@@ -23,175 +23,233 @@ import java.util.Map;
public class WorkFlowDao {
public class WorkFlowDao {
- private final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
- public WorkFlowDao(@Qualifier("workFlowJdbcTemplate") JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) {
- this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate;
- }
- // 获取全部地市信息
- public List<SysDataDictionary> findSysDataDictionaryForCity() {
- return findSysDataDictionaries("city");
- }
- // 获取全部区县信息
- public List<SysDataDictionary> findSysDataDictionaryForRegion() {
- return findSysDataDictionaries("region");
- }
- // 读取某种类型的字典表
- public List<SysDataDictionary> findSysDataDictionaries(String type) {
- String sql = "select id, name, type_code from sys_data_dictionary sdd where type_code = ? ";
- return jdbcTemplate.query(sql,
- (ps) -> {
- ps.setString(1, type);
- },
- (rs, rowNum) -> {
- SysDataDictionary sysDataDictionary = new SysDataDictionary();
- sysDataDictionary.setType("work_flow_" + rs.getString("type_code"));
- sysDataDictionary.setNickCode(rs.getString("id"));
- sysDataDictionary.setNickName(rs.getString("name"));
- return sysDataDictionary;
- });
- }
- // 获取update_time在两个范围之间的全部工单信息
- // 20240205 不再使用
- @Deprecated
- public List<Map<String, Object>> findWorkFlowBasicDataByUpdateTime(Instant start, Instant end) {
- // 20240112 修改 使用 serv_order 替换了kfsn
- String sql = "select order_no, " + //
- "city as city_id, " + //
- "is_effctive as is_effctive, " + //
- "form_basic_data->>'yh_region' as region_id, " + //
- "form_basic_data->>'serv_order' as kfsn, " + //
- "form_basic_data->>'kd_accepttime' as kd_accepttime, " + //
- "form_basic_data->>'kd_requestreplytime' as kd_requestreplytime, " + //
- "form_basic_data->>'re_is_status' as re_is_status_id, " + //
- "form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time' as kf_file_time, " + //
- "form_basic_data->>'kf_file_type' as kf_file_type, " + //
- "create_time as work_flow_create_time, " + //
- "update_time as work_flow_update_time " + //
- "from flow_form_basic " + //
- "where update_time >= to_timestamp(?, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') " + //
- "and update_time <= to_timestamp(?, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') ";
- DateTimeFormatter dateFormat = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
- .withZone(ZoneId.of("Asia/Shanghai"));
- Object[] objects = new Object[] { dateFormat.format(start), dateFormat.format(end) };
- int[] argTypes = new int[] { Types.TIMESTAMP, Types.TIMESTAMP };
- return jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql, objects, argTypes);
- }
- /**
- * 直接从工作流读取处理时长数据
- */
- public List<Map<String, Object>> selectTsDurationBasicData(Instant start, Instant end) {
- String sql = "explain with t1 as (select city as city_id, \r\n" + //
- "form_basic_data->>'serv_order' as kfsn,\r\n" + //
- "(extract(epoch from to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')) -\r\n" + //
- "extract(epoch from to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kd_accepttime', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'))) /\r\n" + //
- "3600 as cost_time \r\n" + //
- "from flow_form_basic\r\n" + //
- "where form_basic_data->>'re_is_status' != '06678b79185349b5bf0c24490a978fbb' \r\n" + //
- "and form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time' is not null \r\n" + //
- "and is_effctive = '1'\r\n" + //
- "and to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') >= ? \r\n" + //
- "and to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') < ? \r\n" + //
- "select city_id, kfsn, min(cost_time) as cost_time from t1 group by city_id, kfsn";
- DateTimeFormatter dateFormat = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
- .withZone(ZoneId.of("Asia/Shanghai"));
- Object[] objects = new Object[] { dateFormat.format(start), dateFormat.format(end) };
- int[] argTypes = new int[] { Types.TIMESTAMP, Types.TIMESTAMP };
- Long startLong = System.currentTimeMillis();
- List<Map<String, Object>> result = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql, objects, argTypes);
- log.debug("从工作流读取处理时长数据, 耗时 {} ms...", System.currentTimeMillis() - startLong);
- return result;
- }
- public List<Map<String, Object>> selectTsDurationForDay(Instant start, Instant end) {
- String sql = "with t1 as (select city as city_id, \r\n" + //
