Jelajahi Sumber


gtj 1 tahun lalu
100 mengubah file dengan 4271 tambahan dan 0 penghapusan
  1. 20 0
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  100. 39 0

+ 20 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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+ 8 - 0

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+# Default ignored files
+# Datasource local storage ignored files
+# Editor-based HTTP Client requests

+ 7 - 0

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+ 17 - 0

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+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
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+  </state>

+ 15 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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+        <sourceTestOutputDir name="target/generated-test-sources/test-annotations" />
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+ 11 - 0

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+      <jdbc-url>jdbc:postgresql://</jdbc-url>
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+  </component>

+ 7 - 0

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+  </component>

+ 97 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
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+        <value>
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+        </value>
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+        <value>
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+ 204 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
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+        <CLASS>
+          <KEY>^.*(public|protected|private)*.+interface\s+\w+.*</KEY>
+          <VALUE>/**\n
+ * The interface ${name}.\n
+&lt;#if element.typeParameters?has_content&gt;        * \n
+&lt;#list element.typeParameters as typeParameter&gt;
+        * @param &lt;${}&gt; the type parameter\n
+ */</VALUE>
+        </CLASS>
+        <CLASS>
+          <KEY>^.*(public|protected|private)*.+enum\s+\w+.*</KEY>
+          <VALUE>/**\n
+ * The enum ${name}.\n
+ */</VALUE>
+        </CLASS>
+        <CLASS>
+          <KEY>^.*(public|protected|private)*.+class\s+\w+.*</KEY>
+          <VALUE>/**\n
+ * The type ${name}.\n
+&lt;#if element.typeParameters?has_content&gt;        * \n
+&lt;#list element.typeParameters as typeParameter&gt;
+        * @param &lt;${}&gt; the type parameter\n
+ */</VALUE>
+        </CLASS>
+        <CLASS>
+          <KEY>.+</KEY>
+          <VALUE>/**\n
+ * The type ${name}.\n
+ */</VALUE>
+        </CLASS>
+      </CLASSES>
+        <CONSTRUCTOR>
+          <KEY>.+</KEY>
+          <VALUE>/**\n
+ * Instantiates a new ${name}.\n
+&lt;#if element.parameterList.parameters?has_content&gt;
+         *\n
+&lt;#list element.parameterList.parameters as parameter&gt;
+         * @param ${} the ${paramNames[]}\n
+&lt;#if element.throwsList.referenceElements?has_content&gt;
+         *\n
+&lt;#list element.throwsList.referenceElements as exception&gt;
+         * @throws ${exception.referenceName} the ${exceptionNames[exception.referenceName]}\n
+ */</VALUE>
+        </CONSTRUCTOR>
+      <METHODS>
+        <METHOD>
+          <KEY>^.*(public|protected|private)*\s*.*(\w(\s*&lt;.+&gt;)*)+\s+get\w+\s*\(.*\).+</KEY>
+          <VALUE>/**\n
+ * Gets ${partName}.\n
+&lt;#if element.typeParameters?has_content&gt;         * \n
+&lt;#list element.typeParameters as typeParameter&gt;
+         * @param &lt;${}&gt; the type parameter\n
+&lt;#if element.parameterList.parameters?has_content&gt;
+         *\n
+&lt;#list element.parameterList.parameters as parameter&gt;
+         * @param ${} the ${paramNames[]}\n
+&lt;#if isNotVoid&gt;
+         *\n
+         * @return the ${partName}\n
+&lt;#if element.throwsList.referenceElements?has_content&gt;
+         *\n
+&lt;#list element.throwsList.referenceElements as exception&gt;
+         * @throws ${exception.referenceName} the ${exceptionNames[exception.referenceName]}\n
+ */</VALUE>
+        </METHOD>
+        <METHOD>
+          <KEY>^.*(public|protected|private)*\s*.*(void|\w(\s*&lt;.+&gt;)*)+\s+set\w+\s*\(.*\).+</KEY>
+          <VALUE>/**\n
+ * Sets ${partName}.\n
+&lt;#if element.typeParameters?has_content&gt;         * \n
+&lt;#list element.typeParameters as typeParameter&gt;
+         * @param &lt;${}&gt; the type parameter\n
+&lt;#if element.parameterList.parameters?has_content&gt;
+         *\n
+&lt;#list element.parameterList.parameters as parameter&gt;
+         * @param ${} the ${paramNames[]}\n
+&lt;#if isNotVoid&gt;
+         *\n
+         * @return the ${partName}\n
+&lt;#if element.throwsList.referenceElements?has_content&gt;
+         *\n
+&lt;#list element.throwsList.referenceElements as exception&gt;
+         * @throws ${exception.referenceName} the ${exceptionNames[exception.referenceName]}\n
+ */</VALUE>
+        </METHOD>
+        <METHOD>
+          <KEY>^.*((public\s+static)|(static\s+public))\s+void\s+main\s*\(\s*String\s*(\[\s*\]|\.\.\.)\s+\w+\s*\).+</KEY>
+          <VALUE>/**\n
+ * The entry point of application.\n
+     &lt;#if element.parameterList.parameters?has_content&gt;
+         *\n
+     * @param ${element.parameterList.parameters[0].name} the input arguments\n
+&lt;#if element.throwsList.referenceElements?has_content&gt;
+         *\n
+&lt;#list element.throwsList.referenceElements as exception&gt;
+         * @throws ${exception.referenceName} the ${exceptionNames[exception.referenceName]}\n
+ */</VALUE>
+        </METHOD>
+        <METHOD>
+          <KEY>.+</KEY>
+          <VALUE>/**\n
+ * ${name}&lt;#if isNotVoid&gt; ${return}&lt;/#if&gt;.\n
+&lt;#if element.typeParameters?has_content&gt;         * \n
+&lt;#list element.typeParameters as typeParameter&gt;
+         * @param &lt;${}&gt; the type parameter\n
+&lt;#if element.parameterList.parameters?has_content&gt;
+         *\n
+&lt;#list element.parameterList.parameters as parameter&gt;
+         * @param ${} the ${paramNames[]}\n
+&lt;#if isNotVoid&gt;
+         *\n
+         * @return the ${return}\n
+&lt;#if element.throwsList.referenceElements?has_content&gt;
+         *\n
+&lt;#list element.throwsList.referenceElements as exception&gt;
+         * @throws ${exception.referenceName} the ${exceptionNames[exception.referenceName]}\n
+ */</VALUE>
+        </METHOD>
+      </METHODS>
+      <FIELDS>
+        <FIELD>
+          <KEY>^.*(public|protected|private)*.+static.*(\w\s\w)+.+</KEY>
+          <VALUE>/**\n
+ * The constant ${element.getName()}.\n
+ */</VALUE>
+        </FIELD>
+        <FIELD>
+          <KEY>^.*(public|protected|private)*.*(\w\s\w)+.+</KEY>
+          <VALUE>/**\n
+    &lt;#if element.parent.isInterface()&gt;
+        * The constant ${element.getName()}.\n
+        * The ${name}.\n
+&lt;/#if&gt; */</VALUE>
+        </FIELD>
+        <FIELD>
+          <KEY>.+</KEY>
+          <VALUE>/**\n
+    &lt;#if element.parent.isEnum()&gt;
+        *${name} ${typeName}.\n
+        * The ${name}.\n
+        </FIELD>
+      </FIELDS>
+  </component>

+ 25 - 0

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+      <option name="id" value="central" />
+      <option name="name" value="Central Repository" />
+      <option name="url" value="" />
+    </remote-repository>
+    <remote-repository>
+      <option name="id" value="central" />
+      <option name="name" value="Maven Central repository" />
+      <option name="url" value="" />
+    </remote-repository>
+    <remote-repository>
+      <option name="id" value="central" />
+      <option name="name" value="Central Repository" />
+      <option name="url" value="" />
+    </remote-repository>
+    <remote-repository>
+      <option name="id" value="" />
+      <option name="name" value="JBoss Community repository" />
+      <option name="url" value="" />
+    </remote-repository>
+  </component>

+ 26 - 0

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+      <list>
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+      </list>
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+ 465 - 0

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+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
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+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 267 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+java:S3740µ"/Provide the parametrized type for this generic.(äÒš�ýÿÿÿÿ8„í�ÿé0
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+java:S3740Ø"/Provide the parametrized type for this generic.( ´�ïýÿÿÿÿ8‡í�ÿé0
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+java:S3740ì"/Provide the parametrized type for this generic.( ´�ïýÿÿÿÿ8ˆí�ÿé0
+java:S3740ö"/Provide the parametrized type for this generic.( ´�ïýÿÿÿÿ8‰í�ÿé0
+java:S3740«"/Provide the parametrized type for this generic.(¨ªæI8‰í�ÿé0
+java:S3740µ"/Provide the parametrized type for this generic.(¨ªæI8‰í�ÿé0
+java:S3740¿"/Provide the parametrized type for this generic.(¨ªæI8Ší�ÿé0
+java:S3740É"/Provide the parametrized type for this generic.(¨ªæI8Ší�ÿé0
+java:S3740á"/Provide the parametrized type for this generic.(öܸÜûÿÿÿÿ8Ší�ÿé0
+java:S3740ë"/Provide the parametrized type for this generic.(öܸÜûÿÿÿÿ8Ší�ÿé0
+java:S3740õ"/Provide the parametrized type for this generic.(öܸÜûÿÿÿÿ8‹í�ÿé0
+java:S3740ÿ"/Provide the parametrized type for this generic.(öܸÜûÿÿÿÿ8‹í�ÿé0
+java:S2293D"YReplace the type specification in this constructor call with the diamond operator ("<>").(öÉ�½úÿÿÿÿ8ší�ÿé0
+java:S2293É"YReplace the type specification in this constructor call with the diamond operator ("<>").(«ž…Ò8œí�ÿé0
+java:S1192©"\Define a constant instead of duplicating this literal "å®�ç«™å�¥åº·åº¦æ´¾å�•æµ�程" 4 times.(¼°ˆ´üÿÿÿÿ8¦í�ÿé0
+java:S1192´"YDefine a constant instead of duplicating this literal "é‡�点场景派å�•æµ�程" 4 times.(Õô‘â8§í�ÿé0
+java:S1192š"KDefine a constant instead of duplicating this literal "auto_check" 4 times.(�¬ïéÿÿÿÿÿ8¨í�ÿé0
+java:S1192Ÿ"\Define a constant instead of duplicating this literal "低感知å°�区派å�•æµ�程" 4 times.(¤ù�¶8©í�ÿé0
+java:S1192�"RDefine a constant instead of duplicating this literal "low_perceive_flow" 8 times.(ý×éÈúÿÿÿÿ8ïí�ÿé0
+java:S1192¾"YDefine a constant instead of duplicating this literal "智能纳管派å�•æµ�程" 4 times.(äêÏŠ8ïí�ÿé0
+java:S1192²"ODefine a constant instead of duplicating this literal "key_scene_flow" 8 times.(…�‰"8ðí�ÿé0
+java:S1192 "ŠDefine a constant instead of duplicating this literal "" 4 times.(ûïé½ýÿÿÿÿ8ñí�ÿé0
+java:S1192«"ƒDefine a constant instead of duplicating this literal "" 4 times.(‘Ò›Ó8òí�ÿé0
+java:S1192¼"PDefine a constant instead of duplicating this literal "smart_tube_flow" 8 times.(‘Ó•Àþÿÿÿÿ8‚î�ÿé0
+java:S1192@"TDefine a constant instead of duplicating this literal "yyyy-MM-dd HH:ss:mm" 3 times.(ñ…Èç8ƒî�ÿé0
+java:S1192§"ODefine a constant instead of duplicating this literal "bs_health_flow" 8 times.(‘ÇŸµþÿÿÿÿ8ƒî�ÿé0
+java:S1192Ü"iDefine a constant instead of duplicating this literal "低感知å°�区æˆ�功工å�•,上报æˆ�功" 4 times.(Ù�Œâ8„î�ÿé0
+java:S1192þ"HDefine a constant instead of duplicating this literal "status" 18 times.(ðß²çùÿÿÿÿ8…î�ÿé0
+java:S1066‹"/Merge this if statement with the enclosing one.(ïïøÀþÿÿÿÿ8Šî�ÿé0
+java:S1066“"/Merge this if statement with the enclosing one.(–ýÑ°øÿÿÿÿ8Šî�ÿé0
+java:S1066›"/Merge this if statement with the enclosing one.(ü«½¢8‹î�ÿé0
+java:S1066â"/Merge this if statement with the enclosing one.(»û³ñ8Œî�ÿé0
+r	java:S117?"QRename this local variable to match the regular expression '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.(£ªÓþúÿÿÿÿ8Žî�ÿé0
+n	java:S117�"QRename this local variable to match the regular expression '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.(…Ϲ¬8�î�ÿé0
+n	java:S117™"QRename this local variable to match the regular expression '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.(…Ϲ¬8�î�ÿé0
+java:S37767"SRefactor this method to reduce its Cognitive Complexity from 351 to the 15 allowed.(î݆æ8×ý�ÿé0
+]	java:S125B"<This block of commented-out lines of code should be removed.(̉¤èùÿÿÿÿ8þý�ÿé0
+java:S1874\"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(’±·Œ8“þ�ÿé0
+java:S1874a"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ÂþÐå8•þ�ÿé0
+java:S1874g"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ô¸ãè8˜þ�ÿé0
+java:S1874m"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ã—ÚÀ8œþ�ÿé0
+java:S1874t"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(©™Çßûÿÿÿÿ8Ÿþ�ÿé0
+java:S1874"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(…�Ÿ‰8¢þ�ÿé0
+java:S1874…"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(šçÖŽ8¤þ�ÿé0
+java:S1874‹"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ïïøÀþÿÿÿÿ8©þ�ÿé0
+java:S1874“"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(–ýÑ°øÿÿÿÿ8­þ�ÿé0
+java:S1874›"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ü«½¢8°þ�ÿé0
+java:S1874¤"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(Ò¥ÖÍ8´þ�ÿé0
+java:S1874­"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(–ýÑ°øÿÿÿÿ8·þ�ÿé0
+java:S1874Á"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(©™Çßûÿÿÿÿ8»þ�ÿé0
+java:S1874É"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(Ûž¥²þÿÿÿÿ8¿þ�ÿé0
+java:S1874Ò"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(…�Ÿ‰8Áþ�ÿé0
+java:S1874Ù"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(§Çæ8Ãþ�ÿé0
+java:S1874á"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ñ…ôÌøÿÿÿÿ8Åþ�ÿé0
+Y	java:S125í"<This block of commented-out lines of code should be removed.(ÜïË¡8Èþ�ÿé0
+java:S1874ñ"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ÖŽ—Úúÿÿÿÿ8Éþ�ÿé0
+java:S1874ö"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(阋Æøÿÿÿÿ8Ëþ�ÿé0
+java:S1874û"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ü«½¢8Ìþ�ÿé0
+Y	java:S125€"<This block of commented-out lines of code should be removed.(Å�‡‘8Îþ�ÿé0
+java:S1874ƒ"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(âéÀ 8Ïþ�ÿé0
+java:S1116…"Remove this empty statement.(Åñ­õþÿÿÿÿ8Òþ�ÿé0
+java:S1874‡"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(à’îŽ8Óþ�ÿé0
+java:S1874Œ"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(À§ÄÃ8Öþ�ÿé0
+^	java:S125•"<This block of commented-out lines of code should be removed.(ùµ³÷þÿÿÿÿ8Úþ�ÿé0
+java:S1874¡"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(–ýÑ°øÿÿÿÿ8Üþ�ÿé0
+java:S1874¥"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(Ò¥ÖÍ8Þþ�ÿé0
+java:S1874®"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(©ýößûÿÿÿÿ8áþ�ÿé0
+java:S1874³"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(Ûž¥²þÿÿÿÿ8âþ�ÿé0
+java:S1874¸"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(…�Ÿ‰8äþ�ÿé0
+java:S1874½"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(§Çæ8æþ�ÿé0
+java:S1874Â"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(©™Çßûÿÿÿÿ8éþ�ÿé0
+java:S1874Ç"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(„Û¶Õÿÿÿÿÿ8ëþ�ÿé0
+java:S1874Ì"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(¦—­Ë8íþ�ÿé0
+java:S1874Ð"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(šçÖŽ8ïþ�ÿé0
+java:S1874Õ"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(Œ –Ý8ñþ�ÿé0
+java:S1874Ù"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(¬°ßØúÿÿÿÿ8óþ�ÿé0
+java:S1874Ý"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ïäþo8ôþ�ÿé0
+java:S1874á"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(¢ÓÕS8õþ�ÿé0
+java:S1874å"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ˆÝ�’ÿÿÿÿÿ8÷þ�ÿé0
+java:S1874é"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ìÜÒê8úþ�ÿé0
+java:S1874í"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(�áêˆ8ýþ�ÿé0
+java:S1874ñ"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(™É£…8ÿþ�ÿé0
+java:S1874õ"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ðà‚¬8�ÿ�ÿé0
+java:S1874þ"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(•Ûìžùÿÿÿÿ8†ÿ�ÿé0
+java:S1874ƒ"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ÖŽ—Úúÿÿÿÿ8‰ÿ�ÿé0
+java:S1874ˆ"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(º™µºúÿÿÿÿ8‹ÿ�ÿé0
+java:S1874�"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ÿ�Íäùÿÿÿÿ8�ÿ�ÿé0
+java:S1874’"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(³È¶Ëùÿÿÿÿ8�ÿ�ÿé0
+java:S1874—"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(±¢…28‘ÿ�ÿé0
+java:S1874›"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(É—Ö…8’ÿ�ÿé0
+java:S1874Ÿ"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(×�ÛÊ8“ÿ�ÿé0
+java:S1874¤"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ü«½¢8•ÿ�ÿé0
+java:S1874¨"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(阋Æøÿÿÿÿ8—ÿ�ÿé0
+java:S1874°"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(à’îŽ8›ÿ�ÿé0
+java:S1874´"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(âéÀ 8œÿ�ÿé0
+java:S1874º"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(À§ÄÃ8Ÿÿ�ÿé0
+java:S1874Â"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(蘦óýÿÿÿÿ8¢ÿ�ÿé0
+java:S1874Ç"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(¹Ñ³78£ÿ�ÿé0
+java:S1874Ì"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(®ÃÚøúÿÿÿÿ8¤ÿ�ÿé0
+java:S1874Ñ"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(–ñÓ©8¥ÿ�ÿé0
+java:S1874Ö"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(æò…æüÿÿÿÿ8¦ÿ�ÿé0
+java:S1874ß"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(æã°ºýÿÿÿÿ8§ÿ�ÿé0
+java:S1874ä"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(‹ŒÈô8©ÿ�ÿé0
+java:S1874é"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(£�Ï·8ªÿ�ÿé0
+java:S1874î"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ݘװ8«ÿ�ÿé0
+java:S1874ó"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(½ÂÙ¨ûÿÿÿÿ8¬ÿ�ÿé0
+java:S1874ø"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(�¯öÒ8®ÿ�ÿé0
+java:S1874ü"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(××ñ™ÿÿÿÿÿ8¯ÿ�ÿé0
+[	java:S106“"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(Üøžºÿÿÿÿÿ8µÿ�ÿé0
+java:S1874°"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(«÷êÍ8Áÿ�ÿé0
+[	java:S106è"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(̱ö€ýÿÿÿÿ8Þÿ�ÿé0
+Y	java:S125é"<This block of commented-out lines of code should be removed.(é8ßÿ�ÿé0
+X	java:S125í"<This block of commented-out lines of code should be removed.(¬ª§y8ßÿ�ÿé0
+java:S3776õ"SRefactor this method to reduce its Cognitive Complexity from 194 to the 15 allowed.(Ú¤£`8áÿ�ÿé0
+java:S1854ÿ"<Remove this useless assignment to local variable "filelist".(ó‰óÆ8äÿ�ÿé0
+[	java:S106û"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(Óæ�àùÿÿÿÿ8êÿ�ÿé0
+V	java:S106¤"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(¨Ó›©8öÿ�ÿé0
+[	java:S106¥"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(ÚªÙûÿÿÿÿÿ8÷ÿ�ÿé0
+V	java:S106ª"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(ö‡Òà8ùÿ�ÿé0
+V	java:S106¯"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(¨Ó›©8ûÿ�ÿé0
+V	java:S106°"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(Ìœèø8ûÿ�ÿé0
+V	java:S106¹"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(¨Ó›©8þÿ�ÿé0
+V	java:S106º"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(²¹¢¶8ÿÿ�ÿé0
+V	java:S106Ã"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(¨Ó›©8�€‘ÿé0
+[	java:S106Ä"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(¶“¾×üÿÿÿÿ8�€‘ÿé0
+U	java:S106É"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(¨ÿÒ8‚€‘ÿé0
+V	java:S106Û"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(¨Ó›©8ˆ€‘ÿé0
+V	java:S106Ü"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(Ù�Œâ8‰€‘ÿé0
+V	java:S106å"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(¨Ó›©8‹€‘ÿé0
+V	java:S106æ"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(Ù�Œâ8Œ€‘ÿé0
+V	java:S106ï"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(¨Ó›©8Ž€‘ÿé0
+[	java:S106ð"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(£â²Šüÿÿÿÿ8Ž€‘ÿé0
+V	java:S106ù"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(¨Ó›©8�€‘ÿé0
+[	java:S106ú"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(ÎôñÌùÿÿÿÿ8‘€‘ÿé0
+[	java:S106ƒ"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(Óæ�àùÿÿÿÿ8’€‘ÿé0
+V	java:S106®"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(¨Ó›©8ž€‘ÿé0
+[	java:S106¯"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(ÚªÙûÿÿÿÿÿ8Ÿ€‘ÿé0
+V	java:S106¸"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(¨Ó›©8¡€‘ÿé0
+V	java:S106¹"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(Ìœèø8¢€‘ÿé0
+V	java:S106Â"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(¨Ó›©8¤€‘ÿé0
+V	java:S106Ã"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(²¹¢¶8¤€‘ÿé0
+V	java:S106Ì"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(¨Ó›©8¦€‘ÿé0
+[	java:S106Í"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(¶“¾×üÿÿÿÿ8§€‘ÿé0
+U	java:S106Ò"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(¨ÿÒ8§€‘ÿé0
+V	java:S106ä"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(¨Ó›©8­€‘ÿé0
+V	java:S106å"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(Ù�Œâ8­€‘ÿé0
+V	java:S106î"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(¨Ó›©8°€‘ÿé0
+V	java:S106ï"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(̯§†8±€‘ÿé0
+V	java:S106ø"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(¨Ó›©8Ä€‘ÿé0
+V	java:S106ù"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(Ù�Œâ8Æ€‘ÿé0
+V	java:S106‚"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(¨Ó›©8É€‘ÿé0
+[	java:S106ƒ"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(ÎôñÌùÿÿÿÿ8ü€‘ÿé0

