // numList.add(num);
+ // }
+ // res.put("dt", dtList);
+ // res.put("num", numList);
+ // } catch (SQLException e) {
+ // e.printStackTrace();
+ // }
+ // return res;
+ // }
+ // public static String typeExport(String from, String provinces, String citys,
+ // String ttype, String t1, String t2) {
+ // String res = "";
+ // String pn = "province_name";
+ // String cn = "city_name";
+ // String guishu = "归属地";
+ // String area = citys;
+ // if ("roaming".equals(from)) {
+ // pn = "roaming_province_name";
+ // cn = "roaming_city_name";
+ // guishu = "拜访地";
+ // }
+ // String sql = "with tab as (\n" +
+ // "select distinct\n" +
+ // "stype,\n" +
+ // "'" + guishu + "' as 维度, \n" +
+ // "size_type as 粒度,\n" +
+ // "'" + area + "' as 区域, \n" +
+ // "sdate as 日期,\n" +
+ // "sum(user_count) over(partition by stype,sdate,size_type) as user_count\n" +
+ // "from sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_abstract\n" +
+ // "where sdate between ? and ? \n" +
+ // "and " + pn + " in ('" + provinces + "') and " + cn + " in ('" + citys + "')
+ // \n" +
+ // "and size_type = '" + ttype + "天'\n" +
+ // ") \n" +
+ // "\n" +
+ // "select \n" +
+ // "a.维度,\n" +
+ // "a.粒度,\n" +
+ // "a.区域,\n" +
+ // "a.日期,\n" +
+ // "sum(a.user_count) as 终端用户数,\n" +
+ // "sum(b.user_count) as 打开5G开关用户数,\n" +
+ // "sum(c.user_count) as 关闭5G开关用户数,\n" +
+ // "round(sum(b.user_count)/sum(a.user_count),4) as 开关打开率\n" +
+ // "from tab a\n" +
+ // "join tab b on b.日期=a.日期 and b.stype = '打开5G开关用户数'\n" +
+ // "join tab c on c.日期=a.日期 and c.stype = '关闭5G开关用户数'\n" +
+ // "where a.stype = '5G终端用户数'\n" +
+ // "group by \n" +
+ // "a.维度,\n" +
+ // "a.粒度,\n" +
+ // "a.区域,\n" +
+ // "a.日期\n" +
+ // "order by 日期";
+ //
+ // if ("".equals(citys)) {
+ // area = provinces;
+ // sql = "with tab as (\n" +
+ // "select distinct\n" +
+ // "stype,\n" +
+ // "'" + guishu + "' as 维度, \n" +
+ // "size_type as 粒度,\n" +
+ // "'" + area + "' as 区域, \n" +
+ // "sdate as 日期,\n" +
+ // "sum(user_count) over(partition by stype,sdate,size_type) as user_count\n" +
+ // "from sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_abstract\n" +
+ // "where sdate between ? and ? \n" +
+ // "and " + pn + " in ('" + provinces + "') \n" +
+ // "and size_type = '" + ttype + "天'\n" +
+ // ") \n" +
+ // "\n" +
+ // "select \n" +
+ // "a.维度,\n" +
+ // "a.粒度,\n" +
+ // "a.区域,\n" +
+ // "a.日期,\n" +
+ // "sum(a.user_count) as 终端用户数,\n" +
+ // "sum(b.user_count) as 打开5G开关用户数,\n" +
+ // "sum(c.user_count) as 关闭5G开关用户数,\n" +
+ // "round(sum(b.user_count)/sum(a.user_count),4) as 开关打开率\n" +
+ // "from tab a\n" +
+ // "join tab b on b.日期=a.日期 and b.stype = '打开5G开关用户数'\n" +
+ // "join tab c on c.日期=a.日期 and c.stype = '关闭5G开关用户数'\n" +
+ // "where a.stype = '5G终端用户数'\n" +
+ // "group by \n" +
+ // "a.维度,\n" +
+ // "a.粒度,\n" +
+ // "a.区域,\n" +
+ // "a.日期\n" +
+ // "order by 日期";
+ // }
+ //
+ //
+ // PreparedStatement psmt = null;
+ //
+ //
+ // try {
+ // psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
+ // psmt.setQueryTimeout(60 * 10);
+ //
+ // psmt.setLong(1, Integer.valueOf(t1));
+ // psmt.setLong(2, Integer.valueOf(t2));
+ // ResultSet rs = psmt.executeQuery();
+ // res = rsprocess(rs);
+ // } catch (SQLException e) {
+ // e.printStackTrace();
+ // }
+ // return res;
+ // }
+ // public static String exportAll(String ttype, String sts, String ets, String
+ // smts, String emts) {
+ // String res = "";
+ // String range = smts + "-" + ets;
+ // PreparedStatement psmt = null;
+ // String sql = "select '" + ttype + "天' as \"粒度\",\n" +
+ // "'" + range + "' as \"开始(结束)时间\",\n" +
+ // "msisdn as \"号码\",\n" +
+ // "province_name as \"归属省\",\n" +
+ // "city_name as \"归属地市\",\n" +
+ // "roaming_province_name as \"拜访省\",\n" +
+ // "roaming_city_name as \"拜访地市\",\n" +
