package; import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.*; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; @Mapper public interface MobileComplaintMapper { /** * 统计某天入库工单数量 */ @Select("select count(1) from tsl_data.mobile_complaint_day " + "where month_id = substring(#{day} from 1 for 6) and day_id = substring(#{day} from 7 for 2)") int selectCompCountForDay(String day); /** * 超时工单统计 */ @Select("with t1 as (select compl_area_local, is_timeout from tsl_data.mobile_complaint_day " + " where month_id = substring(#{day} from 1 for 6) and day_id = substring(#{day} from 7 for 2)), " + "t2 as (select '全省' as compl_area_local, count(1) as total_num from t1), " + "t3 as (select compl_area_local, count(1) as total_num from t1 group by compl_area_local), " + "t4 as (select * from t2 union select * from t3), " + "t5 as (select compl_area_local from t1 where is_timeout = '是'), " + "t7 as (select '全省' as compl_area_local, count(1) as timeout_num from t5), " + "t8 as (select compl_area_local, count(1) as timeout_num from t5 group by compl_area_local), " + "t9 as (select * from t7 union select * from t8) " + "select t4.compl_area_local, t4.total_num, t9.timeout_num, t9.timeout_num / t4.total_num::float8 as timeout_ratio " + "from t4, t9 where t4.compl_area_local = t9.compl_area_local") List> selectTimeoutTsCountForDay(String day); /** * 处理时长统计 */ @Select("with t1 as (select compl_area_local, " + "case when proce_time != '' then (extract('epoch' from to_timestamp( proce_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'))" + " - extract('epoch' from to_timestamp(accept_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'))) / 3600" + " when is_online_complete = '是' then 0" + " else (extract('epoch' from to_timestamp(end_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'))" + " - extract('epoch' from to_timestamp(accept_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'))) / 3600 " + " end as duration from tsl_data.mobile_complaint_day " + "where month_id = substring(#{day} from 1 for 6) and day_id = substring(#{day} from 7 for 2)) " + "select compl_area_local, avg(duration)::float8 as avg_duration from t1 group by compl_area_local") List> selectTsDurationForDay(String day); /** * 重复工单 */ @Select("with t1 as (select compl_area_local, busi_no from tsl_data.mobile_complaint_day " + " where month_id = substring(#{day} from 1 for 6) and day_id = substring(#{day} from 7 for 2)), " + "t2 as (select distinct * from t1), " + "t3 as (select compl_area_local, count(1) as total_num from t1 group by compl_area_local), " + "t4 as (select compl_area_local, count(1) as distinct_num from t2 group by compl_area_local), " + "t5 as (select t3.compl_area_local, t3.total_num, t3.total_num - t4.distinct_num::float8 as repeat_num, " + " (t3.total_num - t4.distinct_num) / t3.total_num::float8 as repeat_ratio from T3, t4 " + " where t3.compl_area_local = t4.compl_area_local) " + "select '全省' as compl_area_local, sum(total_num) as total_num, sum(repeat_num) as repeat_num, " + "sum(repeat_num) / sum(total_num)::float8 as repeat_ratio from t5 union select * from t5 ") List> selectRepeatTsCountForDay(String day); /** * 投诉清单按日按地市计数 */ @Select("select compl_area_local, substring(acct_date from 7 for 2) as day_id, count(1) as num " + " from tsl_data.mobile_complaint_day where month_id = substring(#{day} from 1 for 6) " + " and day_id = substring(#{day} from 7 for 2) group by compl_area_local, substring(acct_date from 7 for 2) " + " order by compl_area_local, substring(acct_date from 7 for 2)") List> selectCityTslForMonth(String day); /** * 投诉清单全省计数 */ @Select("select substring(acct_date from 7 for 2) as day_id, count(1) as num " + "from tsl_data.mobile_complaint_day where month_id = substring(#{day} from 1 for 6) " + "and day_id = substring(#{day} from 