+ 0 - 0

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+b	java:S101"MRename this class name to match the regular expression '^[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.(±áŒ³
+java:S1118":Add a private constructor to hide the implicit public one.(±áŒ³

+ 0 - 0

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+U	java:S106"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(‡çæë8�¸æ¹ð0
+Z	java:S106"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(™ãÛžøÿÿÿÿ8‘¸æ¹ð0
+U	java:S106"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(™¶èø8‘¸æ¹ð0
+U	java:S106"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(ý¿¾»8›¸æ¹ð0
+X	java:S125"<This block of commented-out lines of code should be removed.(ÃŽ¤¶8œ¸æ¹ð0
+java:S1128"-Remove this unused import 'java.util.Random'.(èøÉ›ùÿÿÿÿ8�¸æ¹ð0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 17 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+java:S1143>"5Remove this return statement from this finally block.(¸®Ã'8ä„‘ÿé0
+java:S1118":Add a private constructor to hide the implicit public one.(·Á·|8�ˆ‘ÿé0
+java:S1075"&Remove this hard-coded path-delimiter.(Ö“–Åýÿÿÿÿ8˜ˆ‘ÿé0
+java:S21471"DCombine this catch with the one at line 46, which has the same body.(ï­£Ä8™ˆ‘ÿé0
+java:S4042"NUse "java.nio.file.Files#delete" here for better messages on error conditions.(�¿¬¡ûÿÿÿÿ8šˆ‘ÿé0
+java:S1125"'Remove the unnecessary boolean literal.(��¬Çøÿÿÿÿ8œˆ‘ÿé0
+J	java:S108")Either remove or fill this block of code.(��¬Çøÿÿÿÿ8�ˆ‘ÿé0
+^	java:S899!"BDo something with the "boolean" value returned by "createNewFile".(Ú†�ç8žˆ‘ÿé0
+java:S2093"*Change this "try" to a try-with-resources.(¡»¢üùÿÿÿÿ8£ˆ‘ÿé0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 15 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+java:S3740Î"/Provide the parametrized type for this generic.(þÈ×Þÿÿÿÿÿ
+java:S3740Ç"/Provide the parametrized type for this generic.(þÈ×Þÿÿÿÿÿ
+java:S2293_"YReplace the type specification in this constructor call with the diamond operator ("<>").(øäÁ�þÿÿÿÿ
+java:S2293Ø"YReplace the type specification in this constructor call with the diamond operator ("<>").(øäÁ�þÿÿÿÿ
+java:S3776]"RRefactor this method to reduce its Cognitive Complexity from 20 to the 15 allowed.(¸’ó©ùÿÿÿÿ
+T	java:S106Ñ"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(¨™Í“ûÿÿÿÿ
+java:S3776Ö"RRefactor this method to reduce its Cognitive Complexity from 20 to the 15 allowed.(™�òæúÿÿÿÿ
+O	java:S106Ê"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(ìð¼§

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 69 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+java:S2699i"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(î݆æ
+java:S2699n"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(⶚¬øÿÿÿÿ
+java:S2699t"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(Ÿâèÿ
+java:S2699š"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(㮯òþÿÿÿÿ8í†á¹ð0
+java:S2699ž"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(“õðçÿÿÿÿÿ
+java:S2699ª"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(ÛʼnÆýÿÿÿÿ
+java:S2699·"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(è�Úïùÿÿÿÿ
+java:S2699¼"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(÷³þœþÿÿÿÿ
+java:S2699Ë"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(­öþË
+java:S2699Ø"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(Ýê–³
+java:S2699Ý"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(Ò�¹Èÿÿÿÿÿ
+java:S2699ã"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(ÜŸ¢Èÿÿÿÿÿ
+java:S2699è"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(”݆Ó
+java:S2699ï"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(ÌÒ«‘
+java:S2699õ"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(å„™Áúÿÿÿÿ
+java:S2699û"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(û€ µ
+java:S2699�"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(½·ýµÿÿÿÿÿ
+java:S2699‡"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(–†×€
+java:S2699�"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(í©èùøÿÿÿÿ
+java:S2699•"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(Õ÷¸Ú
+java:S2699š"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(œ×Â¥ýÿÿÿÿ
+java:S2699Ÿ"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(¢‚Áí
+java:S2699§"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(µÇ«–ÿÿÿÿÿ
+java:S2699®"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(Ú¤£`
+java:S2699¸"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(µ¿Á§ûÿÿÿÿ
+java:S2699‡"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(ç´’¡úÿÿÿÿ
+java:S2699Ö"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(徎Ñüÿÿÿÿ
+java:S2699¥"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(€™œ³
+java:S2699ó"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(•Äø�
+java:S2699Â"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(øÎœ©
+java:S2699–"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(µæá…
+java:S2699ç"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(…ú³£üÿÿÿÿ
+java:S2699·"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(¿ ñ›
+java:S2699‡"-Add at least one assertion to this test case.(ˆ£Ó‚üÿÿÿÿ

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 247 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+"/Provide the parametrized type for this generic.(þÈ×Þÿÿÿÿÿ
+"/Provide the parametrized type for this generic.(¥üè¼üÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1192ï"FDefine a constant instead of duplicating this literal "MByte" 4 times.(Ä„íÁ
+java:S1066o"/Merge this if statement with the enclosing one.(ïïøÀþÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1066w"/Merge this if statement with the enclosing one.(–ýÑ°øÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1066~"/Merge this if statement with the enclosing one.(ü«½¢
+java:S1066Å"/Merge this if statement with the enclosing one.(»û³ñ
+java:S1066¤"/Merge this if statement with the enclosing one.(üÁÆÔ
+java:S1066«"/Merge this if statement with the enclosing one.(¢Õò”
+java:S1066²"/Merge this if statement with the enclosing one.(’‘‘
+java:S1066¹"/Merge this if statement with the enclosing one.(ôÿçÎúÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1066À"/Merge this if statement with the enclosing one.(ô¢ƒ
+"gThe type of "objects" should be an interface such as "List" rather than the implementation "ArrayList".(á ØŠøÿÿÿÿ
+java:S37760"SRefactor this method to reduce its Cognitive Complexity from 186 to the 15 allowed.(û·�öøÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874D"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(’±·Œ
+java:S1874I"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ÂþÐå
+java:S1874O"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ô¸ãè
+java:S1874U"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ã—ÚÀ
+java:S1874\"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(©™Çßûÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874c"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(…�Ÿ‰
+java:S1874i"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(šçÖŽ
+java:S1874o"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ïïøÀþÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874w"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(–ýÑ°øÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874~"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ü«½¢
+java:S1874‡"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(Ò¥ÖÍ
+java:S1874�"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(–ýÑ°øÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874¤"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(©™Çßûÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874¬"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(Ûž¥²þÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874µ"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(…�Ÿ‰
+java:S1874¼"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(§Çæ
+java:S1874Ä"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ñ…ôÌøÿÿÿÿ
+R	java:S125Ð"<This block of commented-out lines of code should be removed.(ÜïË¡
+java:S1874Ô"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ÖŽ—Úúÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874Ù"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(阋Æøÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874Þ"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ü«½¢
+R	java:S125ã"<This block of commented-out lines of code should be removed.(Å�‡‘
+java:S1874æ"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(âéÀ 
+java:S1116ç"Remove this empty statement.(–„ÞÊ
+java:S1874é"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(à’îŽ
+java:S1874î"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(À§ÄÃ
+W	java:S125÷"<This block of commented-out lines of code should be removed.(ùµ³÷þÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874€"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(–ýÑ°øÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874„"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(Ò¥ÖÍ
+java:S1874Ž"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(©ýößûÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874“"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(Ûž¥²þÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874˜"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(…�Ÿ‰
+java:S1874�"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(§Çæ
+java:S1874¢"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(©™Çßûÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874§"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(„Û¶Õÿÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874¬"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(¦—­Ë
+java:S1874°"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(šçÖŽ
+java:S1874µ"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(Œ –Ý
+java:S1874¹"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(¬°ßØúÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874½"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ïäþo
+java:S1874Á"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(¢ÓÕS
+java:S1874Å"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ˆÝ�’ÿÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874É"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ìÜÒê
+java:S1874Í"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(�áêˆ
+java:S1874Ò"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(™É£…
+java:S1874Ö"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ðà‚¬
+java:S1874ß"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(•Ûìžùÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874ä"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ÖŽ—Úúÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874é"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(º™µºúÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874î"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ÿ�Íäùÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874ó"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(³È¶Ëùÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874ø"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(±¢…2
+java:S1874ü"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(É—Ö…
+java:S1874€"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(×�ÛÊ
+java:S1874…"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ü«½¢
+java:S1874‰"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(阋Æøÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874‘"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(à’îŽ
+java:S1874•"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(âéÀ 
+java:S1874›"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(À§ÄÃ
+java:S1874£"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(蘦óýÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874¨"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(¹Ñ³7
+java:S1874­"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(®ÃÚøúÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874²"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(–ñÓ©
+java:S1874·"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(æò…æüÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874À"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(æã°ºýÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874Å"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(‹ŒÈô
+java:S1874Ê"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(£�Ï·
+java:S1874Ï"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ݘװ
+java:S1874Ô"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(½ÂÙ¨ûÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874Ù"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(�¯öÒ
+java:S1874Ý"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(××ñ™ÿÿÿÿÿ
+java:S3776‘"RRefactor this method to reduce its Cognitive Complexity from 61 to the 15 allowed.(�̆£
+java:S1874¤"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(üÁÆÔ
+java:S1874«"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(¢Õò”
+java:S1874²"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(’‘‘
+java:S1874¹"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ôÿçÎúÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874À"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ô¢ƒ
+java:S1874Ê"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(�­ë·
+java:S1874Ó"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ÛÕåé
+java:S1874Ü"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(•Œù�
+java:S1874é"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(çù…§úÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874ò"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(‚Š¹þýÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874û"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ÿÑõ›ÿÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874�"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.( Õ¥¡úÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874—"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(Ο�ïüÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874š"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(·…òÚ
+java:S1874Ÿ"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(œ·ºúúÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874°"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(‚Š¹þýÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874µ"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ÿÑõ›ÿÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874º"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(çù…§úÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874Ã"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(�­ë·
+java:S1874È"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ÛÕåé
+java:S1874Î"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(•Œù�
+W	java:S125Õ"<This block of commented-out lines of code should be removed.(”ù›àùÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874Ü"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(–ê¼”þÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874ß"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ÀŸ¢º
+java:S1874â"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.( Õ¥¡úÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874å"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(“ÿöŸùÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874è"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(ú”¹å
+java:S1874ë"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(”߬º
+W	java:S125ó"<This block of commented-out lines of code should be removed.(¾Ö´”ûÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874ö"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(Ο�ïüÿÿÿÿ
+java:S1874ú"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(·…òÚ
+java:S1874ÿ"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(œ·ºúúÿÿÿÿ
+"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(¾ÏÛÒûÿÿÿÿ
+"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(Çäæøÿÿÿÿ
+"VRemove this call to "equals"; comparisons between unrelated types always return false.(”ÁáÄþÿÿÿÿ
+"/Remove this use of "isEmpty"; it is deprecated.(¾ÏÛÒûÿÿÿÿ