- "form_basic_data->>'serv_order' as kfsn,\r\n" + //
- "(extract(epoch from to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'))\r\n" + //
- "- extract(epoch from to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kd_accepttime', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')))\r\n" + //
- "/ 3600 as cost_time \r\n" + //
- "from flow_form_basic\r\n" + //
- "where form_basic_data->>'re_is_status' != '06678b79185349b5bf0c24490a978fbb'\r\n" + //
- "and form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time' is not null \r\n" + //
- "and is_effctive = '1'\r\n" + //
- "and to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') >= ?\r\n" + //
- "and to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') < ?),\r\n" + //
- "t2 as (select city_id, kfsn, min(cost_time) as cost_time from t1 group by city_id, kfsn),\r\n" + //
- "t3 as (select city_id, avg(cost_time)::float8 as avg_duration from t2 group by city_id),\r\n" + //
- "t4 as (select '全省' as city_id, avg(cost_time)::float8 as avg_duration from t2)\r\n" + //
- "select * from t3 union select * from t4";
- DateTimeFormatter dateFormat = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
- .withZone(ZoneId.of("Asia/Shanghai"));
- Object[] objects = new Object[] { dateFormat.format(start), dateFormat.format(end) };
- int[] argTypes = new int[] { Types.TIMESTAMP, Types.TIMESTAMP };
- Long startLong = System.currentTimeMillis();
- List<Map<String, Object>> result = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql, objects, argTypes);
- log.debug("从工作流读取{}-{}平均处理时长数据, 耗时 {} ms...",
- start,
- end,
- System.currentTimeMillis() - startLong);
- return result;
- }
- public List<Map<String, Object>> selectTimeoutTsCountForDay(Instant start, Instant end, int target) {
- String sql = "with t1 as (select distinct city as city_id, \r\n" + //
- "form_basic_data->>'serv_order' as kfsn,\r\n" + //
- "to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') - \r\n" + //
- "to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kd_accepttime', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') \r\n" + //
- "> make_interval(hours => ?) as is_timeout \r\n" + //
- "from flow_form_basic\r\n" + //
- "where form_basic_data->>'re_is_status' != '06678b79185349b5bf0c24490a978fbb'\r\n" + //
- "and form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time' is not null \r\n" + //
- "and is_effctive = '1'\r\n" + //
- "and to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') >= ?\r\n" + //
- "and to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') <= ?),\r\n" + //
- "t2 as (select '全省' as city_id, count(1) as total_num, count(is_timeout or null) as timeout_num,\r\n" + //
- "count(is_timeout or null)::float8 / count(1) as timeout_ratio from t1),\r\n" + //
- "t3 as (select city_id, count(1) as total_num, count(is_timeout or null) as timeout_num,\r\n" + //
- "count(is_timeout or null)::float8 / count(1) as timeout_ratio from t1 group by city_id)\r\n" + //
- "select * from t2 union select * from t3";
- DateTimeFormatter dateFormat = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
- .withZone(ZoneId.of("Asia/Shanghai"));
- Object[] objects = new Object[] { target, dateFormat.format(start), dateFormat.format(end) };
- int[] argTypes = new int[] { Types.INTEGER, Types.TIMESTAMP, Types.TIMESTAMP };
- Long startLong = System.currentTimeMillis();
- List<Map<String, Object>> result = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql, objects, argTypes);
- log.debug("从工作流读取{}-{}超时工单数据, 耗时 {} ms...",
- start,
- end,
- System.currentTimeMillis() - startLong);
- return result;
- }
- public List<Map<String, Object>> selectTsDurationForMonth(String month) {
- String sql = "with t1 as (select city as city_id, \r\n" + //
- "form_basic_data->>'serv_order' as kfsn,\r\n" + //
- "(extract(epoch from to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'))\r\n" + //
- "- extract(epoch from to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kd_accepttime', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')))\r\n" + //
- "/ 3600 as cost_time \r\n" + //
- "from flow_form_basic\r\n" + //
- "where form_basic_data->>'re_is_status' != '06678b79185349b5bf0c24490a978fbb'\r\n" + //
- "and form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time' is not null \r\n" + //
