--09、百元资产修理维护费 ---地市 select t1.smonth as MONTH_ID, '地市' as ZB_TYPE, '河北' as PROV_NAME, dg.city_code*100 as CITY_ID, t1.sname as CITY_NAME, null as GRID_ID, null as GRID_NAME, '9' as ZB_CODE, '百元资产修理维护费' as ZB_NAME, '否' as IS_RATIO, t1.cost_fix as QZ_FZ, t2.zichan as QZ_FM, (t1.cost_fix/t2.zichan)*100 as BY_QZ from (select smonth,stype,sname,cost_fix from sqmdb_cost.chengben_shengnei where smonth='202206' and stype='地市') t1 join (select sname,sum(column7+column8)/2 as zichan from sqmdb_cost.report80054 where period_type='M' and sname in('石家庄_河北','唐山_河北','秦皇岛_河北','邯郸_河北','邢台_河北','保定_河北','张家口_河北','承德_河北','廊坊_河北','沧州_河北','衡水_河北','雄安_河北') and smonth between '202201' and '202206' group by sname) t2 on t1.sname=t2.sname join (select distinct city_code,city_pro from sqmdb_cost.dict_grid) dg on t1.sname=dg.city_pro order by dg.city_code