+ // "tml_brand as \"终端品牌\",\n" +
+ // "tml_name as \"终端型号\",\n" +
+ // "case when last_open_date >= ? then 1 else 0 end as \"开关是否打开\" \n" +
+ // "from sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_agg\n" +
+ // "where sdate=? \n" +
+ // "and last_chg_date >= ? ";
+ //
+ // try {
+ // psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
+ // psmt.setQueryTimeout(60 * 10);
+ //
+ // psmt.setLong(1, Integer.valueOf(emts));
+ // psmt.setLong(2, Integer.valueOf(ets));
+ // psmt.setLong(3, Integer.valueOf(emts));
+ //
+ // ResultSet rs = psmt.executeQuery();
+ // res = rsprocess(rs);
+ // } catch (SQLException e) {
+ // e.printStackTrace();
+ // }
+ // return res;
+ // }
+ // public static String exportClose(String ttype, String sts, String ets, String
+ // smts, String emts) {
+ // String res = "";
+ // String range = smts + "-" + ets;
+ // PreparedStatement psmt = null;
+ // String sql = "select '" + ttype + "天' as \"粒度\",\n" +
+ // "'" + range + "' as \"开始(结束)时间\",\n" +
+ // "msisdn as \"号码\",\n" +
+ // "province_name as \"归属省\",\n" +
+ // "city_name as \"归属地市\",\n" +
+ // "roaming_province_name as \"拜访省\",\n" +
+ // "roaming_city_name as \"拜访地市\",\n" +
+ // "tml_brand as \"终端品牌\",\n" +
+ // "tml_name as \"终端型号\",\n" +
+ // "0 as \"开关是否打开\"\n" +
+ // "from sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_agg\n" +
+ // "where sdate=? \n" +
+ // "and last_chg_date >= ? \n" +
+ // "and (last_open_date < ? or last_open_date is null) ";
+ //
+ // try {
+ // psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
+ // psmt.setQueryTimeout(60 * 10);
+ //
+ // psmt.setLong(1, Integer.valueOf(ets));
+ // psmt.setLong(2, Integer.valueOf(emts));
+ // psmt.setLong(3, Integer.valueOf(emts));
+ //
+ // ResultSet rs = psmt.executeQuery();
+ // res = rsprocess(rs);
+ // } catch (SQLException e) {
+ // e.printStackTrace();
+ // }
+ // return res;
+ // }
+ // public static String rsprocess(ResultSet rs) {
+ // List<String> heads = new ArrayList<>();
+ // String headStr = "";
+ // StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
+ // try {
+ // ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
+ // for (int i = 1; i <= rsmd.getColumnCount(); i++) {
+ // String columnName = rsmd.getColumnName(i);
+ // heads.add(columnName);
+ // headStr += columnName + ",";
+ //
+ // }
+ //
+ // headStr = headStr.substring(0, headStr.length() - 1);
+ // sb.append(headStr + "\n");
+ // while (rs.next()) {
+ // String line = "";
+ // for (String head : heads) {
+ // line += rs.getString(head) + ",";
+ //
+ // }
+ // line = line.substring(0, line.length() - 1);
+ // sb.append(line + "\n");
+ // }
+ //
+ // } catch (SQLException throwables) {
+ // throwables.printStackTrace();
+ // }
+ // return sb.toString();
+ // }
+ public static Object userLogin(String username, String password, HttpSession session) {
+ log.debug("username: {}, password: {}", username, password);
+ // 查询用户信息
+ String sql = "select * from pm_parse.user where username='" + username + "'";
+ PreparedStatement psmt;
+ try {
+ psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
+ psmt.setQueryTimeout(60 * 10);
+ ResultSet rs = psmt.executeQuery();
+ // 没有查到数据
+ if (!rs.next()) {
+ return "用户名或密码错误!";
+ }
+ String passwordStore = rs.getString("password");
+ log.debug("passwordStore: {}", passwordStore);
+ // 密码错误
+ if (!password.equals(passwordStore)) {
+ return "用户名或密码错误!";
+ }
+ // 查询地区权限
+ sql = "select area from pm_parse.user_area where username='" + username + "'";
+ psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
+ psmt.setQueryTimeout(60 * 10);
+ rs = psmt.executeQuery();
+ Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
+ while (rs.next()) {
+ String area = rs.getString("area");
+ map.put(area, "");
+ }
