@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+-- customer_service.cfg_p_netconf_std 更新
+ '' as id,
+ city_code as city_id,
+ city_name as city_name ,
+ district_name as area_id,
+ '' as core_ne_name,
+ '' as radio_ne_name,
+ bbu_name as site_name,
+ enbid as site_id,
+ cell_id as cell_no,
+ cell_name as cell_name ,
+ 46001000000000 + enbid * 256 + cell_id as cell_id ,
+ enbid * 256 + cell_id as ecgi,
+ '' as gnb_cu_id,
+ '' as gnb_du_id,
+ '' as gsm_cell_id,
+ 4 as network_type,
+ '' as type_5g,
+ '' as tac,
+ (case
+ station_type when '宏站' then '室外'
+ else '室内'
+ end) as cover_type,
+ '' as nodeb_type,
+ '' as rac,
+ '' as lac,
+ '' as grid,
+ scene as areatype,
+ '' as sub_areatype,
+ '' as area3,
+ lon as longitude,
+ lat as latitude,
+ vender as vendor,
+ height as height ,
+ m_downtilt + e_downtilt as downtilt,
+ direction as azimuth,
+ down_freq as fr,
+ '' as scramber,
+ '河北省' as province_id,
+ '' as bsbusip,
+ '' as bsbusip_1,
+ '' as isanchor,
+ construction as "operator",
+ '' as isshare,
+ '' as slice_type
+ cfm.cfg_0_4g_siteinfo cgs
+-- customer_service.cfg_p_netconf_std 更新
+ '' as id,
+ city_code as city_id,
+ city_name as city_name ,
+ district_name as area_id,
+ '' as core_ne_name,
+ '' as radio_ne_name,
+ station_name as site_name,
+ gnbid as site_id,
+ cell_id as cell_no,
+ cell_name as cell_name ,
+ 4600100000000000 + gnbid * 4096 + cell_id as cell_id ,
+ gnbid * 4096 + cell_id as ecgi,
+ '' as gnb_cu_id,
+ '' as gnb_du_id,
+ '' as gsm_cell_id,
+ 4 as network_type,
+ '' as type_5g,
+ '' as tac,
+ (case
+ station_type when '宏站' then '室外'
+ else '室内'
+ end) as cover_type,
+ '' as nodeb_type,
+ '' as rac,
+ '' as lac,
+ '' as grid,
+ scene as areatype,
+ '' as sub_areatype,
+ '' as area3,
+ lon as longitude,
+ lat as latitude,
+ vender as vendor,
+ height as height ,
+ m_downtilt + e_downtilt as downtilt,
+ direction as azimuth,
+ down_freq as fr,
+ '' as scramber,
+ '河北省' as province_id,
+ '' as bsbusip,
+ '' as bsbusip_1,
+ '' as isanchor,
+ construction as "operator",
+ '' as isshare,
+ '' as slice_type
+ cfm.cfg_0_5g_siteinfo cgs
+select '' as id, city_code as city_id, city_name as city_name , district_name as area_id, '' as core_ne_name, '' as radio_ne_name, bbu_name as site_name, enbid as site_id, cell_id as cell_no, cell_name as cell_name , 46001000000000 + enbid * 256 + cell_id as cell_id , enbid * 256 + cell_id as ecgi, '' as gnb_cu_id, '' as gnb_du_id, '' as gsm_cell_id, 4 as network_type, '' as type_5g, '' as tac, (case station_type when '宏站' then '室外' else '室内' end) as cover_type, '' as nodeb_type, '' as rac, '' as lac, '' as grid, scene as areatype, '' as sub_areatype, '' as area3, lon as longitude, lat as latitude, vender as vendor, height as height , m_downtilt + e_downtilt as downtilt, direction as azimuth, down_freq as fr, '' as scramber, '河北省' as province_id, '' as bsbusip, '' as bsbusip_1, '' as isanchor, construction as "operator", '' as isshare, '' as slice_type from cfm.cfg_0_4g_siteinfo cgs;
