@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-create table xxl_job_group
- id bigint not null
- constraint xxl_job_group_pkey
- primary key,
- app_name varchar(64) not null,
- title varchar(12) not null,
- address_type smallint not null,
- address_list varchar(512)
-comment on column xxl_job_group.app_name is '执行器AppName';
-comment on column xxl_job_group.title is '执行器名称';
-comment on column xxl_job_group.address_type is '执行器地址类型:0=自动注册、1=手动录入';
-comment on column xxl_job_group.address_list is '执行器地址列表,多地址逗号分隔';
-alter table xxl_job_group
- owner to postgres;
-create table xxl_job_info
- id bigint not null
- constraint xxl_job_info_pkey
- primary key,
- job_group bigint not null,
- job_cron varchar(128) not null,
- job_desc varchar(255) not null,
- add_time timestamp(6),
- update_time timestamp(6),
- author varchar(64),
- alarm_email varchar(255),
- executor_route_strategy varchar(50),
- executor_handler varchar(255),
- executor_param varchar(512),
- executor_block_strategy varchar(50),
- executor_timeout integer not null,
- executor_fail_retry_count integer not null,
- glue_type varchar(50) not null,
- glue_source text,
- glue_remark varchar(128),
- glue_updatetime timestamp(6),
- child_jobid varchar(255),
- trigger_status smallint not null,
- trigger_last_time bigint not null,
- trigger_next_time bigint not null
-comment on column xxl_job_info.job_group is '执行器主键ID';
-comment on column xxl_job_info.job_cron is '任务执行CRON';
-comment on column xxl_job_info.author is '作者';
-comment on column xxl_job_info.alarm_email is '报警邮件';
-comment on column xxl_job_info.executor_route_strategy is '执行器路由策略';
-comment on column xxl_job_info.executor_handler is '执行器任务handler';
-comment on column xxl_job_info.executor_param is '执行器任务参数';
-comment on column xxl_job_info.executor_block_strategy is '阻塞处理策略';
-comment on column xxl_job_info.executor_timeout is '任务执行超时时间,单位秒';
-comment on column xxl_job_info.executor_fail_retry_count is '失败重试次数';
-comment on column xxl_job_info.glue_type is 'GLUE类型';
-comment on column xxl_job_info.glue_source is 'GLUE源代码';
-comment on column xxl_job_info.glue_remark is 'GLUE备注';
-comment on column xxl_job_info.glue_updatetime is 'GLUE更新时间';
-comment on column xxl_job_info.child_jobid is '子任务ID,多个逗号分隔';
-comment on column xxl_job_info.trigger_status is '调度状态:0-停止,1-运行';
-comment on column xxl_job_info.trigger_last_time is '上次调度时间';
-comment on column xxl_job_info.trigger_next_time is '下次调度时间';
-alter table xxl_job_info
- owner to postgres;
-create table xxl_job_lock
- lock_name varchar(50) not null
- constraint xxl_job_lock_pkey
- primary key
-comment on column xxl_job_lock.lock_name is '锁名称';
-alter table xxl_job_lock
- owner to postgres;
-create table xxl_job_log
- id bigint not null
- constraint xxl_job_log_pkey
- primary key,
- job_group bigint not null,
- job_id bigint not null,
- executor_address varchar(255),
- executor_handler varchar(255),
- executor_param varchar(512),
- executor_sharding_param varchar(20),
- executor_fail_retry_count integer not null,
- trigger_time timestamp(6),
- trigger_code integer not null,
- trigger_msg text,
- handle_time timestamp(6),
- handle_code integer not null,
- handle_msg text,
- alarm_status smallint not null
-comment on column xxl_job_log.job_group is '执行器主键ID';
-comment on column xxl_job_log.job_id is '任务,主键ID';
-comment on column xxl_job_log.executor_address is '执行器地址,本次执行的地址';
-comment on column xxl_job_log.executor_handler is '执行器任务handler';
-comment on column xxl_job_log.executor_param is '执行器任务参数';
-comment on column xxl_job_log.executor_sharding_param is '执行器任务分片参数,格式如 1/2';
-comment on column xxl_job_log.executor_fail_retry_count is '失败重试次数';
-comment on column xxl_job_log.trigger_time is '调度-时间';
-comment on column xxl_job_log.trigger_code is '调度-结果';
-comment on column xxl_job_log.trigger_msg is '调度-日志';
-comment on column xxl_job_log.handle_time is '执行-时间';
-comment on column xxl_job_log.handle_code is '执行-状态';
-comment on column xxl_job_log.handle_msg is '执行-日志';
-comment on column xxl_job_log.alarm_status is '告警状态:0-默认、1-无需告警、2-告警成功、3-告警失败';
-alter table xxl_job_log
- owner to postgres;
-create index "I_handle_code"
- on xxl_job_log (handle_code);
-create index "I_trigger_time"
- on xxl_job_log (trigger_time);
-create table xxl_job_log_report
- id bigint not null
- constraint xxl_job_log_report_pkey
- primary key,
- trigger_day timestamp(6),
- running_count integer not null,
- suc_count integer not null,
- fail_count integer not null
-comment on column xxl_job_log_report.trigger_day is '调度-时间';
-comment on column xxl_job_log_report.running_count is '运行中-日志数量';
-comment on column xxl_job_log_report.suc_count is '执行成功-日志数量';
-comment on column xxl_job_log_report.fail_count is '执行失败-日志数量';
-alter table xxl_job_log_report
- owner to postgres;
-create index i_trigger_day
- on xxl_job_log_report (trigger_day);
-create table xxl_job_logglue
- id bigint not null
- constraint xxl_job_logglue_pkey
- primary key,
- job_id bigint not null,
- glue_type varchar(50),
- glue_source text,
- glue_remark varchar(128) not null,
- add_time timestamp(6),
- update_time timestamp(6)
-comment on column xxl_job_logglue.job_id is '任务,主键ID';
-comment on column xxl_job_logglue.glue_type is 'GLUE类型';
-comment on column xxl_job_logglue.glue_source is 'GLUE源代码';
-comment on column xxl_job_logglue.glue_remark is 'GLUE备注';
-alter table xxl_job_logglue
- owner to postgres;
-create table xxl_job_registry
- id bigint not null
- constraint xxl_job_registry_pkey
- primary key,
- registry_group varchar(50) not null,
- registry_key varchar(255) not null,
- registry_value varchar(255) not null,
- update_time timestamp(6)
-alter table xxl_job_registry
- owner to postgres;
-create index i_g_k_v
- on xxl_job_registry (registry_group, registry_key, registry_value);
-create table xxl_job_user
- id bigint not null
- constraint xxl_job_user_pkey
- primary key,
- username varchar(50) not null,
- password varchar(50) not null,
- role smallint not null,
- permission varchar(255)
-comment on column xxl_job_user.username is '账号';
-comment on column xxl_job_user.password is '密码';
-comment on column xxl_job_user.role is '角色:0-普通用户、1-管理员';
-comment on column xxl_job_user.permission is '权限:执行器ID列表,多个逗号分割';
-alter table xxl_job_user
- owner to postgres;
-create index i_username
- on xxl_job_user (username);
-create function upd_timestamp() returns trigger
- language plpgsql
- new.update_time = current_timestamp;
- return new;
-alter function upd_timestamp() owner to postgres;