+ 0 - 0

+ 63 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@

+ 124 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
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+  </component>

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<module type="JAVA_MODULE" version="4" />

File diff ditekan karena terlalu besar
+ 59 - 0


+ 112 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project xmlns=""
+         xmlns:xsi=""
+         xsi:schemaLocation="">
+    <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
+    <groupId>org.example</groupId>
+    <artifactId>TopDome</artifactId>
+    <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
+    <properties>
+        <!--编译编码-->
+        <>UTF-8</>
+    </properties>
+   <dependencies>
+       <dependency>
+           <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId>
+           <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-web</artifactId>
+           <version>2.7.0</version>
+       </dependency>
+       <dependency>
+           <groupId>org.projectlombok</groupId>
+           <artifactId>lombok</artifactId>
+           <version>1.18.24</version>
+       </dependency>
+       <dependency>
+           <groupId></groupId>
+           <artifactId>fastjson</artifactId>
+           <version>1.2.76</version>
+       </dependency>
+       <dependency>
+           <groupId>org.apache.commons</groupId>
+           <artifactId>commons-csv</artifactId>
+           <version>1.9.0</version>
+       </dependency>
+       <dependency>
+           <groupId>org.postgresql</groupId>
+           <artifactId>postgresql</artifactId>
+           <version>42.3.5</version>
+       </dependency>
+       <dependency>
+           <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId>
+           <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-test</artifactId>
+           <version>2.7.0</version>
+       </dependency>
+       <dependency>
+           <groupId>com.baomidou</groupId>
+           <artifactId>mybatis-plus-boot-starter</artifactId>
+           <version>3.4.2</version>
+       </dependency>
+       <dependency>
+           <groupId>junit</groupId>
+           <artifactId>junit</artifactId>
+           <version>4.13.2</version>
+           <scope>test</scope>
+       </dependency>
+       <dependency>
+           <groupId>cn.hutool</groupId>
+           <artifactId>hutool-all</artifactId>
+           <version>4.1.1</version>
+       </dependency>
+       <dependency>
+           <groupId>com.github.jsqlparser</groupId>
+           <artifactId>jsqlparser</artifactId>
+           <version>4.0</version>
+       </dependency>
+       <dependency>
+           <groupId>org.apache.poi</groupId>
+           <artifactId>poi-ooxml</artifactId>
+           <version>5.0.0</version>
+           <scope>test</scope>
+       </dependency>
+   </dependencies>
+    <!-- 项目打包时会将java目录中的*.xml文件也进行打包 -->
+    <build>
+        <resources>
+            <resource>
+                <directory>src/main/java</directory>
+                <includes>
+                    <include>**/*.xml</include>
+                </includes>
+                <filtering>false</filtering>
+            </resource>
+        </resources>
+        <plugins>
+            <plugin>
+                <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId>
+                <artifactId>spring-boot-maven-plugin</artifactId>
+                <version>2.7.0</version>
+                <configuration>
+                    <fork>true</fork>
+                    <addResources>true</addResources>
+                </configuration>
+                <executions>
+                    <execution>
+                        <goals>
+                            <goal>repackage</goal>
+                        </goals>
+                    </execution>
+                </executions>
+            </plugin>
+            <plugin>
+                <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+                <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
+                <configuration>
+                    <source>8</source>
+                    <target>8</target>
+                </configuration>
+            </plugin>
+        </plugins>
+    </build>

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
+public class Dome {

+ 51 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
+import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
+import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.EnableScheduling;
+import java.util.Random;
+import java.util.Scanner;
+public class TopApplication {
+    public static void main(String[] args) {
+       /* Integer count=0;
+        while (true){
+            Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
+            System.out.print("请输入一个整数:(剩余次数)"+(5-count)+"次;");
+            int num = scanner.nextInt();
+            count++;
+            if (num%2!=0){
+                System.out.println("你输入的是奇数");
+            }else if (count>=5){
+                System.out.println("你的次数已经用完");
+                break;
+            }else {
+                System.out.println("你输入的是偶数");
+            }
+        }*/
+       /* int number = (int) (Math.random() * 100) + 1;
+        System.out.println("随机数是-"+number);
+        int count=0;
+       while (true) {
+           Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
+           System.out.println("请输入1~100之间的数字;");
+           int num = scanner.nextInt();
+           count++;
+           if (count>=10 && num!=number){
+               System.out.println("您的机会用完了");
+               break;
+            }else if (num>number){
+               System.out.println("你输入的数字大了(您还剩余"+(10-count)+"次)机会");
+           }else if (num<number){
+               System.out.println("你输入的数字小了(您还剩余"+(10-count)+"次)机会");
+           }else {
+               System.out.println("恭喜你猜对了");
+               break;
+           }
+       }*/
+    }

+ 67 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+import lombok.extern.log4j.Log4j2;
+import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
+import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
+import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
+import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
+import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
+import java.text.ParseException;
+public class Ap4G {
+    @Autowired
+    TopServiceImpl topService;
+    @Autowired
+    private Apm4GpoorServiceImpl apm4GpoorService;
+    /**
+     * 4G接单 接口
+     *
+     * @return
+     */
+    @PostMapping("/orderReceiving")
+    public Response receiptTop4G(@RequestBody(required = false) ReceipOrderEntity receipOrderEntity) {
+"4G接单接口数据 {}", receipOrderEntity);
+        if (receipOrderEntity != null) {
+            String s = topService.receiptTop4G(receipOrderEntity);
+  "4G接单成功 {}", receipOrderEntity);
+            return new Response(s, "4G接单成功成功", receipOrderEntity);
+        }
+        return new Response("500", "参数为空", receipOrderEntity);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 4G回单
+     *
+     * @param receiptEntity
+     * @return
+     */
+    @PostMapping("/answerOrder")
+    public Response answerOrder(@RequestBody(required = false) ReceiptEntity receiptEntity) throws ParseException {
+"4G回单接口数据 {}", receiptEntity);
+        if (receiptEntity != null) {
+            String s = apm4GpoorService.answerOrder(receiptEntity);
+            if (s.equals("4G回单成功")) {
+      "4G回单数据成功{}", receiptEntity);
+                return new Response("200", "4G回单成功", receiptEntity);
+            } else if (s.equals("4G回单失败")) {
+      "4G回单数据失败{}", receiptEntity);
+                return new Response("500", "4G回单失败", receiptEntity);
+            } else if (s.equals("更新成功")) {
+      "4G数据更新成功{}", receiptEntity);
+                return new Response("200", "回单数据更新成功", receiptEntity);
+            }
+        }
+        return new Response("500", "参数为空", receiptEntity);
+    }

+ 70 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+import lombok.extern.log4j.Log4j2;
+import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
+import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
+import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
+import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
+import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
+import java.text.ParseException;
+public class Ap5G {
+    @Autowired
+    TopService5G topService5G;
+    @Autowired
+    Apm5GpoorService apm5GpoorService;
+    /**
+     * 5G接单 接口
+     *
+     * @param receipOrderEntity
+     * @return
+     */
+    @PostMapping("/orderReceiving5G")
+    public Response receiptTop5G(@RequestBody(required = false) ReceipOrderEntity receipOrderEntity) {
+"5G接单接口数据 {}", receipOrderEntity);
+        if (receipOrderEntity != null) {
+            String s = topService5G.receiptTop5G(receipOrderEntity);
+            if (s.equals("200")) {
+      "5G接单成功 {}", receipOrderEntity);
+                return new Response(s, "5G接单成功", receipOrderEntity);
+            } else if (s.equals("500")) {
+      "5G接单失败 {}", receipOrderEntity);
+                return new Response(s, "5G接单失败", receipOrderEntity);
+            }
+        }
+        return new Response("500", "参数为空", receipOrderEntity);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 5G回单 接口
+     *
+     * @param receiptEntity
+     * @return
+     * @throws IOException
+     */
+    @PostMapping("/answerOrder5G")
+    public Response answerOrder5G(@RequestBody(required = false) ReceiptEntity receiptEntity) throws IOException, ParseException {
+"5G回单接口数据 {}", receiptEntity);
+        if (receiptEntity != null) {
+            String s = apm5GpoorService.answerOrder5G(receiptEntity);
+            if (s.equals("5G回单添加成功")) {
+      "5G回单数据添加成功{}", receiptEntity);
+                return new Response("200", "5G回单添加成功", receiptEntity);
+            } else if (s.equals("5G回单添加失败")) {
+      "5G5G回单添加失败{}", receiptEntity);
+                return new Response("500", "5G回单添加失败", receiptEntity);
+            } else if (s.equals("更新成功")) {
+      "5G回单数据更新成功{}", receiptEntity);
+                return new Response("200", "5G回单更新成功", receiptEntity);
+            }
+        }
+        return new Response("500", "参数为空", receiptEntity);
+    }

+ 14 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
+import lombok.Data;
+import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
+public class Response {
+    private String code;
+    private String msg;
+    private Object data;

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
+import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
+import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate;
+public class config {
+    @Bean
+    public RestTemplate restTemplate(){
+        return new RestTemplate();
+    }

+ 34 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import lombok.extern.log4j.Log4j2;
+import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
+import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
+import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
+import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
+import javax.annotation.Resource;
+public class Group4g {
+    @Resource
+    Group4GServiceImpl group4GService;
+    @PostMapping("/groupPort4g")
+    public Response group5g(@RequestBody(required = false) Apm4GEntity apm4GEntity) {
+"接收4g集团工单数据 {}", apm4GEntity);
+        if (null != apm4GEntity) {
+            String s = group4GService.group4g(apm4GEntity);
+            if (s.equals("200")) {
+                return new Response(s, "4G入库成功", apm4GEntity);
+            } else {
+                return new Response(s, "4G入库失败", apm4GEntity);
+            }
+        }
+        return new Response("500", "4G参数为null", apm4GEntity);
+    }

+ 40 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+import lombok.extern.log4j.Log4j2;
+import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
+import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
+import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
+import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
+import javax.annotation.Resource;
+public class Group5g {
+    @Resource
+    Group5GServicelmpl group5GServicelmpl;
+    @PostMapping("/groupPort5g")
+    public Response group5g(@RequestBody Apm5GEntity apm5GEntity) throws IOException {
+"5G接集团数据: {}", apm5GEntity);
+        if (null != apm5GEntity) {
+            String s = group5GServicelmpl.group5G(apm5GEntity);
+            if (s.equals("200")) {
+                return new Response(s, "5G入库成功", apm5GEntity);
+            } else {
+                return new Response(s, "5g入库失败", apm5GEntity);
+            }
+        }
+        return new Response("500", "数据为空", apm5GEntity);
+    }

+ 67 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+import lombok.extern.log4j.Log4j2;
+import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
+import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
+import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
+import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
+public class OrderGroup {
+   @Autowired
+   private FeedbackImpl feedback;
+    @RequestMapping("/Order4gGroup")
+    public String OrderGroup(@RequestBody Group4gEntity group4gEntity) {
+"4g集团反馈工单 {}", group4gEntity);
+        if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("4G语音低感知小区")) {
+            feedback.receiptVoice(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("业务量突变工单")) {
+            feedback.receiptTuBian(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("4G数据感知差小区")) {
+            feedback.receiptData(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("天馈异常工单")) {
+            feedback.receiptTianKui(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("异常波动场景工单")) {
+            feedback.receiptYiChang(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("季度覆盖异常工单")) {
+            feedback.receiptCoverBudabiao(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("容量异常场景工单")) {
+            feedback.receiptSceneCapacity(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("月度感知异常工单")) {
+            feedback.receiptSceneFeelBad(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("工参智能纳管工单")) {
+            feedback.receiptCellInfo(group4gEntity);
+        }
+        return "ok";
+    }
+    //集团5G回单开发
+    @RequestMapping("/Order5gGroup")
+    public String Order5gGroup(@RequestBody Group4gEntity group4gEntity) {
+"5g集团反馈工单 {}", group4gEntity);
+        if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("5G高回落小区")) {
+            feedback.receipt5gFall(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("业务量突变工单")) {
+            feedback.receiptTuBian(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("5G数据感知差小区")) {
+            feedback.receipt5gData(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("天馈异常工单")) {
+            feedback.receiptTianKui(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("异常波动场景工单")) {
+            feedback.receiptYiChang(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("季度覆盖异常工单")) {
+            feedback.receiptCoverBudabiao(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("容量异常场景工单")) {
+            feedback.receiptSceneCapacity(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("月度感知异常工单")) {
+            feedback.receiptSceneFeelBad(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("工参智能纳管工单")) {
+            feedback.receiptCellInfo(group4gEntity);
+        }
+        return "ok";
+    }

+ 69 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+import lombok.extern.log4j.Log4j2;
+import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
+import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
+import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
+import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
+public class OrderGroupTest {
+    @Autowired
+    private FeedbackImplTest feedback;
+    @RequestMapping("/Order4gGroup")
+    public String OrderGroup(@RequestBody Group4gEntity group4gEntity) {
+"4g集团反馈工单 {}", group4gEntity);
+        if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("4G语音低感知小区")) {
+            feedback.receiptVoice(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("业务量突变工单")) {
+            feedback.receiptTuBian(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("4G数据感知差小区")) {
+            feedback.receiptData(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("天馈异常工单")) {
+            feedback.receiptTianKui(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("异常波动场景工单")) {
+            feedback.receiptYiChang(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("季度覆盖异常工单")) {
+            feedback.receiptCoverBudabiao(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("容量异常场景工单")) {
+            feedback.receiptSceneCapacity(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("月度感知异常工单")) {
+            feedback.receiptSceneFeelBad(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("工参智能纳管工单")) {
+            feedback.receiptCellInfo(group4gEntity);
+        }
+        return "ok";
+    }
+    //集团5G回单开发
+    @RequestMapping("/Order5gGroup")
+    public String Order5gGroup(@RequestBody Group4gEntity group4gEntity) {
+"5g集团反馈工单 {}", group4gEntity);
+        if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("5G高回落小区")) {
+            feedback.receipt5gFall(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("业务量突变工单")) {
+            feedback.receiptTuBian(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("5G数据感知差小区")) {
+            feedback.receipt5gData(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("天馈异常工单")) {
+            feedback.receiptTianKui(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("异常波动场景工单")) {
+            feedback.receiptYiChang(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("季度覆盖异常工单")) {
+            feedback.receiptCoverBudabiao(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("容量异常场景工单")) {
+            feedback.receiptSceneCapacity(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("月度感知异常工单")) {
+            feedback.receiptSceneFeelBad(group4gEntity);
+        } else if (group4gEntity.getPoorType().contains("工参智能纳管工单")) {
+            feedback.receiptCellInfo(group4gEntity);
+        }
+        return "ok";
+    }