- "and is_effctive = '1'\r\n" + //
- "and to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') >= " +
- "to_timestamp(concat(?, '01000000'), 'yyyymmddhh24miss') " +
- "and to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') < " +
- "(to_timestamp(concat(?, '01000000'), 'yyyymmddhh24miss') + interval '1 month'))," +
- "t2 as (select city_id, kfsn, min(cost_time) as cost_time from t1 group by city_id, kfsn),\r\n" + //
- "t3 as (select ? as month_id, city_id, avg(cost_time)::float8 as avg_duration from t2 group by city_id),"
- + "t4 as (select ? as month_id, '全省' as city_id, avg(cost_time)::float8 as avg_duration from t2)" +
- "select * from t3 union select * from t4";
- Object[] objects = new Object[] { month, month, month, month };
- int[] argTypes = new int[] { Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR };
- Long startLong = System.currentTimeMillis();
- List<Map<String, Object>> result = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql, objects, argTypes);
- log.debug("从工作流读取{}月平均处理时长数据, 耗时 {} ms...",
- month,
- System.currentTimeMillis() - startLong);
- return result;
- }
+ private final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
+ public WorkFlowDao(@Qualifier("workFlowJdbcTemplate") JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) {
+ this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate;
+ }
+ // 获取全部地市信息
+ public List<SysDataDictionary> findSysDataDictionaryForCity() {
+ return findSysDataDictionaries("city");
+ }
+ // 获取全部区县信息
+ public List<SysDataDictionary> findSysDataDictionaryForRegion() {
+ return findSysDataDictionaries("region");
+ }
+ // 读取某种类型的字典表
+ public List<SysDataDictionary> findSysDataDictionaries(String type) {
+ String sql = "select id, name, type_code from sys_data_dictionary sdd where type_code = ? ";
+ return jdbcTemplate.query(sql,
+ (ps) -> {
+ ps.setString(1, type);
+ },
+ (rs, rowNum) -> {
+ SysDataDictionary sysDataDictionary = new SysDataDictionary();
+ sysDataDictionary.setType("work_flow_" + rs.getString("type_code"));
+ sysDataDictionary.setNickCode(rs.getString("id"));
+ sysDataDictionary.setNickName(rs.getString("name"));
+ return sysDataDictionary;
+ });
+ }
+ // 获取update_time在两个范围之间的全部工单信息
+ // 20240205 不再使用
+ @Deprecated
+ public List<Map<String, Object>> findWorkFlowBasicDataByUpdateTime(Instant start, Instant end) {
+ // 20240112 修改 使用 serv_order 替换了kfsn
+ String sql = "select order_no, " + //
+ "city as city_id, " + //
+ "is_effctive as is_effctive, " + //
+ "form_basic_data->>'yh_region' as region_id, " + //
+ "form_basic_data->>'serv_order' as kfsn, " + //
+ "form_basic_data->>'kd_accepttime' as kd_accepttime, " + //
+ "form_basic_data->>'kd_requestreplytime' as kd_requestreplytime, " + //
+ "form_basic_data->>'re_is_status' as re_is_status_id, " + //
+ "form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time' as kf_file_time, " + //
+ "form_basic_data->>'kf_file_type' as kf_file_type, " + //
+ "create_time as work_flow_create_time, " + //
+ "update_time as work_flow_update_time " + //
+ "from flow_form_basic " + //
+ "where update_time >= to_timestamp(?, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') " + //
+ "and update_time <= to_timestamp(?, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') ";
+ DateTimeFormatter dateFormat = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
+ .withZone(ZoneId.of("Asia/Shanghai"));
+ Object[] objects = new Object[] { dateFormat.format(start), dateFormat.format(end) };
+ int[] argTypes = new int[] { Types.TIMESTAMP, Types.TIMESTAMP };
+ return jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql, objects, argTypes);
+ }
+ /**
+ * 直接从工作流读取处理时长数据
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public List<Map<String, Object>> selectTsDurationBasicData(Instant start, Instant end) {
+ String sql = "with t1 as (select city as city_id, \r\n" + //
+ "form_basic_data->>'serv_order' as kfsn,\r\n" + //
+ "(extract(epoch from to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')) -\r\n"
+ + //
+ "extract(epoch from to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kd_accepttime', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'))) /\r\n"
+ + //
+ "3600 as cost_time \r\n" + //
+ "from flow_form_basic\r\n" + //
+ "where form_basic_data->>'re_is_status' != '06678b79185349b5bf0c24490a978fbb' \r\n" + //