+select '' as id, city_code as city_id, city_name as city_name , district_name as area_id, '' as core_ne_name, '' as radio_ne_name, station_name as site_name, gnbid as site_id, cell_id as cell_no, cell_name as cell_name , 4600100000000000 + gnbid * 4096 + cell_id as cell_id , gnbid * 4096 + cell_id as ecgi, '' as gnb_cu_id, '' as gnb_du_id, '' as gsm_cell_id, 4 as network_type, '' as type_5g, '' as tac, (case station_type when '宏站' then '室外' else '室内' end) as cover_type, '' as nodeb_type, '' as rac, '' as lac, '' as grid, scene as areatype, '' as sub_areatype, '' as area3, lon as longitude, lat as latitude, vender as vendor, height as height , m_downtilt + e_downtilt as downtilt, direction as azimuth, down_freq as fr, '' as scramber, '河北省' as province_id, '' as bsbusip, '' as bsbusip_1, '' as isanchor, construction as "operator", '' as isshare, '' as slice_type from cfm.cfg_0_5g_siteinfo cgs;
+select cell_id, site_name, city_name , longitude , latitude , tac from customer_service.cfg_p_netconf_std;
+\c sqmmt
+# 5G工参
+\copy (select '' as id, city_code as city_id, city_name as city_name , district_name as area_id, '' as core_ne_name, '' as radio_ne_name, station_name as site_name, gnbid as site_id, cell_id as cell_no, cell_name as cell_name , 4600100000000000 + gnbid * 4096 + cell_id as cell_id , gnbid * 4096 + cell_id as ecgi, '' as gnb_cu_id, '' as gnb_du_id, '' as gsm_cell_id, 4 as network_type, '' as type_5g, '' as tac, (case station_type when '宏站' then '室外' else '室内' end) as cover_type, '' as nodeb_type, '' as rac, '' as lac, '' as grid, scene as areatype, '' as sub_areatype, '' as area3, lon as longitude, lat as latitude, vender as vendor, height as height , m_downtilt + e_downtilt as downtilt, direction as azimuth, down_freq as fr, '' as scramber, '河北省' as province_id, '' as bsbusip, '' as bsbusip_1, '' as isanchor, construction as "operator", '' as isshare, '' as slice_type from cfm.cfg_0_5g_siteinfo cgs) TO '/data1/cfg_0_5g_siteinfo.csv' with (FORMAT csv, NULL '',DELIMITER ',', HEADER true);
+# 4G工参
+\copy (select '' as id, city_code as city_id, city_name as city_name , district_name as area_id, '' as core_ne_name, '' as radio_ne_name, bbu_name as site_name, enbid as site_id, cell_id as cell_no, cell_name as cell_name , 46001000000000 + enbid * 256 + cell_id as cell_id , enbid * 256 + cell_id as ecgi, '' as gnb_cu_id, '' as gnb_du_id, '' as gsm_cell_id, 4 as network_type, '' as type_5g, '' as tac, (case station_type when '宏站' then '室外' else '室内' end) as cover_type, '' as nodeb_type, '' as rac, '' as lac, '' as grid, scene as areatype, '' as sub_areatype, '' as area3, lon as longitude, lat as latitude, vender as vendor, height as height , m_downtilt + e_downtilt as downtilt, direction as azimuth, down_freq as fr, '' as scramber, '河北省' as province_id, '' as bsbusip, '' as bsbusip_1, '' as isanchor, construction as "operator", '' as isshare, '' as slice_type from cfm.cfg_0_4g_siteinfo cgs) TO '/data1/cfg_0_4g_siteinfo.csv' with (FORMAT csv, NULL '',DELIMITER ',', HEADER true);
+# 备份
+\copy (select * from customer_service.cfg_p_netconf_std cpns) TO '/data1/cfg_p_netconf_std_20220704_bk.csv' with (FORMAT csv, NULL '',DELIMITER ',', HEADER true);
+\copy (select * from customer_service.cfg_cell_info) TO '/data1/cfg_cell_info_20220704_bk.csv' with (FORMAT csv, NULL '',DELIMITER ',', HEADER true);
+# cfg_cell_info
+\copy (select cell_id, site_name, city_name , longitude , latitude , tac from customer_service.cfg_p_netconf_std) TO '/data1/cfg_cell_info.csv' with (FORMAT csv, NULL '',DELIMITER ',', HEADER true);