+ 26 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Update;
+import java.util.List;
+//低感知小区--4G语音低感知数据同步接口 Dao层
+public interface APm4GGroupVolteDao extends BaseMapper<APm4GGroupVolteLowfeEntity> {
+    @Select("select distinct on (\"oid\")* from  app_screen.a_pm_4g_group_volte_lowfell_m where \"oid\" =#{eci} and sdate =(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_4g_group_volte_lowfell_m) ")
+    APm4GGroupVolteLowfeEntity selectByVolteEci(String eci);
+    //集团反馈回单拿work去语音抵质感集团表查
+    @Select("select * from app_screen.a_pm_4g_group_volte_lowfell_m where\"oid\"=#{workId} and sdate=#{sdate}")
+    OrderEntity selectByOrderId(@Param("workId") String workId,@Param("sdate")String sdate);
+   //用工单编号查询什么时候加Yes
+    @Update("update app_screen.a_pm_4g_group_volte_lowfell_m  set send_flag ='Yes' where order_id =#{orderId}")
+    void updateFlag(String orderId);

+ 28 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select;
+import java.util.List;
+public interface APm4gDao extends BaseMapper<APm4GPoorTopKpiEntity> {
+    @Select("select * from app_screen.a_pm_4g_poor_top_kpi_d where (poor_type='数据质差-高掉线;' or poor_type='数据质差-低接入;'\n" +
+            "or poor_type ='数据质差-低速率;' or poor_type ='VoLTE质差-低接入;'\n" +
+            "or poor_type ='VoLTE质差-高掉话;') and yun_id is not null ")
+   List <APm4GPoorTopKpiEntity> selectByList(String sdate);
+    @Select("select * from app_screen.a_pm_4g_poor_top_kpi_d apgptkd where serial_id=#{serialId}")
+    APm4GPoorTopKpiEntity selectById4g(Integer serialId);
+    @Select("select * from app_screen.a_pm_4g_poor_top_backinfo_d where  date(file_on_time)=(select max(file_on_time) from app_screen.a_pm_4g_poor_top_backinfo_d) ")
+    List<APm4GPoorTopBackinfoD> selectBySdate();
+    @Select("select * from app_screen.a_pm_4g_poor_top_kpi_d where work_id=#{workId} and serial_id=#{serialId}")
+    APm4GPoorTopKpiEntity selectByWorkId(@Param("workId") String workId, @Param("serialId") Integer serialId);

+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
+public interface APm5GGroupDao extends BaseMapper<APm5GGroupDataLowfellM> {

+ 26 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Update;
+import java.util.List;
+public interface APm5GGroupDataLowfelDao extends BaseMapper<APm5GGroupDataLowfellM> {
+    @Select("select * from app_screen.a_pm_5g_group_list_top_d where  sdate =(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_5g_group_list_top_d) and eci ='127.2249377.7'\n")
+    List<APm5GGroupDataListTopD> selectBy5gList();
+     //5G数据质差同步接口
+    @Select("select distinct on (\"oid\")* from  app_screen.a_pm_5g_group_data_lowfell_m where \"oid\" =#{eci} and sdate =(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_5g_group_data_lowfell_m)")
+     APm5GGroupDataLowfellM selectByEci(String eci);
+    //5G数据集团查询 返回orderId
+    @Select("select * from app_screen.a_pm_5g_group_data_lowfell_m where cellid=#{workId} and sdate =#{sdate}")
+    OrderEntity selectByOrderId(String workId, String sdate);
+    //通过工单id来修改什么时候在表里面添加Yes数据
+    @Update("update app_screen.a_pm_5g_group_data_lowfell_m  set send_flag ='Yes' where order_id =#{orderId}")
+    void updateByOrderId(String orderId);

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Update;
+public interface APm5GGroupFallMDao extends BaseMapper<APm5GGroupFallM> {
+    @Select("select distinct on (\"oid\")* from  app_screen.a_pm_5g_group_fall_m where \"oid\" =#{eci} and sdate =(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_5g_group_fall_m)")
+    APm5GGroupFallM selectByEci(String eci);
+    //5g数据质差查询返回orderId
+    @Select("select * from app_screen.a_pm_5g_group_fall_m where cellid=#{workId} and sdate =#{sdate}")
+    OrderEntity selectByOrderId(String workId, String sdate);
+    //通过工单id来修改什么时候在表里面添加Yes数据
+    @Update("update app_screen.a_pm_5g_group_fall_m  set send_flag ='Yes' where order_id =#{orderId}")
+    void updateByOrderId(String orderId);

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select;
+public interface APmGroupBackinfoDao extends BaseMapper<Feedbask4gVoiceEntity> {
+    @Select("select count(*) from  app_screen.a_pm_group_backinfo_d where order_id =#{orderId}")
+    int selectByOne(String orderId);

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select;
+import java.util.List;
+public interface APmGroupCellInfoDao extends BaseMapper<APmGroupCellInfoM> {
+    @Select("select * from app_screen.a_pm_group_cell_info_m where sdate =(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_group_cell_info_m)")
+    List<APmGroupCellInfoM> selectListCellInfo();
+    //工参表查询orderId
+   @Select("select * from app_screen.a_pm_group_cell_info_m where cellid=#{workId} and sdate =#{sdate}")
+   OrderEntity selectOrderId(@Param("workId") String workId, @Param("sdate") String sdate);

+ 24 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Update;
+ * @author DELL
+ */
+public interface APmGroupSceneCapacityDao extends BaseMapper<APmGroupSceneCapacityM> {
+    @Select("select distinct on (cell_id)* from  app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_capacity_m  where cell_id =#{eci} and sdate =(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_capacity_m)")
+    APmGroupSceneCapacityM setBySceneCapacityEci(String eci);
+    //集团反馈回单拿work去重点容量集团表查
+    @Select("select * from app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_capacity_m where  cell_id =#{workId} and sdate=#{sdate}")
+    OrderEntity selectByOrderId(@Param("workId") String workId, @Param("sdate") String sdate);
+    //通过工单id来修改什么时候在表里面添加Yes数据
+    @Update("update app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_capacity_m  set send_flag ='Yes' where order_id =#{orderId}")
+    void updateByOrderId(String orderId);

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Update;
+public interface APmGroupSceneCoverBudabiaoDao extends BaseMapper<APmGroupSceneCoverBudabiaoM> {
+    @Select("select distinct on (cell_id)* from  app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_cover_budabiao_m  where cell_id =#{eci} and sdate =(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_cover_budabiao_m)")
+    APmGroupSceneCoverBudabiaoM selectByCoverBudabiaoEci(String eci);
+    //集团反馈回单拿work去重点覆盖不达标集团表查
+    @Select("select * from app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_cover_budabiao_m where  cell_id =#{workId} and sdate=#{sdate}")
+    OrderEntity selectByOrderId(@Param("workId") String workId, @Param("sdate") String sdate);
+    //通过工单id来修改什么时候在表里面添加Yes数据
+    @Update("update app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_cover_budabiao_m  set send_flag ='Yes' where order_id =#{orderId}")
+    void updateByOrderId(String orderId);

+ 22 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Update;
+public interface APmGroupSceneFeelBadDao extends BaseMapper<APmGroupSceneFeelBadM> {
+    @Select("select distinct on (cell_id)* from  app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_feel_bad_m  where cell_id =#{eci} and sdate =(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_feel_bad_m)")
+    APmGroupSceneFeelBadM setBySceneFeelBadEci(String eci);
+    //集团反馈回单拿work去重点感知不达标集团表查
+    @Select("select * from app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_feel_bad_m where  cell_id =#{workId} and sdate=#{sdate}")
+    OrderEntity selectByOrder(@Param("workId") String workId, @Param("sdate") String sdate);
+    //通过工单id来修改什么时候在表里面添加Yes数据
+    @Update("update app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_feel_bad_m  set send_flag ='Yes' where order_id =#{orderId}")
+    void updateByOrderId(String orderId);

+ 22 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Update;
+public interface APmGroupTandiDab extends BaseMapper<APmGroupHzTiankuiM> {
+    //4G天馈数据
+    @Select("select distinct on (cell_id) * from  app_screen.a_pm_group_hz_tiankui_m  where cell_id =#{eci} and sdate =(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_group_hz_tiankui_m)")
+    APmGroupHzTiankuiM selectByTiankuiEci(String eci);
+    //集团反馈回单拿work去业务量突变集团表查
+    @Select("select * from app_screen.a_pm_group_hz_tiankui_m where  cell_id =#{workId} and sdate=#{sdate}")
+    OrderEntity selectByOrderId(@Param("workId") String workId, @Param("sdate") String sdate);
+    //通过工单id来修改什么时候在表里面添加Yes数据
+    @Update("update app_screen.a_pm_group_hz_tiankui_m  set send_flag ='Yes' where order_id =#{orderId}")
+    void updaeByOrderId(String orderId);

+ 23 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Update;
+public interface APmGroupTubianDao extends BaseMapper<APmGroupHzTubianM> {
+    @Select("select distinct on (cell_id)* from  app_screen.a_pm_group_hz_tubian_m  where cell_id =#{eci} and sdate =(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_group_hz_tubian_m)")
+    APmGroupHzTubianM selectByTubianEci(String eci);
+    //集团反馈回单拿work去业务量突变集团表查
+    @Select("select * from app_screen.a_pm_group_hz_tubian_m where  cell_id =#{workId} and sdate=#{sdate}")
+    OrderEntity selectByOrder(@Param("workId") String workId, @Param("sdate") String sdate);
+   //通过工单id来修改什么时候在表里面添加Yes数据
+   @Update("update app_screen.a_pm_group_hz_tubian_m  set send_flag ='Yes' where order_id =#{orderId}")
+   void updateByOrderId(String orderId);

+ 25 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Update;
+public interface APmGroupWavesceneYichangDao extends BaseMapper<APmGroupWavesceneYichangM> {
+    @Select("select distinct on (cell_id)* from  app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_yichang_wave_m  where cell_id =#{eci} and sdate =(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_yichang_wave_m)")
+    APmGroupWavesceneYichangM selectByYiChangEci(String eci);
+    @Select("select * from app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_yichang_wave_m where order_id ='wave-12701-221025-000001'")
+    APmGroupWavesceneYichangM selectByIds();
+    //集团反馈回单拿work去重点异常波动集团表查
+    @Select("select * from app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_yichang_wave_m where  cell_id =#{workId} and sdate=#{sdate}")
+    OrderEntity selectByOrderId(@Param("workId") String workId, @Param("sdate") String sdate);
+    //通过工单id来修改什么时候在表里面添加Yes数据
+    @Update("update app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_yichang_wave_m  set send_flag ='Yes' where order_id =#{orderId}")
+    void updateByOrderId(String orderId);