+ "and form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time' is not null \r\n" + //
+ "and is_effctive = '1'\r\n" + //
+ "and to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') >= ? \r\n"
+ + //
+ "and to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') < ? \r\n" + //
+ "select city_id, kfsn, min(cost_time) as cost_time from t1 group by city_id, kfsn";
+ DateTimeFormatter dateFormat = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
+ .withZone(ZoneId.of("Asia/Shanghai"));
+ Object[] objects = new Object[] { dateFormat.format(start), dateFormat.format(end) };
+ int[] argTypes = new int[] { Types.TIMESTAMP, Types.TIMESTAMP };
+ Long startLong = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ List<Map<String, Object>> result = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql, objects, argTypes);
+ log.debug("从工作流读取处理时长数据, 耗时 {} ms...", System.currentTimeMillis() - startLong);
+ return result;
+ }
+ // 20240304 修改平均处理时长算法
+ // 20240313 增加过滤条件 客服工单号不以 ZHX 开头
+ public List<Map<String, Object>> selectTsDurationForDayV2(String start, String end) {
+ String sql = "with t1 as (select order_no, city as city_id, form_basic_data->>'serv_order' as kfsn " +
+ ", form_basic_data->>'kd_accepttime' as kd_accepttime " +
+ "from flow_form_basic where is_effctive = '1' " +
+ "and substring(form_basic_data->>'serv_order' from 1 for 3) != 'ZHX' " +
+ "and create_time >= ? and create_time <= ? " +
+ "and form_basic_data->>'kd_accepttime' >= ? " +
+ "and form_basic_data->>'kd_accepttime' <= ?) " +
+ ", t2 as (select order_no, res_date " +
+ "from complaint.kf_log), " +
+ "t3 as (select t1.order_no, t1.city_id, t1.kfsn," +
+ "extract(epoch from coalesce(to_timestamp(max(t2.res_date), 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'), now())) "
+ +
+ "- extract(epoch from to_timestamp(min(t1.kd_accepttime), 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')) as cost_time "
+ +
+ "from t1 left join t2 " +
+ "on t1.order_no = t2.order_no " +
+ "group by t1.order_no, t1.city_id, t1.kfsn) " +
+ ", t4 as (select city_id, kfsn, min(cost_time) as cost_time from t3 group by city_id, kfsn) "
+ +
+ ", t5 as (select city_id, avg(cost_time)::float8/3600 as avg_duration from t4 group by city_id) "
+ +
+ ", t6 as (select '全省', avg(cost_time)::float8/3600 as avg_duration from t4) " +
+ "select * from t5 union select * from t6";
+ Object[] objects = new Object[] { start, end, start, end };
+ int[] argTypes = new int[] { Types.TIMESTAMP, Types.TIMESTAMP, Types.TIMESTAMP, Types.TIMESTAMP };
+ Long startLong = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ List<Map<String, Object>> result = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql, objects, argTypes);
+ log.debug("从工作流读取{}-{}平均处理时长数据, 耗时 {} ms, sql: {}",
+ start,
+ end,
+ System.currentTimeMillis() - startLong,
+ sql);
+ return result;
+ }
+ // 20240304 之前获取平均处理时长的sql语句
+ @Deprecated
+ public List<Map<String, Object>> selectTsDurationForDay(Instant start, Instant end) {
+ String sql = "with t1 as (select city as city_id, \r\n" + //
+ "form_basic_data->>'serv_order' as kfsn,\r\n" + //
+ "(extract(epoch from to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'))\r\n"
+ + //
+ "- extract(epoch from to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kd_accepttime', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')))\r\n"
+ + //
+ "/ 3600 as cost_time \r\n" + //
+ "from flow_form_basic\r\n" + //
+ "where form_basic_data->>'re_is_status' != '06678b79185349b5bf0c24490a978fbb'\r\n" + //
+ "and form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time' is not null \r\n" + //
+ "and is_effctive = '1'\r\n" + //
+ "and to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') >= ?\r\n" + //
+ "and to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') < ?),\r\n"
+ + //
+ "t2 as (select city_id, kfsn, min(cost_time) as cost_time from t1 group by city_id, kfsn),\r\n"
+ + //
+ "t3 as (select city_id, avg(cost_time)::float8 as avg_duration from t2 group by city_id),\r\n"
+ + //
+ "t4 as (select '全省' as city_id, avg(cost_time)::float8 as avg_duration from t2)\r\n" + //
+ "select * from t3 union select * from t4";
+ DateTimeFormatter dateFormat = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
+ .withZone(ZoneId.of("Asia/Shanghai"));
