@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ package com.nokia.task;
import com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException;
import com.jcraft.jsch.SftpException;
import com.nokia.common.exception.MyRuntimeException;
-import com.nokia.common.gpload.GploadUtil;
-import com.nokia.common.gpload.entity.GploadResult;
import com.nokia.common.psql.PsqlUtil;
import com.nokia.common.ssh.SSHUtil;
import com.nokia.config.TaskConfig;
@@ -268,26 +266,21 @@ public class SyncTask {
* 回滚
public void rollback() {
- String sql = "drop table if exists sqmdb_rpt.acl_top_user";
+ String sql = "select exists (select from pg_tables where schemaname = 'sqmdb_rpt' and tablename = 'acl_top_user_bak')";
+ Boolean backupExists = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, Boolean.class);
- jdbcTemplate.execute(sql);
- sql = "alter table sqmdb_rpt.acl_top_user_bak rename to acl_top_user";
- log.warn(sql);
- XxlJobHelper.log(sql);
- jdbcTemplate.execute(sql);
- }
- public void gpload() throws IOException {
- String gploadCommand = "sh gpload/gpload.sh";
- GploadResult gpload = GploadUtil.gpload(gploadCommand);
- if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(gpload.getTaskStatus())) {
- log.info("gpload完成: {}", gpload);
- XxlJobHelper.log("gpload完成: {}", gpload);
- // 删除文件
- Files.deleteIfExists(Paths.get(taskConfig.getDistinctFilename()));
- } else {
- throw new MyRuntimeException("gpload失败: " + gpload.getMessage());
+ if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(backupExists)) {
+ sql = "truncate table sqmdb_rpt.acl_top_user";
+ log.warn(sql);
+ XxlJobHelper.log(sql);
+ jdbcTemplate.execute(sql);
+ sql = "insert into sqmdb_rpt.acl_top_user\n"
+ + "(login_name, org_id, org_name, user_id, user_name, phone, employee_code, province_id, city_id, area_id)\n"
+ + "select * from sqmdb_rpt.acl_top_user_bak";
+ log.warn(sql);
+ XxlJobHelper.log(sql);
+ jdbcTemplate.execute(sql);