+ 102 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.*;
+import java.util.List;
+//低感知小区--4G数据感知差小区数据同步接口 Dao层
+public interface Apm4GGroupDao extends BaseMapper<APm4GGroupDataLowfeEntity> {
+    //是集团工单4g就拼接
+  @Select("select distinct on (a.cell_id)a.*,b.sdate as b_sdate,b.order_id as b_order_id,b.province_id as b_province_id,b.province_name as b_province_name,b.city_id as b_city_id,\n" +
+          "b.city_name as b_city_name,b.district_id as b_district_id,b.district_name as b_district_name,b.work_order_types as b_work_order_types, b.work_order_type as b_work_order_type,\n" +
+          "b.type_problem as b_type_problem,b.issue_subclass as b_issue_subclass,b.solution_type as b_solution_type,b.preliminary_solution as b_preliminary_solution,b.cell_name as b_cell_name,\n" +
+          "b.cell_id as b_cell_id,b.\"oid\" as b_oid,b.gnodeb_id as b_gnodeb_id,b.vendor_name as b_vendor_name,b.problem_date as b_problem_date,b.data_differential_cell as b_data_differential_cell,\n" +
+          "b.low_rate as b_low_rate,b.low_access as b_low_access,b.high_drop_off as b_high_drop_off,b.f0014 as b_f0014,b.f0015 as b_f0015,b.f0016 as b_f0016,b.f0004 as b_f0004,b.f0005 as b_f0005,\n" +
+          "b.f0007 as b_f0007,b.f0008 as b_f0008,b.f0009 as b_f0009,b.f0010 as b_f0010,b.f0011 as b_f0011,b.f0012 as b_f0012,b.f0006 as b_f0006,b.f0001 as b_f0001,b.f0002 as b_f0002,b.f0003 as b_f0003,\n" +
+          "b.f0013 as b_f0013,\n" +
+          "c.sdate as c_sdate,c.order_id as c_order_id,c.province_id as c_province_id,c.province_name as c_province_name,c.city_id as c_city_name,c.district_id as c_district_id,c.district_name as c_district_name,\n" +
+          "c.work_order_types as c_work_order_types,c.work_order_type as c_work_order_type,c.type_problem as c_type_problem,c.type_problem as c_type_problem,c.issue_subclass as c_issue_subclass,c.solution_type as c_solution_type,\n" +
+          "c.preliminary_solution as c_preliminary_solution,c.cell_name as c_cell_name,c.cell_id as c_cell_id,c.\"oid\" as c_oid,c.gnodeb_id as c_gnodeb_id,c.vendor_name as c_vendor_name,c.problem_date as c_problem_date,c.is_lowperception as c_is_lowperception,\n" +
+          "c.is_low_cond as c_is_low_cond,c.is_high_cond as c_is_high_cond,c.is_up_conf as c_is_up_conf,c.is_down_conf as c_is_down_conf,c.f0001 as c_f0001,c.f0002 as c_f0002,c.f0003 as c_f0003,c.f0004 as c_f0004,c.f0005 as c_f0005,c.f0006 as c_f0006,c.f0007 as c_f0007,\n" +
+          "c.f0008 as c_f0008,c.f0009 as c_f0009,c.f0010 as c_f0010,c.f0011 as c_f0011,c.f0012 as c_f0012,c.f0013 as c_f0013,c.f0014 as c_f0014,c.f0015 as c_f0015,c.f0016 as c_f0016\n" +
+          ",d.sdate as d_sdate,d.order_id as d_order_id,d.province_id as d_province_id,d.province_name as d_province_name,d.city_id as d_city_id,d.city_name as d_city_name,d.district_id as d_district_id,d.district_name as d_district_name,d.work_order_types as d_work_order_types,\n" +
+          "d.work_order_type as d_work_order_type,d.type_problem as d_type_problem,d.issue_subclass as d_issue_subclass,d.solution_type as d_solution_type,d.type_problem as d_type_problem,d.issue_subclass as d_issue_subclass,d.solution_type as d_solution_type,d.preliminary_solution as d_preliminary_solution,\n" +
+          "d.cell_name as d_cell_name,d.cell_id as d_cell_id,d.pci as d_pci,d.manufacturer as d_manufacturer,d.\"operator\" as d_operator,d.net_type as d_net_type,d.freq_mode as d_freq_mode,d.duplex_mode as d_duplex_mode,d.band_width as d_band_width,d.longitude as d_longitude,d.latitude as d_latitude,\n" +
+          "d.direction_angle as d_direction_angle,d.azimuth_anomaly as d_azimuth_anomaly,d.antenna_problem_type as d_antenna_problem_type,d.cell_grid_number as d_cell_grid_number,d.number_of_abnormal_grids as d_number_of_abnormal_grids,d.anomalous_sampling_points as d_anomalous_sampling_points,\n" +
+          "d.grids_that_fall_in_cell1 as d_grids_that_fall_in_cell1,d.grids_that_fall_on2_cells as d_grids_that_fall_on2_cells,d.grids_that_fall_on3_cells as d_grids_that_fall_on3_cells,d.labor_participation as d_labor_participation\n" +
+          ",e.sdate as e_sdate,e.order_id as e_order_id,e.province_id as e_province_id,e.province_name as e_province_name,e.city_id as e_city_id,e.city_name as e_city_name,e.district_id as e_district_id,e.district_name as e_district_name,e.work_order_types as e_work_order_types,e.work_order_type as e_work_order_type,\n" +
+          "e.type_problem as e_type_problem,e.issue_subclass as e_issue_subclass,e.solution_type as e_solution_type,e.preliminary_solution as e_preliminary_solution,e.cell_name as e_cell_name,e.cell_id as e_cell_id,e.pci as e_pci,e.manufacturer as e_manufacturer,e.\"operator\" as e_operator,e.net_type as e_net_type,\n" +
+          "e.freq_mode as e_freq_mode,e.duplex_mode as e_duplex_mode,e.dl_freq as e_dl_freq,e.band_width as e_band_width,e.longitude as e_longitude,e.latitude as e_latitude,e.direction_angle as e_direction_angle,e.d_volume as e_d_volume,e.average7days as e_average7days,e.flow_fluctuation_rate as e_flow_fluctuation_rate,\n" +
+          "e.labor_participation as e_labor_participation,e.cell_grid_number as e_cell_grid_number,e.ta_volatility as e_ta_volatility,\n" +
+          "f.sdate as f_sdate,f.order_id as f_order_id,f.province as f_province, as f_city,f.county as f_county,f.orders_sent_in_history as f_orders_sent_in_history,f.worker_order_types as f_worker_order_types,f.worker_order_type as f_worker_order_type,f.type_problem as f_type_problem,f.issue_subclass as f_issue_subclass,\n" +
+          "f.solution_type as f_solution_type,f.preliminary_solution as f_preliminary_solution,f.scene_name as f_scene_name,f.scene_oid as f_scene_oid,f.scene_area as f_scene_area,f.cell_number_scene as f_cell_number_scene,f.cell_number2g as f_cell_number2g,f.cell_number3g as f_cell_number3g,f.cell_number4g as f_cell_number4g,\n" +
+          "f.cell_number5g as f_cell_number5g,f.net_work as f_net_work,f.problem_cell_number as f_problem_cell_number,f.in_door as f_in_door,f.order_index as f_order_index,f.volume_range as f_volume_range,f.weak_rate_range as f_weak_rate_range,f.cell_list1 as f_cell_list1,f.cell_id as f_cell_id,\n" +
+          "g.sdate as g_sdate,g.order_id as g_order_id,g.province as g_province, as g_city,g.county as g_county,g.orders_sent_in_history as g_orders_sent_in_history,g.worker_order_types as g_worker_order_types,g.worker_order_type as g_worker_order_type,g.type_problem as g_type_problem,g.issue_subclass as g_issue_subclass,\n" +
+          "g.solution_type as g_solution_type,g.preliminary_solution as g_preliminary_solution,g.scene_name as g_scene_name,g.scene_o_id as g_scene_o_id,g.scene_area as g_scene_area,g.cell_number_scene as g_cell_number_scene,g.cell_number2g as g_cell_number2g,g.cell_number3g as g_cell_number3g,g.cell_number4g as g_cell_number4g,\n" +
+          "g.cell_number5g as g_cell_number5g,g.net_work as g_net_work,g.problem_cell_number as g_problem_cell_number,g.in_door as g_in_door,g.rsrp105_rate_dl as g_rsrp105_rate_dl,g.rsrp105_rate_dx as g_rsrp105_rate_dx,g.rsrp105_rate_lt as g_rsrp105_rate_lt,g.rsrp112_rate_dl as g_rsrp112_rate_dl,g.rsrp112_rate_lt as g_rsrp112_rate_lt,\n" +
+          "g.rsrp112_rate_dx as g_rsrp112_rate_dx,g.cover_range as g_cover_range,g.cell_list1 as g_cell_list1,g.cell_id as g_cell_id,\n" +
+          "h.sdate as h_sdate,h.order_id as h_order_id,h.province as h_province, as h_city,h.county as h_county,h.orders_sent_in_history as h_orders_sent_in_history,h.worker_order_types as h_worker_order_types,h.worker_order_type as h_worker_order_type,h.type_problem as h_type_problem,h.issue_subclass as h_issue_subclass,\n" +
+          "h.solution_type as h_solution_type,h.preliminary_solution as h_preliminary_solution,h.scene_name as h_scene_name,h.scene_o_id as h_scene_o_id,h.scene_area as h_scene_area,h.cell_number_scene as h_cell_number_scene,h.cell_number2g as h_cell_number2g,h.cell_number3g as h_cell_number3g,h.cell_number4g as h_cell_number4g,\n" +
+          "h.cell_number5g as h_cell_number5g,h.net_work as h_net_work,h.problem_cell_number as h_problem_cell_number,h.order_index as h_order_index,h.big_packet_range as h_big_packet_range,h.video_range as h_video_range,h.game_range as h_game_range,h.cell_list1 as h_cell_list1,h.cell_id as h_cell_id,\n" +
+          "i.sdate as i_sdate,i.order_id as i_order_id,i.province as i_province, as i_city,i.county as i_county,i.orders_sent_in_history as i_orders_sent_in_history,i.worker_order_types as i_worker_order_types,i.worker_order_type as i_worker_order_type,i.type_problem as i_type_problem,i.issue_subclass as i_issue_subclass,i.solution_type as i_solution_type,\n" +
+          "i.preliminary_solution as i_preliminary_solution,i.scene_name as i_scene_name,i.scene_o_id as i_scene_o_id,i.scene_area as i_scene_area,i.cell_number_scene as i_cell_number_scene,i.cell_number2g as i_cell_number2g,i.cell_number3g as i_cell_number3g,i.cell_number4g as i_cell_number4g,i.cell_number5g as i_cell_number5g,\n" +
+          "i.net_work as i_net_work,i.problem_cell_number as i_problem_cell_number,i.order_index as i_order_index,i.rrc_range as i_rrc_range,i.gfh_range as i_gfh_range,i.cell_list1 as i_cell_list1,i.cell_id as i_cell_id\n" +
+          "            from app_screen.a_pm_4g_poor_top_kpi_d a \n" +
+          "            left join app_screen.a_pm_4g_group_data_lowfell_m b\n" +
+          "            on b.\"oid\" = a.cell_id and b.sdate=(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_4g_group_data_lowfell_m)\n" +
+          "            left join app_screen.a_pm_4g_group_volte_lowfell_m c\n" +
+          "            on c.\"oid\" = a.cell_id and c.sdate=(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_4g_group_volte_lowfell_m) \n" +
+          "            left join app_screen.a_pm_group_hz_tiankui_m d\n" +
+          "            on d.cell_id=a.cell_id and d.sdate=(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_group_hz_tiankui_m) and d.net_type='4G'\n" +
+          "            left join app_screen.a_pm_group_hz_tubian_m e \n" +
+          "            on e.cell_id=a.cell_id and e.sdate=(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_group_hz_tubian_m) and e.net_type='4G'\n" +
+          "\t\t\tleft join app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_yichang_wave_m f\n" +
+          "\t\t\ton f.cell_id=a.cell_id and f.sdate=(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_yichang_wave_m) and f.net_work='4g'\n" +
+          "\t\t\tleft join app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_cover_budabiao_m g\n" +
+          "\t\t\ton g.cell_id = a.cell_id and g.sdate=(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_cover_budabiao_m) and g.net_work='4g'\n" +
+          "\t\t\tleft join app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_feel_bad_m h\n" +
+          "\t\t\ton h.cell_id = a.cell_id and h.sdate=(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_feel_bad_m) and h.net_work='4g'\n" +
+          "\t\t\tleft join app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_capacity_m i\n" +
+          "\t\t\ton i.cell_id =a.cell_id and i.sdate =(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_capacity_m) and i.net_work='4g'\n" +
+          "            where a.sdate = (select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_4g_poor_top_kpi_d) and a.cell_id=#{cellId}")
+    Apm4gGropPingJie selectByCellId(@Param("cellId")String cellId, @Param("sdate1") String sdate1);
+ //@Select("select * from app_screen.a_pm_4g_group_list_top_d where is_sn ='0' and sdate=(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_4g_group_list_top_d) ")
+  @Select("select * from app_screen.a_pm_4g_group_list_top_d where  sdate =(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_4g_group_list_top_d) and eci ='127.153580.22'")
+  List<APm4GGroupDataListTopD> selectByGroup4gList();
+    @Select("select distinct on (\"oid\")* from  app_screen.a_pm_4g_group_data_lowfell_m where \"oid\" =#{eci} and sdate =(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_4g_group_data_lowfell_m)")
+    APm4GGroupDataLowfeEntity selectByDataEci(String eci);
+    @Select("select * from app_screen.a_pm_4g_group_list_top_d where is_sn ='1' and sdate=(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_4g_group_list_top_d)and eci =#{cellId} ")
+    ListDanDu selectByGongGong(String cellId);
+    //集团反馈回单拿work去数据抵质感集团表查
+    @Select("select * from app_screen.a_pm_4g_group_data_lowfell_m where\"oid\"=#{workId} and sdate=#{sdate}")
+    OrderEntity selectByOrderId(@Param("workId") String workId,@Param("sdate") String sdate);
+    //5G查询list 里面数据
+    @Select("select * from app_screen.a_pm_5g_group_list_top_d where is_sn ='1' and sdate=(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_5g_group_list_top_d)and eci =#{cellId}")
+    ListDanDu selectBy5gGongGong(String cellId);
+  //获取集团验证结果数据
+  @Insert("insert into app_screen.a_pm_group_fail_list_d(sdate,order_id,version)values(#{sdate} ,#{orderId},#{version})")
+  int insertAutomatedGroup(fileListEntity fileListEntity);
+  //查询 对应 版本号加 工单编号
+  @Select("select count(*) from app_screen.a_pm_group_fail_list_d where order_id=#{orderId}  and version=#{version} ")
+  int selectByVersion(fileListEntity fileListEntity);
+ //用工单编号修改数据库中是否添加Yes
+ @Update("update app_screen.a_pm_4g_group_data_lowfell_m  set send_flag ='Yes' where order_id =#{orderId}")
+ void updateByOrderId(String orderId);

+ 29 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Update;
+public interface Apm4GTopBackinfoDao extends BaseMapper<APm4GPoorTopBackinfoD> {
+    @Select("select count (*) from app_screen.a_pm_4g_poor_top_backinfo_d where  work_id=#{workId} ")
+    int selectByCout(String workId);
+    @Select("select * from app_screen.a_pm_4g_poor_top_backinfo_d where work_id=#{workId} ")
+    APm4GPoorTopBackinfoD selectbyWorkId( String workId);
+   @Update("update app_screen.a_pm_4g_poor_top_backinfo_d set prob_type=#{probType}," +
+           "solution=#{solution}," +
+           "detail_info=#{detailInfo},close_time=#{closeTime},cell_name=#{cellName} where sdate=#{sdate} and work_id=#{workId}")
+    int updateByIdWork(APm4GPoorTopBackinfoD aPm4GPoorTopBackinfoD1);
+   //查找4g回单数据库中是否有工单编号已经回单了
+   @Select("select count(*) from  app_screen.a_pm_4g_poor_top_backinfo_d where work_id =#{workId}")
+    int selectIsWordId(String workId);
+    //查找5g回单数据库中是否有工单编号已经回单了
+    @Select("select count(*) from  app_screen.a_pm_5g_poor_top_backinfo_d where work_id =#{workId}")
+    int select5gIsWordId(String workId);

+ 20 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select;
+public interface Apm5GTopBackinfoDao extends BaseMapper<APm5GPoorTopBackinfoD> {
+    @Select("select count (*) from app_screen.a_pm_5g_poor_top_backinfo_d where work_id=#{workId} ")
+    int selectOne1(String workId);
+    @Select("select * from app_screen.a_pm_5g_poor_top_backinfo_d where work_id=#{workId}")
+    APm5GPoorTopBackinfoD selectByWord(@Param("workId") String workId);
+    @Select("update app_screen.a_pm_5g_poor_top_backinfo_d set prob_type=#{probType}," +
+            "solution=#{solution},detail_info=#{detailInfo},close_time=#{closeTime},cell_name=#{cellName} where sdate=#{sdate} and work_id=#{workId} ")
+    void updateByWork(APm5GPoorTopBackinfoD aPm5GPoorTopBackinfoD);