+ Object[] objects = new Object[] { dateFormat.format(start), dateFormat.format(end) };
+ int[] argTypes = new int[] { Types.TIMESTAMP, Types.TIMESTAMP };
+ Long startLong = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ List<Map<String, Object>> result = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql, objects, argTypes);
+ log.debug("从工作流读取{}-{}平均处理时长数据, 耗时 {} ms...",
+ start,
+ end,
+ System.currentTimeMillis() - startLong);
+ return result;
+ }
+ public List<Map<String, Object>> selectTimeoutTsCountForDay(Instant start, Instant end, int target) {
+ String sql = "with t1 as (select distinct city as city_id, \r\n" + //
+ "form_basic_data->>'serv_order' as kfsn,\r\n" + //
+ "to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') - \r\n" + //
+ "to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kd_accepttime', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') \r\n" + //
+ "> make_interval(hours => ?) as is_timeout \r\n" + //
+ "from flow_form_basic\r\n" + //
+ "where form_basic_data->>'re_is_status' != '06678b79185349b5bf0c24490a978fbb'\r\n" + //
+ "and form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time' is not null \r\n" + //
+ "and is_effctive = '1'\r\n" + //
+ "and to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') >= ?\r\n" + //
+ "and to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') <= ?),\r\n"
+ + //
+ "t2 as (select '全省' as city_id, count(1) as total_num, count(is_timeout or null) as timeout_num,\r\n"
+ + //
+ "count(is_timeout or null)::float8 / count(1) as timeout_ratio from t1),\r\n" + //
+ "t3 as (select city_id, count(1) as total_num, count(is_timeout or null) as timeout_num,\r\n"
+ + //
+ "count(is_timeout or null)::float8 / count(1) as timeout_ratio from t1 group by city_id)\r\n"
+ + //
+ "select * from t2 union select * from t3";
+ DateTimeFormatter dateFormat = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
+ .withZone(ZoneId.of("Asia/Shanghai"));
+ Object[] objects = new Object[] { target, dateFormat.format(start), dateFormat.format(end) };
+ int[] argTypes = new int[] { Types.INTEGER, Types.TIMESTAMP, Types.TIMESTAMP };
+ Long startLong = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ List<Map<String, Object>> result = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql, objects, argTypes);
+ log.debug("从工作流读取{}-{}超时工单数据, 耗时 {} ms...",
+ start,
+ end,
+ System.currentTimeMillis() - startLong);
+ return result;
+ }
+ @Deprecated
+ public List<Map<String, Object>> selectTsDurationForMonth(String month) {
+ String sql = "with t1 as (select city as city_id, \r\n" + //
+ "form_basic_data->>'serv_order' as kfsn,\r\n" + //
+ "(extract(epoch from to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'))\r\n"
+ + //
+ "- extract(epoch from to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kd_accepttime', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')))\r\n"
+ + //
+ "/ 3600 as cost_time \r\n" + //
+ "from flow_form_basic\r\n" + //
+ "where form_basic_data->>'re_is_status' != '06678b79185349b5bf0c24490a978fbb'\r\n" + //
+ "and form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time' is not null \r\n" + //
+ "and is_effctive = '1'\r\n" + //
+ "and to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') >= " +
+ "to_timestamp(concat(?, '01000000'), 'yyyymmddhh24miss') " +
+ "and to_timestamp(form_basic_data->>'kf_file_time', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') < " +
+ "(to_timestamp(concat(?, '01000000'), 'yyyymmddhh24miss') + interval '1 month'))," +
+ "t2 as (select city_id, kfsn, min(cost_time) as cost_time from t1 group by city_id, kfsn),\r\n"
+ + //
+ "t3 as (select ? as month_id, city_id, avg(cost_time)::float8 as avg_duration from t2 group by city_id),"
+ + "t4 as (select ? as month_id, '全省' as city_id, avg(cost_time)::float8 as avg_duration from t2)"
+ +
+ "select * from t3 union select * from t4";
+ Object[] objects = new Object[] { month, month, month, month };
+ int[] argTypes = new int[] { Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR };
+ Long startLong = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ List<Map<String, Object>> result = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql, objects, argTypes);
+ log.debug("从工作流读取{}月平均处理时长数据, 耗时 {} ms...",
+ month,
+ System.currentTimeMillis() - startLong);
+ return result;
+ }