+ log.debug("areas: {}", map.keySet());
+ // 保存session
+ session.setMaxInactiveInterval(30 * 60);
+ session.setAttribute("username", username);
+ session.setAttribute("areas", map);
+ return null;
+ } catch (SQLException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ return "数据库异常!";
+ }
+ }
+ public static Object addTemplate(String templateName, String indicators, HttpSession session) {
+ log.debug("templateName: {}", templateName);
+ log.debug("indicators: {}", indicators);
+ String username = (String) session.getAttribute("username");
+ long id = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ String sql = "insert into pm_parse.indicator_template (id, template_name, username) values (?, ?, ?)";
+ PreparedStatement psmt;
+ try {
+ conn.setAutoCommit(false);
+ psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
+ psmt.setObject(1, id);
+ psmt.setObject(2, templateName);
+ psmt.setObject(3, username);
+ int rs = psmt.executeUpdate();
+ if (rs < 1) {
+ conn.rollback();
+ return "添加失败";
+ }
+ String[] indicatorArray = StringUtils.delete(indicators, "'").split(",");
+ sql = "insert into pm_parse.indicator_template_item (template_id, indicator_id) values (?, ?)";
+ psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
+ for (String s : indicatorArray) {
+ psmt.setObject(1, id);
+ psmt.setObject(2, Integer.valueOf(s));
+ rs = psmt.executeUpdate();
+ if (rs < 1) {
+ conn.rollback();
+ return "添加失败";
+ }
+ }
+ conn.commit();
+ } catch (SQLException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ try {
+ conn.rollback();
+ } catch (SQLException ex) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ return "添加失败";
+ }
+ return "添加失败";
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public static List<TreeNode> initTreeIndicatorTemplate(HttpSession session) {
+ // 查询用户指标模板
+ String username = (String) session.getAttribute("username");
+ String sql = "select id, template_name from pm_parse.indicator_template where username = ?";
+ PreparedStatement psmt = null;
+ TreeNode allTree = new TreeNode("指标模板选择", "指标模板选择", true, new ArrayList<>());
+ try {
+ psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
+ psmt.setQueryTimeout(60 * 10);
+ psmt.setObject(1, username);
+ ResultSet rs = psmt.executeQuery();
+ while (rs.next()) {
+ String id = rs.getString("id");
+ String templateName = rs.getString("template_name");
+ TreeNode t = new TreeNode(templateName, id, new ArrayList<>());
+ allTree.getChildren().add(t);
+ // 查询模板下的指标
+ sql = "select x.indicator_cn, x.indicator_en from pm_parse.per_cfg_indicator x where x.indicator_id " +
+ "in (select indicator_id from pm_parse.indicator_template_item where template_id = ?)";
+ psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
+ psmt.setQueryTimeout(60 * 10);
+ psmt.setObject(1, Long.valueOf(id));
+ ResultSet r = psmt.executeQuery();
+ while (r.next()) {
+ String indicatorCn = r.getString("indicator_cn");
+ String indicatorEn = r.getString("indicator_en");
+ t.getChildren().add(new TreeNode(indicatorCn, indicatorEn));
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (SQLException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ List<TreeNode> res = new ArrayList<>();
+ res.add(allTree);
+ log.debug("initTreeIndicatorTemplate: {}", res);
+ return res;
+ }
+ public static Object deleteTemplate(String ids) {
+ log.debug("ids: {}", ids);
+ String sql = "delete from pm_parse.indicator_template where id in (" + ids + ")";
+ PreparedStatement psmt;
+ try {
+ conn.setAutoCommit(false);
+ psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
+ int rs = psmt.executeUpdate();
+ if (rs < 1) {
+ conn.rollback();
+ return "删除失败";
+ }
+ sql = "delete from pm_parse.indicator_template_item where template_id in (" + ids + ")";
+ psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
+ rs = psmt.executeUpdate();
+ if (rs < 1) {
+ conn.rollback();
+ return "删除失败";
+ }
+ conn.commit();
+ } catch (SQLException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ try {
+ conn.rollback();
+ } catch (SQLException ex) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ return "删除失败";
+ }
+ return "删除失败";
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ // public static List<String> initCitys(String type, String province) {
+ // PreparedStatement psmt = null;
+ // if (type == null) {
+ // type = "roaming";
+ // }
+ //
+ // String sql = "select distinct roaming_city_name as city from
+ // sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_abstract where roaming_province_name=? and
+ // roaming_city_name!='null' order by roaming_city_name";
+ //// Map<String,List<String>>res = new HashMap<>();
+ // List<String> res = new ArrayList<>();
+ // if ("roaming".equals(type)) {
+ // sql = "select distinct roaming_city_name as city from
+ // sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_abstract where roaming_province_name=? and
+ // roaming_city_name!='null' order by roaming_city_name";
+ //// sql = "select distinct city from sqmdb_5g.roaming_area where province = ?
+ // order by city";
+ //
+ // } else {
+ // sql = "select distinct city_name as city from
+ // sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_abstract where province_name=? and
+ // roaming_city_name!='null' order by city_name";
+ //// sql = "select distinct city from sqmdb_5g.local_area where province = ?
+ // order by city";
+ // }
+ // try {
+ // psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
+ // psmt.setQueryTimeout(60 * 10);
+ // psmt.setString(1, province);
+ //
+ // ResultSet rs = psmt.executeQuery();
+ // while (rs.next()) {
+ // String city = rs.getString("city");
+ // res.add(city);
+ //// if(res.keySet().contains(province)){
+ //// List<String> ls = res.get(province);
+ //// ls.add(city);
+ //// }else {
+ //// List<String>as = new ArrayList<>();
+ //// as.add(city);
+ //// res.put(province,as);
+ //// }
+ // }
+ // } catch (SQLException e) {
+ // e.printStackTrace();
+ // }
+ // return res;
+ // }
+ // public static List<String> initProvince(String type) {
+ // PreparedStatement psmt = null;
+ // if (type == null) {
+ // type = "roaming";
+ // }
+ // String sql = "";
+ //// String sql = "select distinct roaming_province_name as province from
+ // sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_abstract order by roaming_province_name";
+ ////// Map<String,List<String>>res = new HashMap<>();
+ // List<String> res = new ArrayList<>();
+ // if ("roaming".equals(type)) {
+ // sql = "select distinct roaming_province_name as province from
+ // sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_abstract order by roaming_province_name";
+ //// sql = "select distinct province from sqmdb_5g.roaming_area order by
+ // province";
+ //
+ // } else {
+ // sql = "select distinct province_name as province from
+ // sqmdb_5g.user_terminal_status_5g_abstract order by province_name";
+ //// sql = "select distinct province from sqmdb_5g.local_area order by
+ // province";
+ // }
+ // try {
+ // psmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
+ // psmt.setQueryTimeout(60 * 10);
+ //
+ // ResultSet rs = psmt.executeQuery();
+ // while (rs.next()) {
+ // String province = rs.getString("province");
+ // res.add(province);
+ //// if(res.keySet().contains(province)){
+ //// List<String> ls = res.get(province);
+ //// ls.add(city);
+ //// }else {
+ //// List<String>as = new ArrayList<>();
+ //// as.add(city);
+ //// res.put(province,as);
+ //// }
+ // }
+ // } catch (SQLException e) {
+ // e.printStackTrace();
+ // }
+ // return res;
+ // }