+ 81 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Update;
+import java.util.List;
+public interface Apm5gDao extends BaseMapper<APm5GPoorTopKpiD> {
+     @Select("select * from app_screen.a_pm_5g_poor_top_kpi_d where serial_id ='4007672'")
+     List<APm5GPoorTopKpiD>selectByList(String sdate);
+     @Select("select * from app_screen.a_pm_5g_poor_top_kpi_d apgptkd where serial_id=#{serialId}")
+    APm5GPoorTopKpiD selectById5G(Integer serialId);
+    @Select("select * from app_screen.a_pm_5g_poor_top_backinfo_d where  date(file_on_time)=(select max(file_on_time) from app_screen.a_pm_5g_poor_top_backinfo_d)")
+    List<APm5GPoorTopBackinfoD> selectBySdate();
+   @Select("select * from app_screen.a_pm_5g_poor_top_kpi_d where work_id=#{workId} and serial_id=#{serialId} ")
+    ReceipOrderEntity selectByWord(@Param("workId") String workId, @Param("serialId") Integer serialId);
+    @Update("update app_screen.a_pm_5g_poor_top_kpi_d set getlist_time=#{poorOrderSignTime} where work_id=#{workId} ")
+    int updateByWordId(ReceipOrderEntity receipOrderEntity1);
+    @Select("select distinct on (a.cell_id)a.*,b.sdate as b_sdate,b.order_id as b_order_id,b.province_id as b_province_id,b.province_name as b_province_name,b.city_id as b_city_id,b.city_name as b_city_name,b.district_id as b_district_id,b.work_order_types as b_work_order_types,b.work_order_type as b_work_order_type,\n" +
+            "b.type_problem as b_type_problem,b.issue_subclass as b_issue_subclass,b.solution_type as b_solution_type,b.preliminary_solution as b_preliminary_solution,b.cell_name as b_cell_name,b.cell_id as b_cell_id,b.\"oid\" as b_oid,b.gnodeb_id as b_gnodeb_id,b.vendor_name as b_vendor_name,b.problem_date as b_problem_date,\n" +
+            "b.data_differential_cell as b_data_differential_cell,b.low_rate as b_low_rate,b.low_access as b_low_access,b.high_drop_off as b_high_drop_off,b.f0001 as b_f0001,b.f0002 as b_f0002,b.f0003 as b_f0003,b.f0004 as b_f0004,b.f0005 as b_f0005,b.f0006 as b_f0006,b.f0007 as b_f0007,b.f0008 as b_f0008,b.f0009 as b_f0009,\n" +
+            "b.f0010 as b_f0010,b.f0011 as b_f0011,b.f0012 as b_f0012,b.f0013 as b_f0013,b.f0014 as b_f0014,b.f0015 as b_f0015,b.f0016 as b_f0016,b.f0017 as b_f0017,b.f0018 as b_f0018,b.f0019 as b_f0019,b.f0020 as b_f0020,b.f0021 as b_f0021,b.f0022 as b_f0022,c.sdate as c_sdate,c.order_id as c_order_id,c.province_id as c_province_id,\n" +
+            "c.province_name as c_province_name,c.city_id as c_city_id,c.city_name as c_city_name,c.district_id as  c_district_id,c.district_name as c_district_name,c.work_order_types as c_work_order_types,c.work_order_type as c_work_order_type,c.type_problem as c_type_problem,c.issue_subclass as c_issue_subclass,\n" +
+            "c.solution_type as c_solution_type,c.preliminary_solution as c_preliminary_solution,c.cell_name as c_cell_name,c.cell_id as c_cell_id,c.\"oid\" as c_oid,c.gnodeb_id as c_gnodeb_id,c.vendor_name as c_vendor_name,c.problem_date as c_problem_date,c.is5g_fall as c_is5g_fall,c.f0001 as c_f0001,c.f0002 as c_f0002,c.f0003 as c_f0003,\n" +
+            "c.f0004 as c_f0004,c.f0005 as c_f0005,c.f0006 as c_f0006,c.f0010 as c_f0010,\n" +
+            "d.sdate as d_sdate,d.order_id as d_order_id,d.province_id as d_province_id,d.province_name as d_province_name,d.city_id as d_city_id,d.city_name as d_city_name,d.district_id as d_district_id,d.district_name as d_district_name,d.work_order_types as d_work_order_types,\n" +
+            "d.work_order_type as d_work_order_type,d.type_problem as d_type_problem,d.issue_subclass as d_issue_subclass,d.solution_type as d_solution_type,d.type_problem as d_type_problem,d.issue_subclass as d_issue_subclass,d.solution_type as d_solution_type,d.preliminary_solution as d_preliminary_solution,\n" +
+            "d.cell_name as d_cell_name,d.cell_id as d_cell_id,d.pci as d_pci,d.manufacturer as d_manufacturer,d.\"operator\" as d_operator,d.net_type as d_net_type,d.freq_mode as d_freq_mode,d.duplex_mode as d_duplex_mode,d.band_width as d_band_width,d.longitude as d_longitude,d.latitude as d_latitude,\n" +
+            "d.direction_angle as d_direction_angle,d.azimuth_anomaly as d_azimuth_anomaly,d.antenna_problem_type as d_antenna_problem_type,d.cell_grid_number as d_cell_grid_number,d.number_of_abnormal_grids as d_number_of_abnormal_grids,d.anomalous_sampling_points as d_anomalous_sampling_points,\n" +
+            "d.grids_that_fall_in_cell1 as d_grids_that_fall_in_cell1,d.grids_that_fall_on2_cells as d_grids_that_fall_on2_cells,d.grids_that_fall_on3_cells as d_grids_that_fall_on3_cells,d.labor_participation as d_labor_participation\n" +
+            ",e.sdate as e_sdate,e.order_id as e_order_id,e.province_id as e_province_id,e.province_name as e_province_name,e.city_id as e_city_id,e.city_name as e_city_name,e.district_id as e_district_id,e.district_name as e_district_name,e.work_order_types as e_work_order_types,e.work_order_type as e_work_order_type,\n" +
+            "e.type_problem as e_type_problem,e.issue_subclass as e_issue_subclass,e.solution_type as e_solution_type,e.preliminary_solution as e_preliminary_solution,e.cell_name as e_cell_name,e.cell_id as e_cell_id,e.pci as e_pci,e.manufacturer as e_manufacturer,e.\"operator\" as e_operator,e.net_type as e_net_type,\n" +
+            "e.freq_mode as e_freq_mode,e.duplex_mode as e_duplex_mode,e.dl_freq as e_dl_freq,e.band_width as e_band_width,e.longitude as e_longitude,e.latitude as e_latitude,e.direction_angle as e_direction_angle,e.d_volume as e_d_volume,e.average7days as e_average7days,e.flow_fluctuation_rate as e_flow_fluctuation_rate,\n" +
+            "e.labor_participation as e_labor_participation,e.cell_grid_number as e_cell_grid_number,e.ta_volatility as e_ta_volatility,\n" +
+            "f.sdate as f_sdate,f.order_id as f_order_id,f.province as f_province, as f_city,f.county as f_county,f.orders_sent_in_history as f_orders_sent_in_history,f.worker_order_types as f_worker_order_types,f.worker_order_type as f_worker_order_type,f.type_problem as f_type_problem,f.issue_subclass as f_issue_subclass,\n" +
+            "f.solution_type as f_solution_type,f.preliminary_solution as f_preliminary_solution,f.scene_name as f_scene_name,f.scene_oid as f_scene_oid,f.scene_area as f_scene_area,f.cell_number_scene as f_cell_number_scene,f.cell_number2g as f_cell_number2g,f.cell_number3g as f_cell_number3g,f.cell_number4g as f_cell_number4g,\n" +
+            "f.cell_number5g as f_cell_number5g,f.net_work as f_net_work,f.problem_cell_number as f_problem_cell_number,f.in_door as f_in_door,f.order_index as f_order_index,f.volume_range as f_volume_range,f.weak_rate_range as f_weak_rate_range,f.cell_list1 as f_cell_list1,f.cell_id as f_cell_id,\n" +
+            "g.sdate as g_sdate,g.order_id as g_order_id,g.province as g_province, as g_city,g.county as g_county,g.orders_sent_in_history as g_orders_sent_in_history,g.worker_order_types as g_worker_order_types,g.worker_order_type as g_worker_order_type,g.type_problem as g_type_problem,g.issue_subclass as g_issue_subclass,\n" +
+            "g.solution_type as g_solution_type,g.preliminary_solution as g_preliminary_solution,g.scene_name as g_scene_name,g.scene_o_id as g_scene_o_id,g.scene_area as g_scene_area,g.cell_number_scene as g_cell_number_scene,g.cell_number2g as g_cell_number2g,g.cell_number3g as g_cell_number3g,g.cell_number4g as g_cell_number4g,\n" +
+            "g.cell_number5g as g_cell_number5g,g.net_work as g_net_work,g.problem_cell_number as g_problem_cell_number,g.in_door as g_in_door,g.rsrp105_rate_dl as g_rsrp105_rate_dl,g.rsrp105_rate_dx as g_rsrp105_rate_dx,g.rsrp105_rate_lt as g_rsrp105_rate_lt,g.rsrp112_rate_dl as g_rsrp112_rate_dl,g.rsrp112_rate_lt as g_rsrp112_rate_lt,\n" +
+            "g.rsrp112_rate_dx as g_rsrp112_rate_dx,g.cover_range as g_cover_range,g.cell_list1 as g_cell_list1,g.cell_id as g_cell_id,\n" +
+            "h.sdate as h_sdate,h.order_id as h_order_id,h.province as h_province, as h_city,h.county as h_county,h.orders_sent_in_history as h_orders_sent_in_history,h.worker_order_types as h_worker_order_types,h.worker_order_type as h_worker_order_type,h.type_problem as h_type_problem,h.issue_subclass as h_issue_subclass,\n" +
+            "h.solution_type as h_solution_type,h.preliminary_solution as h_preliminary_solution,h.scene_name as h_scene_name,h.scene_o_id as h_scene_o_id,h.scene_area as h_scene_area,h.cell_number_scene as h_cell_number_scene,h.cell_number2g as h_cell_number2g,h.cell_number3g as h_cell_number3g,h.cell_number4g as h_cell_number4g,\n" +
+            "h.cell_number5g as h_cell_number5g,h.net_work as h_net_work,h.problem_cell_number as h_problem_cell_number,h.order_index as h_order_index,h.big_packet_range as h_big_packet_range,h.video_range as h_video_range,h.game_range as h_game_range,h.cell_list1 as h_cell_list1,h.cell_id as h_cell_id,\n" +
+            "i.sdate as i_sdate,i.order_id as i_order_id,i.province as i_province, as i_city,i.county as i_county,i.orders_sent_in_history as i_orders_sent_in_history,i.worker_order_types as i_worker_order_types,i.worker_order_type as i_worker_order_type,i.type_problem as i_type_problem,i.issue_subclass as i_issue_subclass,i.solution_type as i_solution_type,\n" +
+            "i.preliminary_solution as i_preliminary_solution,i.scene_name as i_scene_name,i.scene_o_id as i_scene_o_id,i.scene_area as i_scene_area,i.cell_number_scene as i_cell_number_scene,i.cell_number2g as i_cell_number2g,i.cell_number3g as i_cell_number3g,i.cell_number4g as i_cell_number4g,i.cell_number5g as i_cell_number5g,\n" +
+            "i.net_work as i_net_work,i.problem_cell_number as i_problem_cell_number,i.order_index as i_order_index,i.rrc_range as i_rrc_range,i.gfh_range as i_gfh_range,i.cell_list1 as i_cell_list1,i.cell_id as i_cell_id\n" +
+            "            from app_screen.a_pm_5g_poor_top_kpi_d a\n" +
+            "            left join app_screen.a_pm_5g_group_data_lowfell_m b\n" +
+            "            on b.\"oid\" = a.cell_id and b.sdate=(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_5g_group_data_lowfell_m)\n" +
+            "            left join app_screen.a_pm_5g_group_fall_m c\n" +
+            "            on c.\"oid\" = a.cell_id and c.sdate=(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_5g_group_fall_m) \n" +
+            "            left join app_screen.a_pm_group_hz_tiankui_m d\n" +
+            "            on d.cell_id=a.cell_id and d.sdate=(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_group_hz_tiankui_m) and d.net_type='5G'\n" +
+            "            left join app_screen.a_pm_group_hz_tubian_m e \n" +
+            "            on e.cell_id=a.cell_id and e.sdate=(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_group_hz_tubian_m) and e.net_type='5G'\n" +
+            "\t\t\tleft join app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_yichang_wave_m f\n" +
+            "\t\t\ton f.cell_id=a.cell_id and f.sdate=(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_yichang_wave_m) and f.net_work='5g'\n" +
+            "\t\t\tleft join app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_cover_budabiao_m g\n" +
+            "\t\t\ton g.cell_id = a.cell_id and g.sdate=(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_cover_budabiao_m) and g.net_work='5g'\n" +
+            "\t\t\tleft join app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_feel_bad_m h\n" +
+            "\t\t\ton h.cell_id = a.cell_id and h.sdate=(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_feel_bad_m) and h.net_work='5g'\n" +
+            "\t\t\tleft join app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_capacity_m i\n" +
+            "\t\t\ton i.cell_id =a.cell_id and i.sdate =(select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_group_scene_capacity_m) and i.net_work='5g'\n" +
+            "            where a.sdate = (select max(sdate) from app_screen.a_pm_5g_poor_top_kpi_d) and a.cell_id=#{cellId}")
+    Apm5gGropPingJie selectByCellId(String cellId);

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
+ * @author DELL
+ */
+public interface Group4gDao extends BaseMapper<APm4GGroupPoorTopM> {

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select;
+import java.util.List;
+ * @author DELL
+ */
+public interface Group5gDao extends BaseMapper<APm5GGroupPoorTopM> {
+    @Select("select * from app_screen.a_pm_5g_group_poor_top_m")
+    List<APm5GGroupPoorTopM> selectByGroup5G();

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
+import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
+ * @author DELL
+ */
+public interface LoseDao extends BaseMapper<LoseEntity> {

+ 45 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableField;
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableName;
+import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
+import lombok.Data;
+import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
+import java.util.List;
+public class APmGroupWavesceneYichangM {
+  private String sdate;
+  private String orderId;
+  private String province;
+  private String city;
+  private String county;
+  private String ordersSentInHistory;
+  private String workerOrderTypes;
+  private String workerOrderType;
+  private String typeProblem;
+  private String issueSubclass;
+  private String solutionType;
+  private String preliminarySolution;
+  private String sceneName;
+  private String sceneOid;
+  private Double sceneArea;
+  private Long cellNumberScene;
+  private Long cellNumber2g;
+  private Long cellNumber3g;
+  private Long cellNumber4g;
+  private Long cellNumber5g;
+  private String netWork;
+  private Long problemCellNumber;
+  private String inDoor;
+  private String orderIndex;
+  private String volumeRange;
+  private String weakRateRange;
+  @TableField(exist = false)
+  private List<Object> cellList;
+  private String cellList1;
+  private String cellId;

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
+import lombok.Data;
+import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
+import org.omg.CORBA.StringHolder;
+ * @author DELL
+ */
+public class AutomatedEntity {
+    private String provinceId="127";
+    private Integer currentPage=1;
+    private String pageSize="3";
+    private String applyTime;
+    private String orderType="0";

+ 50 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
+import lombok.Data;
+import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
+ * @author DELL
+ */
+public class GroupOrder {
+    /**
+     * 工单Id
+     */
+    private String orderId;
+    /**
+     * 流程id
+     */
+    private String flowId;
+    /**
+     * 流程名字
+     */
+    private String flowName;
+    /**
+     * 流程环节id
+     */
+    private String jobId;
+    /**
+     * 流程环节名称
+     */
+    private String jobName;
+    /**
+     * 状态
+     */
+    private String status;
+    /**
+     * 是否闭环
+     */
+    private Integer closedLoop;
+    /**
+     * 版本
+     */
+    private Integer version;
+    /**
+     * 模式
+     */
+    private String mode;

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableField;
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableName;
+import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
+import lombok.Data;
+import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
+public class fileListEntity {
+    private String sdate;
+    private String autoCheckResult;
+    private String orderId;
+    private String version;
+    private String flowId;

+ 49 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableField;
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableName;
+import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
+import lombok.Data;
+import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
+import java.util.List;
+//import javax.persistence.Column;
+public class APmGroupSceneCapacityM {
+  private String sdate;
+  private String orderId;
+  private String province;
+  private String city;
+  private String county;
+  private String ordersSentInHistory;
+  private String workerOrderTypes;
+  private String workerOrderType;
+  private String typeProblem;
+  private String issueSubclass;
+  private String solutionType;
+  private String preliminarySolution;
+  private String sceneName;
+  private String sceneOId;
+  private Double sceneArea;
+  private Long cellNumberScene;
+  private Long cellNumber2G;
+  private Long cellNumber3G;
+  private Long cellNumber4G;
+  private Long cellNumber5G;
+  private String netWork;
+  private Long problemCellNumber;
+  private String orderIndex;
+  private String rrcRange;
+  private String gfhRange;
+  @TableField(exist = false)
+  private List<Object> cellList;
+  private String cellList1;
+  private String cellId;