7 for 2) group by substring(acct_date from 7 for 2) " + "order by substring(acct_date from 7 for 2)") List> selectAllTslForMonth(String day); /** * 投诉清单地市总数 */ @Select("select compl_area_local, count(1) as num from tsl_data.mobile_complaint_day " + "where month_id = substring(#{day} from 1 for 6) and day_id = substring(#{day} from 7 for 2) " + " group by compl_area_local order by compl_area_local") List> selectCityAllForMonth(String day); /** * 投诉清单按月计算总数 */ @Select("select count(1) as num from tsl_data.mobile_complaint_day hdmc " + "where month_id = substring(#{day} from 1 for 6) and day_id = substring(#{day} from 7 for 2)") int selectAllForMonth(String day); @Delete("delete from tsl_data.mobile_complaint_day where month_id = #{month_id} and day_id = #{day_id} ") int deleteMobileComplaintForMonthIdAndDayId(@Param("month_id") String monthId, @Param("day_id") String dayId); /** * 删除某天的管理端投诉清单 */ default int deleteMobileCompForDay(String day) { return deleteMobileComplaintForMonthIdAndDayId(day.substring(0, 6), day.substring(6)); } @Select("select count(1) from tsl_data.mobile_complaint_day where month_id = #{month_id} and day_id = #{day_id} ") int countForDay(@Param("month_id") String monthId, @Param("day_id") String dayId); default int countForDay(String day) { return countForDay(day.substring(0, 6), day.substring(6)); } // 3G简网投诉情况 // 移网质量>>网络覆盖>>Vo-LTE>>未开通/不支撑Vo-LTE功能 // 移网质量>>网络覆盖>>2/3G网络精简>>2/3G网络精简 // 日定责问题分类 DUTY_REASON_ID_DAY // 地市按日统计 20240409 新增 @Select("select compl_area_local, substring(acct_date from 7 for 2) as day_id, count(1) as num " + "from tsl_data.mobile_complaint_day " + "where month_id = #{month_id} and day_id = #{day_id} " + "and duty_reason_id_day in ( " + "'移网质量>>网络覆盖>>Vo-LTE>>未开通/不支撑Vo-LTE功能', " + "'移网质量>>网络覆盖>>2/3G网络精简>>2/3G网络精简') " + "group by compl_area_local, substring(acct_date from 7 for 2) " + "order by compl_area_local, substring(acct_date from 7 for 2)") List> selectCity3GjwForMonth(@Param("month_id") String monthId, @Param("day_id") String dayId); default List> selectCity3GjwForMonth(String day) { return selectCity3GjwForMonth(day.substring(0, 6), day.substring(6)); } // 全省按日统计 20240409 新增 @Select("select substring(acct_date from 7 for 2) as day_id, count(1) as num " + "from tsl_data.mobile_complaint_day " + "where month_id = #{month_id} and day_id = #{day_id} " + "and duty_reason_id_day in ( " + "'移网质量>>网络覆盖>>Vo-LTE>>未开通/不支撑Vo-LTE功能', " + "'移网质量>>网络覆盖>>2/3G网络精简>>2/3G网络精简') " + "group by substring(acct_date from 7 for 2) " + "order by substring(acct_date from 7 for 2)") List> selectAll3GjwGroupByDayForMonth(@Param("month_id") String monthId, @Param("day_id") String dayId); default List> selectAll3GjwGroupByDayForMonth(String day) { return selectAll3GjwGroupByDayForMonth(day.substring(0, 6), day.substring(6)); } @Select("select compl_area_local, count(1) as num " + "from tsl_data.mobile_complaint_day " + "where month_id = #{month_id} and day_id = #{day_id} " + "and duty_reason_id_day in ( " + "'移网质量>>网络覆盖>>Vo-LTE>>未开通/不支撑Vo-LTE功能', " + "'移网质量>>网络覆盖>>2/3G网络精简>>2/3G网络精简') " + "group by compl_area_local " + "order by compl_area_local ") List> selectCityAll3GjwForMonth(@Param("month_id") String monthId, @Param("day_id") String dayId); default List> selectCityAll3GjwForMonth(String day) { return selectCityAll3GjwForMonth(day.substring(0, 6), day.substring(6)); } @Select("select count(1) from tsl_data.mobile_complaint_day " + "where month_id = #{month_id} and day_id = #{day_id} " + "and duty_reason_id_day in ( " + "'移网质量>>网络覆盖>>Vo-LTE>>未开通/不支撑Vo-LTE功能', " + "'移网质量>>网络覆盖>>2/3G网络精简>>2/3G网络精简')") int selectAll3GjwForMonth(@Param("month_id") String monthId, @Param("day_id") String dayId); default int selectAll3GjwForMonth(String day) { return selectAll3GjwForMonth(day.substring(0, 6), day.substring(6)); } }