+ 449 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.IdType;
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableField;
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableId;
+import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
+import lombok.Data;
+import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
+public class Apm4gGropPingJie {
+    private String sdate;
+    private String city="";
+    private String county="";
+    private String cellId;
+    private String cellName;
+    private String eci;
+    private String operators;
+    private String netType;
+    private String vendor;
+    private String dlFreq;
+    private String dlBandwidth;
+    private String poorType="";
+    private String poorNum;
+    private String isGroupList="";
+    private Long volteLowRadioSucFlag;
+    private Long volteDropRFlag;
+    private Long volteUlHighPackageDropFlag;
+    private Long volteDlHighPackageDropFlag;
+    private Long csfbLowRadioSucFlag;
+    private Long epsfbFlag;
+    private Long dataDropRFlag;
+    private Long dataLowRadioSucFlag;
+    private Long dataLowSpeedMbpsFlag;
+    private String erabSucRQci1;
+    private String erabSucRQci5;
+    private String lteDropRQci1;
+    private String ulPdcpPackageDropRatioQci1;
+    private String dlPdcpPackageDropRatioQci1;
+    private String radioConnSucR;
+    private String lteDropR;
+    private String dlSpeedMbps;
+    private String cqiLe7;
+    private String rrcReconnRate;
+    private String noise;
+    private String mrSinrulGt0Ratio;
+    private String lruBlind;
+    private String lruNotBlind;
+    private String doubleLinkR;
+    @TableField(value = "dl_16qam_utilization")
+    private String dl16QamUtilization;
+    @TableField(value = "dl_64qam_utilization")
+    private String dl64QamUtilization;
+    private String dlHighMscUtilization;
+    private String cellAvailableRatio;
+    private String dlPrbUtilization;
+    private String erabSucR;
+    private String rrcCongest;
+    private String erabCongest;
+    private String rrcCongestLicenseR;
+    private String erabCongestRadio;
+    private String erabCongestTrans;
+    private String erabFailUe;
+    private String erabFailCore;
+    private String erabFailTrans;
+    private String erabFailRadio;
+    private String erabFailResource;
+    private String hoOutSucR;
+    private String ulPdcpPackageDropRatio;
+    private String dlPdcpPackageDiscardRatio;
+    private String rrcAvg;
+    private String rrcMax;
+    private String workId="";
+    private String workSub="";
+    private String createTime;
+    private String workerName;
+    private String jobId;
+    private String yunId="";
+    private String phoneNo;
+    private String score="";
+    @TableId(type = IdType.AUTO)
+    private Integer serialId;
+    private String workLevel="";
+    private String isQuality="";
+    private String totalTraMb;
+    private String getlistTime;
+    /**
+     * 覆盖类型
+     */
+    @TableField("cover_type")
+    private String coverType;
+    /**
+     * 主小区RSRP采样点数
+     */
+    @TableField("rsrp_cnt_1d")
+    private Long rsrpCnt1D;
+    /**
+     * 主小区平均RSRP值
+     */
+    @TableField("rsrp_avg_1d")
+    private Long rsrpAvg1D;
+    /**
+     * 是否弱覆盖
+     */
+    @TableField("is_weak_coverage_1d")
+    private String isWeakCoverage1D;
+    /**
+     * 弱覆盖比例
+     */
+    @TableField("weak_coverage_ratio_1d")
+    private Double weakCoverageRatio1D;
+    /**
+     * 是否过覆盖
+     */
+    @TableField("is_over_coverage_1d")
+    private String isOverCoverage1D;
+    /**
+     * 过覆盖比例
+     */
+    @TableField("over_coverage_rsrp_ratio_1d")
+    private Double overCoverageRsrpRatio1D;
+    /**
+     * 过覆盖采样点数
+     */
+    @TableField("over_coverage_rsrp_cnt_1d")
+    private Long overCoverageRsrpCnt1D;
+    /**
+     * 是否重叠覆盖
+     */
+    @TableField("is_overlap_coverage_1d")
+    private String isOverlapCoverage1D;
+    /**
+     * 重叠覆盖比例
+     */
+    @TableField("overlap_coverage_ratio_1d")
+    private Double overlapCoverageRatio1D;
+    /**
+     * MOD3干扰比例
+     */
+    @TableField("mod3_interference_rate")
+    private Double mod3InterferenceRate;
+    /**
+     * 主小区平均SINR值
+     */
+    @TableField("sinr_avg_1d")
+    private String sinrAvg1D;
+    /**
+     * SINR≥-3采样点占比
+     */
+    @TableField("sinr_cnt_1d_rate")
+    private Double sinrCnt1DRate;
+    //常驻5G终端用户数
+    @TableField(value = "often_5g_term_num")
+    private Integer often5gTermNum;
+    //5G终端用户日均流量GB
+    @TableField(value = "term_5g_flux")
+    private String term5gFlux;
+    //常驻NSA用户数
+    private Integer oftenNsaTermNum;
+    //常驻SA用户数
+    private Integer oftenSaTermNum;
+    //5G开关打开用户数
+    @TableField(value = "open_5g_num")
+    private Integer open5gNum;
+    //SA开关打开用户数
+    private Integer saOpenNum;
+    private String juli;
+    private String conCause;
+    private String conMeasure;
+    //数据
+    //private DataEntity dataEntity;
+    private String bSdate;
+    private String bOrderId;
+    private String bProvinceId;
+    private String bProvinceName;
+    private String bCityId;
+    private String bCityName;
+    private String bDistrictId;
+    private String bDistrictName;
+    private String bWorkOrderTypes;
+    private String bWorkOrderType;
+    private String bTypeProblem;
+    private String bIssueSubclass;
+    private String bSolutionType;
+    private String bPreliminarySolution;
+    private String bCellName;
+    private String bCellId;
+    private String bOid;
+    private String bGnodebId;
+    private String bVendorName;
+    private String bProblemDate;
+    private String bDataDifferentialCell;
+    private String bLowRate;
+    private String bLowAccess;
+    private String bHighDropOff;
+    private Long bF0014;
+    private Long bF0015;
+    private String bF0016;
+    private String bF0004;
+    private String bF0005;
+    private Long bF0007;
+    private Long bF0008;
+    private String bF0009;
+    private Long bF0010;
+    private Long bF0011;
+    private String bF0012;
+    private String bF0006;
+    private String bF0001;
+    private String bF0002;
+    private String bF0003;
+    private String bF0013;
+    //语音
+   //private VoiceEntity voiceEntity;
+    private String cSdate;
+    private String cOrderId;
+    private String cProvinceId;
+    private String cProvinceName;
+    private String cCityId;
+    private String cCityName;
+    private String cDistrictId;
+    private String cDistrictName;
+    private String cWorkOrderTypes;
+    private String cWorkOrderType;
+    private String cTypeProblem;
+    private String cIssueSubclass;
+    private String cSolutionType;
+    private String cPreliminarySolution;
+    private String cCellName;
+    private String cCellId;
+    private String cOid;
+    private String cGnodebId;
+    private String cVendorName;
+    private String cProblemDate;
+    private String cIsLowperception;
+    private String cIsLowCond;
+    private String cIsHighCond;
+    private String cIsUpConf;
+    private String cIsDownConf;
+    private String cF0001;
+    private Long cF0002;
+    private Long cF0003;
+    private Double cF0004;
+    private Long cF0005;
+    private Long cF0006;
+    private Double cF0007;
+    private Long cF0008;
+    private Long cF0009;
+    private Double cF0010;
+    private Long cF0011;
+    private Long cF0012;
+    private Double cF0013;
+    private Long cF0014;
+    private Long cF0015;
+    private Double cF0016;
+    //天馈
+    private String dSdate;
+    private String dOrderId;
+    private String dProvinceId;
+    private String dProvinceName;
+    private String dCityId;
+    private String dCityName;
+    private String dDistrictId;
+    private String dDistrictName;
+    private String dWorkOrderTypes;
+    private String dWorkOrderType;
+    private String dTypeProblem;
+    private String dIssueSubclass;
+    private String dSolutionType;
+    private String dPreliminarySolution;
+    private String dCellName;
+    private String dCellId;
+    private String dPci;
+    private String dManufacturer;
+    private String dOperator;
+    private String dNetType;
+    private String dFreqMode;
+    private String duplexMode;
+    private String dBandWidth;
+    private String dLongitude;
+    private String dLatitude;
+    private String dDirectionAngle;
+    private String dAzimuthAnomaly;
+    private String dAntennaProblemType;
+    private Long dCellGridNumber;
+    private Long dNumberOfAbnormalGrids;
+    private Long dAnomalousSamplingPoints;
+    private Long dGridsThatFallInCell1;
+    private Long dGridsThatFallOn2Cells;
+    private Long dGridsThatFallOn3Cells;
+    private String dLaborParticipation;
+    //突变
+    //private TuBianEntity tuBianEntity;
+    private String eSdate;
+    private String eOrderId;
+    private String eProvinceId;
+    private String eProvinceName;
+    private String eCityId;
+    private String eCityName;
+    private String eDistrictId;
+    private String eDistrictName;
+    private String eWorkOrderTypes;
+    private String eWorkOrderType;
+    private String eTypeProblem;
+    private String eIssueSubclass;
+    private String eSolutionType;
+    private String ePreliminarySolution;
+    private String eCellName;
+    private String eCellId;
+    private String ePci;
+    private String eManufacturer;
+    private String eOperator;
+    private String eNetType;
+    private String eFreqMode;
+    private String eDuplexMode;
+    private String eDlFreq;
+    private String eBandWidth;
+    private String eLongitude;
+    private String eLatitude;
+    private String eDirectionAngle;
+    private String eDVolume;
+    private String eAverage7days;
+    private Double eFlowFluctuationRate;
+    private String eLaborParticipation;
+    private String eCellGridNumber;
+    private Double eTaVolatility;
+    //重点异常
+    //private YiChangEntity yiChangEntity;
+    private String fSdate;
+    private String fOrderId;
+    private String fProvince;
+    private String fCity;
+    private String fCounty;
+    private String fOrdersSentInHistory;
+    private String fWorkerOrderTypes;
+    private String fWorkerOrderType;
+    private String fTypeProblem;
+    private String fIssueSubclass;
+    private String fSolutionType;
+    private String fPreliminarySolution;
+    private String fSceneName;
+    private String fSceneOid;
+    private Double fSceneArea;
+    private Long fCellNumberScene;
+    private Long fCellNumber2g;
+    private Long fCellNumber3g;
+    private Long fCellNumber4g;
+    private Long fCellNumber5g;
+    private String fNetWork;
+    private Long fProblemCellNumber;
+    private String fInDoor;
+    private String fOrderIndex;
+    private String fVolumeRange;
+    private String fWeakRateRange;
+    private String fCellList1;
+    private String fCellId;
+    //重点覆盖不达标
+    //private FuGaiEntity fuGaiEntity;
+    private String gSdate;
+    private String gOrderId;
+    private String gProvince;
+    private String gCity;
+    private String gCounty;
+    private String gOrdersSentInHistory;
+    private String gWorkerOrderTypes;
+    private String gWorkerOrderType;
+    private String gTypeProblem;
+    private String gIssueSubclass;
+    private String gSolutionType;
+    private String gPreliminarySolution;
+    private String gSceneName;
+    private String gSceneOId;
+    private Double gSceneArea;
+    private Long gCellNumberScene;
+    private Long gCellNumber2g;
+    private Long gCellNumber3g;
+    private Long gCellNumber4g;
+    private Long gCellNumber5g;
+    private String gNetWork;
+    private Long gProblemCellNumber;
+    private String gInDoor;
+    private Double gRsrp105RateDl;
+    private Double gRsrp105RateLt;
+    private Double gRsrp105RateDx;
+    private Double gRsrp112RateDl;
+    private Double gRsrp112RateLt;
+    private Double gRsrp112RateDx;
+    private String gCoverRange;
+    private String gCellList1;
+    private String gCellId;
+    //重点低感知不达标
+   // private DiGanZhiEntity diGanZhiEntity;
+    private String hSdate;
+    private String hOrderId;
+    private String hProvince;
+    private String hCity;
+    private String hCounty;
+    private String hOrdersSentInHistory;
+    private String hWorkerOrderTypes;
+    private String hWorkerOrderType;
+    private String hTypeProblem;
+    private String hIssueSubclass;
+    private String hSolutionType;
+    private String hPreliminarySolution;
+    private String hSceneName;
+    private String hSceneOId;
+    private Double hSceneArea;
+    private Long hCellNumberScene;
+    private Long hCellNumber2G;
+    private Long hCellNumber3G;
+    private Long hCellNumber4G;
+    private Long hCellNumber5G;
+    private String hNetWork;
+    private Long hProblemCellNumber;
+    private String hOrderIndex;
+    private String hBigPacketRange;
+    private String hVideoRange;
+    private String hGameRange;
+    private String hCellList1;
+    private String hCellId;
+    //重点容量异常
+    //private RongLiangEntity rongLiangEntity;
+    private String iSdate;
+    private String iOrderId;
+    private String iProvince;
+    private String iCity;
+    private String iCounty;
+    private String iOrdersSentInHistory;
+    private String iWorkerOrderTypes;
+    private String iWorkerOrderType;
+    private String iTypeProblem;
+    private String iIssueSubclass;
+    private String iSolutionType;
+    private String iPreliminarySolution;
+    private String iSceneName;
+    private String iSceneOId;
+    private Double iSceneArea;
+    private Long iCellNumberScene;
+    private Long iCellNumber2G;
+    private Long iCellNumber3G;
+    private Long iCellNumber4G;
+    private Long iCellNumber5G;
+    private String iNetWork;
+    private Long iProblemCellNumber;
+    private String iOrderIndex;
+    private String iRrcRange;
+    private String iGfhRange;
+    private String iCellList1;
+    private String iCellId;

+ 334 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.IdType;
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableId;
+import lombok.Data;
+public class Apm5gGropPingJie {
+    //5g省内的
+    private String sdate;
+    private String city;
+    private String county="";
+    private String cellId;
+    private String cellName;
+    private String eci;
+    private String operators;
+    private String netType;
+    private String vendor;
+    private String dlFreq;
+    private String dlBandwidth;
+    private String poorType="";
+    private String poorNum;
+    private String isGroupList="";
+    private Long dataLowSpeedMbpsFlag;
+    private Long dataLowRadioSucFlag;
+    private Long dataHighDropFlag;
+    private Long dataHighHlFlag;
+    private Long dataCqiFlag;
+    private String dlSpeedMbps;
+    private String radioSucRatio;
+    private String ueContextDropRatio;
+    private String cqiHighRatio;
+    private String coverNrRel;
+    private String cellAvailableRatio;
+    private String dlPdschPrbUtilization;
+    private String dlPrbUtilization;
+    private String rrcSucRatio;
+    private String ngSucRatio;
+    private String qosflowSucRatio;
+    private String cqiTable2Ge7;
+    private String cqiTable1Ge10;
+    private String ulNoise;
+    private String nrLteSucNum;
+    private String g5G4Num;
+    private String ueContextRelTotal;
+    private String rrcAvg;
+    private String userMax;
+    private String workId="";
+    private String workSub="";
+    private String createTime;
+    private String workerName;
+    private String jobId;
+    private String yunId="";
+    private String phoneNo;
+    private String score="";
+    @TableId(type = IdType.AUTO)
+    private Integer serialId;
+    private String workLevel="";
+    private String isQuality="";
+    private String totalTraMb;
+    private String conCause;
+    private String conMeasure;
+    //5g感知差数据
+    private String bSdate;
+    private String bOrderId;
+    private String bProvinceId;
+    private String bProvinceName;
+    private String bCityId;
+    private String bCityName;
+    private String bDistrictId;
+    private String bDistrictName;
+    private String bWorkOrderTypes;
+    private String bWorkOrderType;
+    private String bTypeProblem;
+    private String bIssueSubclass;
+    private String bSolutionType;
+    private String bPreliminarySolution;
+    private String bCellName;
+    private String bCellId;
+    private String bOid;
+    private String bGnodebId;
+    private String bVendorName;
+    private String bProblemDate;
+    private String bDataDifferentialCell;
+    private String bLowRate;
+    private String bLowAccess;
+    private String bHighDropOff;
+    private String bF0001;
+    private String bF0002;
+    private String bF0003;
+    private Double bF0004;
+    private Double bF0005;
+    private Double bF0006;
+    private Double bF0007;
+    private Long bF0008;
+    private Long bF0009;
+    private Long bF0010;
+    private Long bF0011;
+    private Long bF0012;
+    private Long bF0013;
+    private Long bF0014;
+    private Long bF0015;
+    private Double bF0016;
+    private Long bF0017;
+    private Long bF0018;
+    private Long bF0019;
+    private Long bF0020;
+    private Long bF0021;
+    private Double bF0022;
+    //5g高回落数据
+    private String cSdate;
+    private String cOrderId;
+    private String cProvinceId;
+    private String cProvinceName;
+    private String cCityId;
+    private String cCityName;
+    private String cDistrictId;
+    private String cDistrictName;
+    private String cWorkOrderTypes;
+    private String cWorkOrderType;
+    private String cTypeProblem;
+    private String cIssueSubclass;
+    private String cSolutionType;
+    private String cPreliminarySolution;
+    private String cCellName;
+    private String cCellId;
+    private String cOid;
+    private String cGnodebId;
+    private String cVendorName;
+    private String cProblemDate;
+    private String cIs5GFall;
+    private String cF0001;
+    private String cF0002;
+    private String cF0003;
+    private String cF0004;
+    private String cF0005;
+    private String cF0006;
+    private Double cF0010;
+    //天馈
+    private String dSdate;
+    private String dOrderId;
+    private String dProvinceId;
+    private String dProvinceName;
+    private String dCityId;
+    private String dCityName;
+    private String dDistrictId;
+    private String dDistrictName;
+    private String dWorkOrderTypes;
+    private String dWorkOrderType;
+    private String dTypeProblem;
+    private String dIssueSubclass;
+    private String dSolutionType;
+    private String dPreliminarySolution;
+    private String dCellName;
+    private String dCellId;
+    private String dPci;
+    private String dManufacturer;
+    private String dOperator;
+    private String dNetType;
+    private String dFreqMode;
+    private String duplexMode;
+    private String dBandWidth;
+    private String dLongitude;
+    private String dLatitude;
+    private String dDirectionAngle;
+    private String dAzimuthAnomaly;
+    private String dAntennaProblemType;
+    private Long dCellGridNumber;
+    private Long dNumberOfAbnormalGrids;
+    private Long dAnomalousSamplingPoints;
+    private Long dGridsThatFallInCell1;
+    private Long dGridsThatFallOn2Cells;
+    private Long dGridsThatFallOn3Cells;
+    private String dLaborParticipation;
+    //突变
+    //private TuBianEntity tuBianEntity;
+    private String eSdate;
+    private String eOrderId;
+    private String eProvinceId;
+    private String eProvinceName;
+    private String eCityId;
+    private String eCityName;
+    private String eDistrictId;
+    private String eDistrictName;
+    private String eWorkOrderTypes;
+    private String eWorkOrderType;
+    private String eTypeProblem;
+    private String eIssueSubclass;
+    private String eSolutionType;
+    private String ePreliminarySolution;
+    private String eCellName;
+    private String eCellId;
+    private String ePci;
+    private String eManufacturer;
+    private String eOperator;
+    private String eNetType;
+    private String eFreqMode;
+    private String eDuplexMode;
+    private String eDlFreq;
+    private String eBandWidth;
+    private String eLongitude;
+    private String eLatitude;
+    private String eDirectionAngle;
+    private String eDVolume;
+    private String eAverage7days;
+    private Double eFlowFluctuationRate;
+    private String eLaborParticipation;
+    private String eCellGridNumber;
+    private Double eTaVolatility;
+    //重点异常
+    //private YiChangEntity yiChangEntity;
+    private String fSdate;
+    private String fOrderId;
+    private String fProvince;
+    private String fCity;
+    private String fCounty;
+    private String fOrdersSentInHistory;
+    private String fWorkerOrderTypes;
+    private String fWorkerOrderType;
+    private String fTypeProblem;
+    private String fIssueSubclass;
+    private String fSolutionType;
+    private String fPreliminarySolution;
+    private String fSceneName;
+    private String fSceneOid;
+    private Double fSceneArea;
+    private Long fCellNumberScene;
+    private Long fCellNumber2g;
+    private Long fCellNumber3g;
+    private Long fCellNumber4g;
+    private Long fCellNumber5g;
+    private String fNetWork;
+    private Long fProblemCellNumber;
+    private String fInDoor;
+    private String fOrderIndex;
+    private String fVolumeRange;
+    private String fWeakRateRange;
+    private String fCellList1;
+    private String fCellId;
+    //重点覆盖不达标
+    //private FuGaiEntity fuGaiEntity;
+    private String gSdate;
+    private String gOrderId;
+    private String gProvince;
+    private String gCity;
+    private String gCounty;
+    private String gOrdersSentInHistory;
+    private String gWorkerOrderTypes;
+    private String gWorkerOrderType;
+    private String gTypeProblem;
+    private String gIssueSubclass;
+    private String gSolutionType;
+    private String gPreliminarySolution;
+    private String gSceneName;
+    private String gSceneOId;
+    private Double gSceneArea;
+    private Long gCellNumberScene;
+    private Long gCellNumber2g;
+    private Long gCellNumber3g;
+    private Long gCellNumber4g;
+    private Long gCellNumber5g;
+    private String gNetWork;
+    private Long gProblemCellNumber;
+    private String gInDoor;
+    private Double gRsrp105RateDl;
+    private Double gRsrp105RateLt;
+    private Double gRsrp105RateDx;
+    private Double gRsrp112RateDl;
+    private Double gRsrp112RateLt;
+    private Double gRsrp112RateDx;
+    private String gCoverRange;
+    private String gCellList1;
+    private String gCellId;
+    //重点低感知不达标
+    // private DiGanZhiEntity diGanZhiEntity;
+    private String hSdate;
+    private String hOrderId;
+    private String hProvince;
+    private String hCity;
+    private String hCounty;
+    private String hOrdersSentInHistory;
+    private String hWorkerOrderTypes;
+    private String hWorkerOrderType;
+    private String hTypeProblem;
+    private String hIssueSubclass;
+    private String hSolutionType;
+    private String hPreliminarySolution;
+    private String hSceneName;
+    private String hSceneOId;
+    private Double hSceneArea;
+    private Long hCellNumberScene;
+    private Long hCellNumber2G;
+    private Long hCellNumber3G;
+    private Long hCellNumber4G;
+    private Long hCellNumber5G;
+    private String hNetWork;
+    private Long hProblemCellNumber;
+    private String hOrderIndex;
+    private String hBigPacketRange;
+    private String hVideoRange;
+    private String hGameRange;
+    private String hCellList1;
+    private String hCellId;
+    //重点容量异常
+    //private RongLiangEntity rongLiangEntity;
+    private String iSdate;
+    private String iOrderId;
+    private String iProvince;
+    private String iCity;
+    private String iCounty;
+    private String iOrdersSentInHistory;
+    private String iWorkerOrderTypes;
+    private String iWorkerOrderType;
+    private String iTypeProblem;
+    private String iIssueSubclass;
+    private String iSolutionType;
+    private String iPreliminarySolution;
+    private String iSceneName;
+    private String iSceneOId;
+    private Double iSceneArea;
+    private Long iCellNumberScene;
+    private Long iCellNumber2G;
+    private Long iCellNumber3G;
+    private Long iCellNumber4G;
+    private Long iCellNumber5G;
+    private String iNetWork;
+    private Long iProblemCellNumber;
+    private String iOrderIndex;
+    private String iRrcRange;
+    private String iGfhRange;
+    private String iCellList1;
+    private String iCellId;

+ 42 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
+import lombok.Data;
+import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
+public class DataEntity {
+    private String sdate;
+    private String bWorkOrderTypes;
+    private String bWorkOrderType;
+    private String bTypeProblem;
+    private String bIssueSubclass;
+    private String bSolutionType;
+    private String bPreliminarySolution;
+    private String bOid;
+    private String bGnodebId;
+    private String bVendorName;
+    private String bProblemDate;
+    private String bDataDifferentialCell;
+    private String bLowRate;
+    private String bLowAccess;
+    private String bHighDropOff;
+    private Long bF0014;
+    private Long bF0015;
+    private String bF0016;
+    private String bF0004;
+    private String bF0005;
+    private Long bF0007;
+    private Long bF0008;
+    private String bF0009;
+    private Long bF0010;
+    private Long bF0011;
+    private String bF0012;
+    private String bF0006;
+    private String bF0001;
+    private String bF0002;
+    private String bF0003;
+    private String bF0013;

+ 39 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
+import lombok.Data;
+import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
+public class DiGanZhiEntity {
+    private String hSdate;
+    private String hOrderId;
+    private String hProvince;
+    private String hCity;
+    private String hCounty;
+    private String hOrdersSentInHistory;
+    private String hWorkerOrderTypes;
+    private String hWorkerOrderType;
+    private String hTypeProblem;
+    private String hIssueSubclass;
+    private String hSolutionType;
+    private String hPreliminarySolution;
+    private String hSceneName;
+    private String hSceneOId;
+    private Double hSceneArea;
+    private Long hCellNumberScene;
+    private Long hCellNumber2G;
+    private Long hCellNumber3G;
+    private Long hCellNumber4G;
+    private Long hCellNumber5G;
+    private String hNetWork;
+    private Long hProblemCellNumber;
+    private String hOrderIndex;
+    private String hBigPacketRange;
+    private String hVideoRange;
+    private String hGameRange;
+    private String hCellList1;
+    private String hCellId;

+ 43 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
+import lombok.Data;
+import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
+public class FuGaiEntity {
+    private String gSdate;
+    private String gOrderId;
+    private String gProvince;
+    private String gCity;
+    private String gCounty;
+    private String gOrdersSentInHistory;
+    private String gWorkerOrderTypes;
+    private String gWorkerOrderType;
+    private String gTypeProblem;
+    private String gIssueSubclass;
+    private String gSolutionType;
+    private String gPreliminarySolution;
+    private String gSceneName;
+    private String gSceneOId;
+    private Double gSceneArea;
+    private Long gCellNumberScene;
+    private Long gCellNumber2g;
+    private Long gCellNumber3g;
+    private Long gCellNumber4g;
+    private Long gCellNumber5g;
+    private String gNetWork;
+    private Long gProblemCellNumber;
+    private String gInDoor;
+    private Double gRsrp105RateDl;
+    private Double gRsrp105RateLt;
+    private Double gRsrp105RateDx;
+    private Double gRsrp112RateDl;
+    private Double gRsrp112RateLt;
+    private Double gRsrp112RateDx;
+    private String gCoverRange;
+    private String gCellList1;
+    private String gCellId;

+ 22 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
+import lombok.Data;
+import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
+public class Group4g {
+    private String provinceName;
+    private String cityName;
+    private String districtName;
+    private String cellName;
+    private String cellId;
+    private String gnodebId;
+    private String vendorName;
+    //工参表中区县分公司
+    private String countyId;
+    //基站名
+    private String sitename;

+ 22 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
+import lombok.Data;
+import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
+public class Group5g {
+    private String provinceName;
+    private String cityName;
+    private String districtName;
+    private String cellName;
+    private String cellId;
+    private String gnodebId;
+    private String vendorName;
+    //工参表中区县分公司
+    private String countyId;
+    //基站名
+    private String sitename;

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
+import lombok.Data;
+import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
+public class ListDanDu {
+    //基站id
+    private String gnodebId;
+    //工单类型
+    private String poorType;
+    private String sdateS;
+    private String netType;
+    //集团工单数量
+    private String groupListNum;

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
+import lombok.Data;
+import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
+public class OrderEntity {
+    private String orderId;

+ 38 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
+import lombok.Data;
+import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
+public class RongLiangEntity {
+    private String iSdate;
+    private String iOrderId;
+    private String iProvince;
+    private String iCity;
+    private String iCounty;
+    private String iOrdersSentInHistory;
+    private String iWorkerOrderTypes;
+    private String iWorkerOrderType;
+    private String iTypeProblem;
+    private String iIssueSubclass;
+    private String iSolutionType;
+    private String iPreliminarySolution;
+    private String iSceneName;
+    private String iSceneOId;
+    private Double iSceneArea;
+    private Long iCellNumberScene;
+    private Long iCellNumber2G;
+    private Long iCellNumber3G;
+    private Long iCellNumber4G;
+    private Long iCellNumber5G;
+    private String iNetWork;
+    private Long iProblemCellNumber;
+    private String iOrderIndex;
+    private String iRrcRange;
+    private String iGfhRange;
+    private String iCellList1;
+    private String iCellId;

+ 46 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
+import lombok.Data;
+import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
+public class TianKuiEntity {
+    private String dSdate;
+    private String dOrderId;
+    private String dProvinceId;
+    private String dProvinceName;
+    private String dCityId;
+    private String dCityName;
+    private String dDistrictId;
+    private String dDistrictName;
+    private String dWorkOrderTypes;
+    private String dWorkOrderType;
+    private String dTypeProblem;
+    private String dIssueSubclass;
+    private String dSolutionType;
+    private String dPreliminarySolution;
+    private String dCellName;
+    private String dCellId;
+    private String dPci;
+    private String dManufacturer;
+    private String dOperator;
+    private String dNetType;
+    private String dFreqMode;
+    private String duplexMode;
+    private String dBandWidth;
+    private String dLongitude;
+    private String dLatitude;
+    private String dDirectionAngle;
+    private String dAzimuthAnomaly;
+    private String dAntennaProblemType;
+    private Long dCellGridNumber;
+    private Long dNumberOfAbnormalGrids;
+    private Long dAnomalousSamplingPoints;
+    private Long dGridsThatFallInCell1;
+    private Long dGridsThatFallOn2Cells;
+    private Long dGridsThatFallOn3Cells;
+    private String dLaborParticipation;

+ 44 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
+import lombok.Data;
+import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
+public class TuBianEntity {
+    private String eSdate;
+    private String eOrderId;
+    private String eProvinceId;
+    private String eProvinceName;
+    private String eCityId;
+    private String eCityName;
+    private String eDistrictId;
+    private String eDistrictName;
+    private String eWorkOrderTypes;
+    private String eWorkOrderType;
+    private String eTypeProblem;
+    private String eIssueSubclass;
+    private String eSolutionType;
+    private String ePreliminarySolution;
+    private String eCellName;
+    private String eCellId;
+    private String ePci;
+    private String eManufacturer;
+    private String eOperator;
+    private String eNetType;
+    private String eFreqMode;
+    private String eDuplexMode;
+    private String eDlFreq;
+    private String eBandWidth;
+    private String eLongitude;
+    private String eLatitude;
+    private String eDirectionAngle;
+    private String eDVolume;
+    private String eAverage7days;
+    private Double eFlowFluctuationRate;
+    private String eLaborParticipation;
+    private String eCellGridNumber;
+    private Double eTaVolatility;

+ 52 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
+import lombok.Data;
+import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
+public class VoiceEntity {
+    private String cSdate;
+    private String cOrderId;
+    private String cProvinceId;
+    private String cProvinceName;
+    private String cCityId;
+    private String cCityName;
+    private String cDistrictId;
+    private String cDistrictName;
+    private String cWorkOrderTypes;
+    private String cWorkOrderType;
+    private String cTypeProblem;
+    private String cIssueSubclass;
+    private String cSolutionType;
+    private String cPreliminarySolution;
+    private String cCellName;
+    private String cCellId;
+    private String cOid;
+    private String cGnodebId;
+    private String cVendorName;
+    private String cProblemDate;
+    private String cIsLowperception;
+    private String cIsLowCond;
+    private String cIsHighCond;
+    private String cIsUpConf;
+    private String cIsDownConf;
+    private String cF0001;
+    private Long cF0002;
+    private Long cF0003;
+    private Double cF0004;
+    private Long cF0005;
+    private Long cF0006;
+    private Double cF0007;
+    private Long cF0008;
+    private Long cF0009;
+    private Double cF0010;
+    private Long cF0011;
+    private Long cF0012;
+    private Double cF0013;
+    private Long cF0014;
+    private Long cF0015;
+    private Double cF0016;

+ 39 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
+import lombok.Data;
+import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
+public class YiChangEntity {
+    private String fSdate;
+    private String fOrderId;
+    private String fProvince;
+    private String fCity;
+    private String fCounty;
+    private String fOrdersSentInHistory;
+    private String fWorkerOrderTypes;
+    private String fWorkerOrderType;
+    private String fTypeProblem;
+    private String fIssueSubclass;
+    private String fSolutionType;
+    private String fPreliminarySolution;
+    private String fSceneName;
+    private String fSceneOid;
+    private Double fSceneArea;
+    private Long fCellNumberScene;
+    private Long fCellNumber2g;
+    private Long fCellNumber3g;
+    private Long fCellNumber4g;
+    private Long fCellNumber5g;
+    private String fNetWork;
+    private Long fProblemCellNumber;
+    private String fInDoor;
+    private String fOrderIndex;
+    private String fVolumeRange;
+    private String fWeakRateRange;
+    private String fCellList1;
+    private String fCellId;

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